Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest By: Steve Jenkins Genre: Expository Non-Fiction Skill: Compare and Contrast Author’s Purpose:
Say It! depths average tides peak desert waterfalls outrun
More Words to Know extreme precipitation temperature
depth deepness
average common
tides rise and fall of ocean water
peak top of a mountain
desert place that is very dry
waterfalls tumbling waterways
What is the depth of the ocean floor?
What is the depth of the ocean floor? . What is the depth of the ocean floor?
The family hiked to the top of the mountain peak.
The family hiked to the top of the mountain peak.
We cannot outrun a leopard.
We cannot outrun a leopard.
It is dangerous to jump from the top of high waterfalls.
It is dangerous to jump from the top of high waterfalls.
The ocean tides have washed up some jellyfish on the shore.
The ocean tides have washed up some jellyfish on the shore.
Let’s review our words. Watch carefully because they will flash on the screen for just a moment. We will clap as we spell the word.
Spelling Words Vowel Sounds in boy, moon true due glue clue who movie lose move enjoy toys royal point voice noise oil
Review Questions p.
Review Questions p.