PPE Program 29 CFR 1910.132 -OSHA requirement for this company to have a Personal Protective Equipment Program to protect employees from exposure to hazardous chemicals. Facility Manager –operates as the on-site Safety Officer ensuring compliance to PPE program Report Errors to Management
Hazards Assessment The Facility Manager with assistance from Company representatives will identify job classifications where hazards or exposures occur or could occur. Job tasks have been identified on the work place evaluation form. Hazards that effect CSP the most are” Chemical Liquids Impact Electrical During the walk through, Company representatives will observe and record hazardous conditions and the part of the body that could be affected. Report Errors to Management
PPE Selection 1. Become familiar with the potential hazards and the type of protective equipment (PPE) that are available, and what they can do. 2. Compare the hazards associated with the environment. 3. Select the PPE that provides a level of protection greater than the minimum required to protect employees from the identified hazards. 4. Order PPE as described in Section 8.0 of this program, (PPE Ordering). 5. Fit the user with the proper, comfortable, well-fitting protective device and give instructions on care and use of the PPE. It is important that users are aware of all warning labels and PPE limitations. Report Errors to Management
PPE Training PPE is necessary for the day to day operations at CSP. Basic PPE is mandatory to enter the plant. Visitors receive a mouth piece respirator. Employees carry a half and full face respirator that is fitted through a professional test. Basic PPE includes Safety glasses or glasses with side shields, hardhat, safety shoes, half face respirator. Specific PPE is listed in section 6th of the CSP Safety and Environmental manual Report Errors to Management
PPE Training Employees are trained in the proper use of the PPE during the fit test performed every year. Annual refresher training will be conducted and will include: When PPE is necessary. Which PPE is necessary. How to wear assigned PPE. Limitations of PPE; and The proper care, maintenance, useful life and disposal of assigned PPE. You should not use it to enter areas low in oxygen with escape respirators. Report Errors to Management
Cleaning and Maintenance Employees are responsible for inspecting and cleaning their PPE in a daily bases. CSP provides safety wipes for the day to day cleaning of respirators. Cleaning is important for eye and face protection. Dirty or fogged lenses could impair vision. PPE is to be inspected, cleaned and maintained by employees at regular intervals as part of their normal job duties. Report Errors to Management
CSP PPE Standard PPE Requirements Standard Work Requirements: 1. Safety glasses or prescription safety glasses. Some glasses may require side shields. 2. Safety toe boots/shoes. Shoes are acceptable. Boots are preferable. Slip- ons or footwear with mesh (i.e. athletic shoes or hiking boots) are not allowed 3. Plant personnel shall have in their possession a half-face or escape respirator at all times. 4. Hard hats are required in designated areas (plant and loading area). 5. When wearing a full-face respirator, goggles and face shield are not required. 6. When chemical splash goggles are required, it is not required to wear safety glasses. 7. Contact lenses are not allowed within production areas or when handling hazardous chemicals. Exceptions must be approved by Facility Manager. Report Errors to Management
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PPE for Acid Loading (see section 6.0 of Safety Manual) Report Errors to Management
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PRESCRIPTION SAFETY GLASSES The CSP will provide a $150.00 reimbursement for safety prescription eyewear. Employee purchasing safety prescription eyewear must complete the Safety Equipment Authorization Form (PR507) to request reimbursement or authorize a payroll deduction. Report Errors to Management
Safety Shoes and Boots The CSP provides an $85.00 reimbursement for safety shoes. Employees purchasing safety shoes must complete the Safety Equipment Authorization Form (PE507) to request reimbursement or authorize a payroll deduction. Report Errors to Management
PPE The purpose of PPE is to send you home the same way you came into work. The following three slides are pictures of chemical burns. If you are squeamish you may skip them Report Errors to Management
Acid Burn Report Errors to Management
3% Hypo Burn CSP Uses 10-13% Hypo Report Errors to Management
Caustic Burn Report Errors to Management