Values Activity Answers
“Harmony, order, and self-development” Japan
“I pledge/reaffirm my allegiance/ loyalty to the flag of … “I pledge/reaffirm my allegiance/ loyalty to the flag of ….., and to the country for which it stands: one sovereign nation of many freedom-loving peoples of one heart, one mind and one spirit, dedicated to a just and equal society.” Singapore
“One People, One Goal, One Faith” Senegal
"Peace, independence, democracy, unity and prosperity" Laos
“Liberty, equality, fraternity” France
“Democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs” United Kingdom
“Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” United States of America
"Order and Progress” Brazil
“Unity, justice and liberty” Germany
“Peace, order, and good government” Canada
"Forward, Upward, Onward, Together“ Bahamas
“Respect for the equal worth, dignity and freedom of the individual. Freedom of speech. Freedom of association. Freedom of religion and secular government. Support for parliamentary democracy and the rule of law. Equality under the law. Equality of men and women.” Australia