Agriculture Science Ms. Selman 2016
Class Materials: 3 ring binder 5 dividers Package of Index Cards or Paper Towels Notebook paper Pens or pencil Book Cover (Biology only)
Routines Class will almost always start with bellwork Class time will be a combination of direct instruction, independent practice, class discussion, and group activities. Most work will be placed in the correct notebook section and graded twice a quarter. Things that need to be turned in daily will go in the box on my desk. Assignments being returned will be in the boxes by the door. Tests must be taken on the day given unless you have an EXCUSED absence. Then you have 1 week to make it up after school.
Class Rules: R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Class Rules: Responsibility
Class Rules: Attendance
Class Rules: Attention
Tardy BE ON TIME! Bellwork points are only given if you are on time Sign in on the Clip board if you are tardy so you are not marked absent Roll is taken by the seating chart- so be in your seat when the bell rings.
Make-up Work Responsibility of the student to check the blog and get the work done when absent Work should be made up within three days of the excused absence for no penalty.
Late Work Students must use a “hall pass/late slip” to turn in work late for full credit. Out of slips? It’s worth 50% of what you earn.
Homework Designed to prepare students for class assignments and/or extend learning beyond the classroom. Students should expect some out-of-class work in the form of larger projects or assignments to assess skills and knowledge over long-range time period No specific “Homework Grade.” In the grade book, it will go in as straight points just like everything else. Due at the START of class.
Assessment & Grading Grades calculated using a TOTAL POINTS system. Grades are updated in Portal as soon as possible
Extra Credit Offered during the term on certain assignments and participation in programs Same extra credit is offered to all- there will be no extra credit to individuals at the end of the term who want to “fix” something.
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