The Easy Way to Call Landlines, Cell Phones, Video Chat or IM from Computer to Computer. Conference calls and voic too.
Skype History Originally developed in 2002 by same developers of Kazaa domain registered in 2003 In 2005 purchased by eBay Rumor has it that eBay is going to spin it off as a separate company or may sell to Google.
What Is Skype A VoIP telephony network Or software that lets you make phone calls over the internet
What You Need to Use Skype Basics are three/free Computer with internet accessshould be faster than dial up for best performance DSL or Cable Softwarefree download from A microphone and headsetyou may already have, or can be purchased inexpensively (Webcam for video calls)
Why Use Skype Already own computer and pay for internet service, why not use it to cut costs on long distance phone calls Calls can be free or low cost Technology keeps improving and sound quality may be better than your cell phone or regular phone
Things you CANT Do With A Regular Phone Send and receive large files that might choke your Send and receive live video all over the world All transmissions over Skype are secure and encrypted Skype permits and ENCOURAGES third- party add-ons
No emergency calls with Skype. Skype is not a replacement for your ordinary telephone and can't be used for emergency calling
First Steps Download the software and install Create a Skype name (or handle) Test your audio (and video) settings Add a contact and make your first call you may have to wait for contact to accept your invitation to use Skype
Free Calls Calls from computer to computer (Skype user) are totally free, no restrictions to time of day or length of call
Skype OUT If you want to do more than the basics, you will have to pay If you want to call grandma and she does not have a computeryou can call her landline for a small fee, many calls are about 2cents per/min
Skype IN Your personal online number People who do not use Skype can dial your Skype online number from any phone They pay as if they were calling any landline (if you have a Los Angeles number, people in LA=local call, people in NY=toll call)
What You Can Do With Skype Call to or receive a call from a regular telephone, a cell phone, or a computer on the Internet. Send or receive files over the Internet to and from fellow Skypers. Search Outlook contacts and call them within Skype Hold a conference call with a group of people. Besides participating in audio conferencing, you can " simul-chat " with your conference participants - exchanging text, live Web links, and files. Make video calls. Initiate a group chat. Hold a Skypecast for as many as 100 people at a time. Transmit secure and encrypted voice conversations, text, file transfers, and video.
What can you do with Skype Credit? Purchase Products & Services -Voic , Call Forwarding, Text Messaging Webcams, Headsets, Corded and WiFi Phones
How Skype Credit works Skype Credit remains active for 180 days after your last use of a product or feature that uses credit. Skype Credit balances on accounts with no activity during a 180 day period will be lost. $10.00 minimum purchase
Monthly Subscriptions Unlimited calls to landlines – any time, day or night. No long-term contract. Unlimited US & Canada $2.95 per month
Personal or Business Skype is a great personal communication tool, but it can be used for business purposes also Suppose you are at the Chicago airport and need to conference call with the sales department in Dallas and Product Development in San Francisco, with a WiFi connection at the airport you can do it