The Brookings Institution Metropolitan Policy Program CIOs and Economic Development: Harnessing Information to Drive the Economy Emerging Components Task Force MITRE Corporation, October 25, 2005 BROOKINGS INSTITUTION METROPOLITAN POLICY PROGRAM
A new importance for role of CIO in economic development As a demanding buyer for sophisticated information services CIOs can directly impact growth of robust software and technology clusters Example: WPAFB/Dayton Ohio Deploying “e-government” services extensively throughout enterprise CIOs can push companies to adopt e-business platforms that will provide productivity savings across their entire supplier/producer network Example: Ohio’s Workers Compensation Program Building infrastructure to extend enterprise and link to universities, education institutions CIOs can lower costs of connectivity across state government, advance research agenda for university/education and boost competitive pricing for infrastructure services in remote areas of states Example: Connecticut’s Dark Fiber Initiative As an exemplar for early deployment of advanced services CIOs can force change in private sector markets by incentivizing development of “leapfrog” technologies Example: Kentucky’s Affordable Housing Initiative BROOKINGS INSTITUTION METROPOLITAN POLICY PROGRAM
Information from the Digital Enterprise Powers Economic Change Insights Knowledge Analysis Information Data ACTION BROOKINGS INSTITUTION METROPOLITAN POLICY PROGRAM
The Next Challenge: Harnessing Information to Drive Markets Fully implemented, the digital enterprise lays the groundwork for more… Open, accessible, transparent information tools can be used widely to: Support better public choices Connect citizens to their government and to the economic mainstream Make our communities competitive places for investment in the next decade Map our future, set goals and measure progress BROOKINGS INSTITUTION METROPOLITAN POLICY PROGRAM
Information is crucial to investment decisions that move the US economy The Information Cycle Market Actors Urban Markets Data Reporters Business Individuals Government Agencies Banks Creditors Collection and “Report-to” Agencies Federal State Local Private Information Analysts Methods Tools Output Access Tools Web tools Publications GIS maps Business And Industry Actionable Knowledge US Economy Government People Key intervention points to generate new or enhanced info might be: challenging collectors to collect standardized, usable information encouraging collectors to make info more transparent and accessible overcome the bias of consumer tools (ie Purch power per sq mi) Community Based Organizations BROOKINGS INSTITUTION METROPOLITAN POLICY PROGRAM
The Federal Role is Critical and Pervasive US Economy Actionable Knowledge Market Actors Data Reporters Collection Agencies Information Analysts Access Tools Federal Government is involved in every step of the cycle: Reporter: on own activities and administrative programs Collection agency: for survey data and mandatory administrative records from business, taxpayers, etc. Analyst: for major indices of economic performance, agency performance and outcomes data Access Tools: publishes data in a variety of media and seeds a multi-million dollar information industry Market Actor: Through administrative programs, invests in places, people and markets Key intervention points to generate new or enhanced info might be: challenging collectors to collect standardized, usable information encouraging collectors to make info more transparent and accessible overcome the bias of consumer tools (ie Purch power per sq mi) BROOKINGS INSTITUTION METROPOLITAN POLICY PROGRAM
CIOs will remain at the center of economic development Federal Multiple efforts to develop portals and mapping interfaces for public and statistical use State Extensive investment in Egovernmnent initiatives; Significant source Of administrative records Local Development of network Of community statistical Systems with ability To collect and Analyze data for Local input Technology Enable a more effective, seamless US statistical infrastructure empowering better public choice BROOKINGS INSTITUTION METROPOLITAN POLICY PROGRAM
NICS Community of Practice State Agencies State Data Users Federal Agencies Community Data Users National Infrastructure for Community Statistics (NICS) Commercial Private Sector Users Foundation/ Investor Users NICS Community of Practice BROOKINGS INSTITUTION METROPOLITAN POLICY PROGRAM
NICS Community of Practice State Agencies State Data Users Federal Agencies Community Data Users Data Comparisons Analysis Live links to data sources Metadata standards Web-service tools National Infrastructure for Community Statistics (NICS) Commercial Private Sector Users Foundation/ Investor Users NICS Community of Practice Collaboratively plan and invest Standard interface, metadata, tools BROOKINGS INSTITUTION METROPOLITAN POLICY PROGRAM
NICS Community of Practice State Agencies State Data Users Federal Agencies Community Data Users Middleware tools Access Protocols National Infrastructure for Community Statistics (NICS) Web Services Metadata Standards Privacy Standards Commercial Private Sector Users Foundation/ Investor Users NICS Community of Practice BROOKINGS INSTITUTION METROPOLITAN POLICY PROGRAM
Towards a National Infrastructure for Community Statistics (NICS) Network of links between public and private data sources and users at the community, state, regional, private sector and federal levels An “information bus” powering thousands of state, local applications Cooperative venture between governments, non-profits and private sector Currently in “organization” phase Over 40 Federal agencies 100s of community statistical systems Now soliciting state-level involvement BROOKINGS INSTITUTION METROPOLITAN POLICY PROGRAM
NICS will help to… Achieve better community outcomes Lower costs for operating statistical infrastructure at local, state, federal levels Quantify the payback on extensive e-government applications at state and federal levels Use transactional data for program evaluation and change Provide easy access to benchmarking data from comparative communities, programs, state, national level BROOKINGS INSTITUTION METROPOLITAN POLICY PROGRAM
Overall NICS Development Process Phase I: Develop concept Phase II: Understanding User Needs for NICs Local, state, federal Phase III: Implement NICS Lots of players, lots of parts! BROOKINGS INSTITUTION METROPOLITAN POLICY PROGRAM
Questions, Comments? Contact: Pari Sabety Director, Urban Markets Initiative Metropolitan Policy Program The Brookings Institution 1775 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202) 797-4397 Email: BROOKINGS INSTITUTION METROPOLITAN POLICY PROGRAM