Human Capital Management Alan Kinsey 800-494-5922
Human Capital Management Our Agenda: Challenges Today’s Employee Preferences New Approaches
Human Capital Management
Human Capital Management
Human Capital Management According to a recent Harris poll, 71% of the workforce is open to changing jobs.
Human Capital Management
Human Capital Management
Human Capital Management 10,000 baby boomers will turn 65 every day - for the next 13 years.
Human Capital Management
Human Capital Management The Skills Gap Misery Index is 137. Anything above 100 represents a gap in skills when compared to the needs of employers.
Human Capital Management
Human Capital Management
Human Capital Management 69% of 2016 graduates plan to stay in their first job for at least 3 years. 33% plan to stay in their first job 5 years or more.
Human Capital Management 51% of 2016 graduates are willing to work outside normal business hours. 72% are willing to relocate for the right job offer.
Human Capital Management 44% of 2016 graduates would prefer to work for a small or medium sized business. Only 14% prefer to work for a large corporation.
Human Capital Management 60% of 2016 graduates prefer full time employment vs. part-time, or temporary contract work.
Human Capital Management 92% of 2016 graduates want to work for an employer that demonstrates social responsibility.
Human Capital Management
Human Capital Management Today’s employees want their employment experience “personalized”.
Human Capital Management
Human Capital Management Today’s employees want their work to be interesting and meaningful.
Human Capital Management
Human Capital Management Today’s employees want to work in an open and engaging environment. According to Gallup 87% of employees do not feel engaged.
Human Capital Management
Human Capital Management Only 25% of employees feel they have professional growth opportunities Too specialized/not given new projects No open discussion of career opportunities Have skills that are not being used
Human Capital Management Only 31% of employees feel strongly valued. Lack of positive recognition Excess focus on the negative/mistakes Lack of guidance and support
Human Capital Management
Human Capital Management Hiring Process: Over 50% of candidates will not apply for a job unless they can apply with a mobile device. If your application process takes more than a 5 or10 minutes, 25 - 50 % of candidates will not complete the process. Automate/streamline your process to appeal to top candidates.
Human Capital Management Hiring Process: Utilize validated assessments to scientifically determine whether applicants have the skills and behavioral traits necessary for success in your organization. Are they willing, able, and will they fit with your culture?
Human Capital Management Hiring Process: For non entry level positions, utilize professional references to determine whether applicants have demonstrated leadership potential in a prior role.
Human Capital Management Frequent positive reinforcement to balance necessary corrections. Show appreciation. Connect work and outcomes to the overall purpose of your organization – show why it matters. Consider mentoring program.
Human Capital Management Training and Career Development: Hyper-personalize the training activities. Frequent lateral movement and project assessments. On-the-job training vs formal training. Less formal and more experiential.
Human Capital Management
Human Capital Management Training and Career Development: Create multiple avenues for career advancement. Think rock wall vs single ladder to the top.
Human Capital Management Summary: Today’s employees want and demand a different employment experience. To recruit and retain these employees requires change in process and management style. If done well, it can produce a more engaged workforce that can be more agile and adaptive to rapid change.
Human Capital Management Alan Kinsey 800-494-5922 The information presented by Inquirehire is not intended to be legal advice. Inquirehire recommends that you consult with legal counsel before making any decisions related to the information presented.