Blood!! Identify the correct question Click to Play! D. Johnson 2011 The Visual System Neuro Quiz Identify the correct question Click to Play! Michael McKeough 2008 Click to Play! D. Johnson 2011
Body Landmarks and Positions Cells Function Blood Typing Pathology Misc. 100 200 300 400 500 Visual System Neuro Quiz Categories: Receptors Central Pathway Physiology Miscellaneous Pathology Click category value to begin.
Cells 100 Biconcave, aneucleated cells found in blood Receptors for 100 This is the most anterior structure of the globe (eye ball). It provides protection to the anterior chamber. It becomes drier and less flexible with age. What is the cornea? What are the erythrocytes? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Cells 200 The term describing all the living cells found in blood. Receptors for 200 This aperture reflexively regulates the level of illumination in the posterior chamber. Under normal circumstances it is reactive to light. What is the pupil? What are the formed elements? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Cells 300 This substance makes up 55% of the hematocrit. Receptors for 300 These receptors are sensitive to black and white. They are also sensitive to lines, edges and motion. They are the most numerous receptors in the retina, particularly toward the periphery. What are rods? What is the Plasma ? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Cells 400 In centrifuged blood this layer contains WBCs and platelets Receptors for 400 This structure produces the “blind spot” in the visual field. It covers the ganglion cells as they exit the globe. What is the optic disk? What is the buffy layer? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Cells 500 Erythrocytes contain approximately 250 million of these protein molecules. Receptors for 500 This is the “preferred” region of the retina. It contains a 1:1 relationship between cones and bipolar cells. What is the fovea centralis? What is hemoglobin? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Function 100 These blood cells as a group are involved in the immune response Central Pathway for 100 These cells form the first-order neurons in the central visual pathway. They innervate both rods and cones. What are bipolar cells? What are leukocytes? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Function 200 This component of blood is the nonliving connective tissue matrix. Central Pathway for 200 This pathway projects from the optic chiasm to the thalamus. It consists of fibers from the ipsilateral temporal hemiretina and contralateral nasal hemiretina. What is the optic tract? What is blood plasma? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Function 300 These leukocytes are found in increased numbers if a person has a parasitic infection. Central Pathway for 300 This nucleus is the thalamic relay center for the central visual pathway. It contains the cell bodies of third-order neurons. What is the lateral geniculate nucleus? What are eosinophils? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Function 400 This element is essential in the function of hemoglobin. Each hemoglobin molecule contains four of these atoms Central Pathway for 400 These fibers consist of third-order neurons projecting from the thalamus to the primary visual cortex. They arch around the lateral ventricle to reach their destination. What are the optic radiation fibers? What is iron? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Phagocytize “clean” up damaged tissues in chronic infections? Function 500 Monocytes, an agranulocyte, are the largest leukocyte. Their main function is to? Phagocytize “clean” up damaged tissues in chronic infections? Central Pathway for 500 This sulcus contains the primary visual cortex within the occipital lobe. It is visible on a midsaggital section of the brain. Area 17 of Brodmann is located on both its superior and inferior banks. What is the calcarine sulcus? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Blood Typing 100 The Blood type that carries no protein markers. What is type O blood? Physiology for 100 This structure is located in the anterior chamber and gives the eye its color. What is the iris? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Blood Typing 200 If a transfusion is performed with the wrong blood type, blood cells clump together. What is agglutination? Physiology for 200 These are the three color sensitivities on which color vision is based. What are red, blue, and green? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Blood Typing 300 If a person has type A blood, these type of antibodies would be found in their blood. What type B antibodies? Physiology for 300 The receptor potential in rods is due to the bleaching of this substance. What is rhodopsin? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Blood Typing 400 This blood type is the universal recipient because they have no blood serum antibodies ? What is type AB blood? Physiology for 400 This structure, in the human retina, absorbs light after it passes by the receptors. What is the choroid? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Blood Typing 500 A patient is Type A+ blood. These are the blood types compatible with a first transfusion. What are types A+, A-, O+ and O-? Physiology for 500 The eyes deviate in this direction when the speaker is visually remembering images. What is up and to the left? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Pathology 100 This generic condition results in a decreased oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. What is anemia? Miscellaneous for 100 These extraocular muscles are named for the direction in which they move the eye. There are 4 pairs of these muscles in each eye. What are the rectus muscles? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Pathology 200 Excessive erythrocyte production increases blood viscosity and impairs circulation. What is polycythemia? Miscellaneous for 200 This type of eye movement is used to reposition the globe from one visual target to another. These movements occur so quickly as to be imperceptible. What is saccadic movement? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Pathology 300 This sex linked genetic defect results in a deficiency of clotting factors? What is hemophilia? Miscellaneous for 300 This clear fluid fills the posterior chamber. What is vitreous humor? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Pathology 400 This cancer of the bone marrow may result in this condition of an overproduction of WBCs? What is leukemia? Miscellaneous for 400 This portion of the retina receives images from the lateral portion of the visual field. Fibers originating here cross the midline in the optic chiasm. What is the nasal hemiretina? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Pathology 500 Bonus - You win a nanopoint? ??????? Return to Miscellaneous for 500 Gives an object its color. What is the frequency of light waves reflected by the visual target? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Misc. 100 This term describe the process of of blood cell formation? What is hematopoiesis? Pathology for 100 A lesion of this structure produces monocular blindness. What is the optic nerve? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Misc. 200 This hormone stimulates hematocytoblasts to make more RBCs.? What is erythropoeitin? Pathology for 200 This clinical test is commonly used to examine the oculomotor system (extraocular muscles). What are the cardinal planes of gaze? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Misc. 300 This is the protein that is essential for the final stage of coagulation The protein fibrinogen is activated by the enzyme thrombin Pathology for 300 This type of abnormal, involuntary eye movement consists of slow and fast components. It is associated with damage to the vestibular and cerebellar systems. What is nystagmus? What is fibrin? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Misc. 400 These organs release a hormonein response to chronically low blood oxygen levels? What are the kidneys? Pathology for 400 Age-related deficits in visual acuity (presbyopia) are caused by this impairment. It is caused by a progressive loss of fluid. It usually results in farsightedness (hyperopia). What is impaired lens accommodation? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question
Misc. 500 These protein fragments become bound to exposed collagen fibers when blood vessels are damaged staring the clotting proccess. What are platelets? Pathology for 500 This is the most common visual impairment (field cut) associated with stroke. It is caused by a lesion affecting the central visual pathway posterior to the optic chiasm. What is hemianopsia? Return to Game Board Click to reveal the question