Race and Ethnicity Chapter 12 Pages 318-329
RACE RACE: A group with inherited physical characteristics that distinguish it from another group Sociologists race is a social classification Different groups around the world have different characteristics that classify race Brazil: children born to the same parents may be of a different race...
RACE (cont) Race is a label we use to describe perceived biological characteristics black vs white--origin: (during slavery) whites wanted to preserve the “purity” of their race. Now called “multi-racial” Race categories are arbitrary. Location, societal values, time period all affect “race” Race lies in the eyes of the beholder 2 to 2000 different racial groups identified and classified Ethnocentrism “My culture is the right culture.”
RACE (cont) Racial superiority exists because people are ethnocentric Hitler and the Aryan race (tall, blonde, blue eyes) Racial superiority is evident throughout the ages Romans British USA Germany Rwanda Serbia, etc.
ETHNIC GROUPS ETHNIC GROUP: People who identify with one another on the basis of common ancestry and cultural heritage Applies to cultural characteristics Many confuse race with ethnic groups Jews are an ethnic group, not a race Ethiopian vs European vs Chinese Jews
MINORITY GROUPS Definition: People who are singled out for unequal treatment and who regard themselves a subject of collective discrimination A minority group is NOT a numerical minority Example: South Africa under apartheid or India controlled by the British Physical or cultural differences can serve as the basis for discrimination Discrimination excludes the minority from full participation in the life of their society
MINORITY GROUPS (cont) A group that does the discriminating are NOT considered the majority, but called the dominant group How minority groups are created Expansion of political boundaries Example: US annexed the south western states Migration Example: slaves from Africa (forced) or Mexicans coming to the US (voluntary) Females Unsure how this occurred, but females are the minority in EVERY culture
MINORITY GROUPS (cont) Shared characteristics of a minority Ascribed status Physical or cultural traits are held in low esteem by the dominant group Unequally treated by the dominant group Tend to marry within their own group (endogamy) Exogamy: Marriage out side the group Tend to feel a strong group solidarity shared sense of identity and sometimes common destiny
ETHNIC IDENTITY MELTING POT – View that Americans of various backgrounds blend into a sort of ethnic stew
PREJUDICE and DISCRIMINATION Discrimination is an act of unfair treatment directed against an individual or group and see all over world. can be based on a number of conditions such as age, income, marital status, etc. When the basis of discrimination is race, it is called racism
PREJUDICE and DISCRIMINATION (cont) Discrimination is often the result of an attitude called “prejudice” (pre-judging) Prejudice is usually a negative attitude resulting in looking at a group as inferior Prejudice CAN be positive which exaggerates the virtues of the group Ethnocentrism is so widespread, that prejudice is evident almost everywhere
PREJUDICE and DISCRIMINATION (cont) Individual discrimination: the negative treatment of one person by another Institutional discrimination: how discrimination is such a part of society that it becomes routine Sociologists focus on this aspect of discrimination Examples Home mortgages: racial minorities are less likely to receive loans. Health Care: Whites are more likely to receive medical care. This type of discrimination may be unintentional
Theories of Prejudice Why are people prejudice? Negative experience? Fear of the unknown? Other reasons? Psychological perspectives: Frustration and scapegoats When frustrated, people tend to project their frustration outward—onto a scapegoat Authoritarian personality: Theodor Alderno Dislike ambiguity (religion and sex), clear lines of right and/or wrong, anxious when their norms are challenged. Leads to exertion of power and defining those that differ as inferior.