Meaning-Based Intervention Lesson 1 short /a/ Prototype Level II February 2018
short /a/ Day 1 1. LEA 2. Word-Building 3. Cloze 4. Fluency 5. Writing 6. Comprehension Level II
I. Language Experience Activity Students dictate to the teacher (can be done in small group or individually). Sentences recorded on a separate word document, screen, or poster. There must be a minimum of 5 sentences. Students re-read until fluency is achieved. The paragraph/story is then used for analytic phonics mini-lesson. Students’ stories should be dated, saved, and used for reading practice on subsequent days.
2. word building Level II short /a/
ant apple ax cat
add - ed added cl – app - ed clapped
n - app - ing napping b - ack - ed backed
gr – abb - ed grabbed c - all - ing calling
p - ack - ing packing fl - ash - ed flashed
dr - agg - ing dragging un – p - ack unpack
th - ank - s thanks th - ank - ful thankful
pl – ann - ed planned dr - agg - ing dragging
b - ash - ful bashful tr - a – sh trash
cr - ash - ed crashed sm - all - est smallest
gr - abb- ing grabbing a
Short /a/ added clapped napping backed grabbed calling packing flashed dragging unpack thanks thankful planned dragging bashful trash crashed smallest grabbing Short /a/
3. cloze Level II short /a/
ant apple ax cat
Sally clapped her h_ _ _ _ after the show Sally clapped her h_ _ _ _ after the show. Sally clapped her hands after the show. Adam added too m_ _ _ salt to the soup. Adam added too much salt to the soup.
The atmosphere is the layer of air around the e_ _ _ _ The atmosphere is the layer of air around the e_ _ _ _ . The atmosphere is the layer of air around the earth. Sammy was napping in the back s_ _ _ of the car. Sammy was napping in the back seat of the car.
Frank planned to ride the b_ _ to school Frank planned to ride the b_ _ to school. Frank planned to ride the bus to school. Jan was dragging the plow be_ _ _ _ the tractor. Jan was dragging the plow behind the tractor.
Adam was packing his b_ _ to go home Adam was packing his b_ _ to go home. Adam was packing his bag to go home. Frank g_ _ _ the package to Samantha. Frank gave the package to Samantha.
Sam backed his c_ _ out of the garage Sam backed his c_ _ out of the garage. Sam backed his car out of the garage. A gnat is a sm_ _ _ bug. A gnat is a small bug.
Amanda was st_ _ _ _ _ _ on the platform Amanda was st_ _ _ _ _ _ on the platform. Amanda was standing on the platform. Sandy w_ _ flattered the compliment. Sandy was flattered the compliment.
C_ _ _ _ the ball. Catch the ball C_ _ _ _ the ball! Catch the ball! Please p_ _ the trash in the trashcan. Please put the trash in the trashcan.
Saturn is a large pl_ _ _ _. Saturn is a large planet Saturn is a large pl_ _ _ _. Saturn is a large planet. Can you flatten the pop c_ _ with your foot? Can you flatten the pop can with your foot?
Pamela crashed her c _ _ into the tree Pamela crashed her car into the tree The seeds were scattered on the gr_ _ _ _. The seeds were scattered on the ground.
Wipe your f_ _ _ on the doormat. Wipe your feet on the doormat Wipe your f_ _ _ on the doormat. Wipe your feet on the doormat. What’s the m_ _ _ _ _ with you? What’s the matter with you?
4. Fluency: SPF Short /a/
4. Short Passage Fluency (SPF) is a paper-based repeated reading activity that uses a series of Really Silly Stories (RSS). Each story is broken into daily sections. In each section, 30- and 40-word increments are designated with bold-faced type and underlines. Students read a daily section aloud three times, stopping at their designated target level (30 or 40 words). Each attempt is timed. Students then record their three times on a graph. Some prefer to use paper. A paper version of these are included.
“Hello Pat,” said Ted. “How are you?” “I’m fine, Ted,” said Pat. “Why do you ask?” “Well,” said Ted, “There’s a frog sitting on top of your head.” “Yes,” said Pat, “There is a frog sitting on my head.” “Why is there a frog sitting on your head?” ask Ted. “Most people that I know do not have frogs sitting on their heads.”
Record the times for each attempt.
5. Writing – short /a/ Level II
Priming Pictures. Show students the picture or image. Ask them to tell you what’s going on, describe what’s happening, or tell what they wish to say about the picture. This can be done orally or in writing. One sentence is fine.
What do you want to say about this picture? What’s happening here?
Template writing. Using the template, students write the complete sentences in their journal.
My name is ___. I can _____.
6. Comprehension Tom and Ricky Mystery Series
THE FALLING SKY MYSTERY This is another mystery with Ricky, his dog Patches, and Tom. In this book, they see a falling star and go to see where it landed. They find that somebody is looking for it too.
Chapter 1: The Space Rock Pre-reading: Maze Chapter 1: The Space Rock Pre-reading: Maze. The maze provides a preview of the chapter. Read with students and give them just enough support to avoid frustration. At the end, reread the paragraph until fluency is achieved.
Ricky was going to bed. He saw a star [sitting - falling - little] in the sky. He saw a star falling in the sky. It [then - day - was] a space rock. It was a space rock.
The [were - next -sip] morning, Ricky and Tom go to look for it The [were - next -sip] morning, Ricky and Tom go to look for it. The next morning, Ricky and Tom go to look for it. It landed [it- on - map] a farm. It landed on a farm. The farm was big. Read to find out what Tom and Ricky do.
Ricky was going to bed. He saw a star falling in the sky Ricky was going to bed. He saw a star falling in the sky. It was a space rock. The next morning, Ricky and Tom go to look for it. It landed on a farm. The farm was big.
short /a/ Day 1 1. LEA 2. Word-Building 3. Cloze 4. Fluency 5. Writing 6. Comprehension Level II
Meaning-Based Intervention Lesson 1 short /a/ Prototype Level II February 2018