The World Today 3 Million Users Each Day Transactions Are Accelerating Massive Amounts of Data ions or Comments?
The New Reality: The Participation Age ions or Comments? Everyone and Everything Participating on the Network
Our Mission: Eliminate the Education Divide ions or Comments? While Making the Planet a Better Place
The Challenge 100 million children without access to primary school India: 40% of children will not complete 4 years of school US: 40% of students in the lowest economic quartile drop out Indonesia: Only 20% of the teachers have bachelor degrees in education Cost of textbooks $4.3B spent in US for textbooks College textbook market in flux and “chaos” Teacher education programs inadequate UN “Millennium Goal” By 2015, ensure that every child in the world completes primary school
Internet—the Great World Equalizer Eliminates economic & structural barriers Access to information anywhere in the world With eBay, sellers have global reach without distributor costs Open Source—the hallmark of the “Participation Age” Networks of people interact to solve problems Create meaningful content, connections & relationships Free & continuously improving IP Linux, Apache, Wikipedia Challenges proprietary IP of the “Information Age”
Knowledge Space Linear Knowledge Space Random Knowledge Space
A role for everyone……. Open Education? How Open is Open? Can you build courses and curricula collaboratively? Can you trust the community? A role for everyone…….
A more efficient economic model Tuition and taxes Tuition and taxes 1/3 Infrastructure & Operations 1/3 Infrastructure & Operations 2/3 Instructors, Professors, Researchers, & Curriculum Specialists 1/3 Published Materials 1/3 Instructors + Benefits of Open Curricula for Educational Organizations - Invest in Human Capital instead of buying Intellectual Property - Reduce Barriers to Entry (Access to Knowledge) - Speed Innovation -- Leverage your human capital -- Create Customized programs leveraging the work of others -- Build global content sharing partnerships - Provided added value services -- Certification and assessment -- Program Development -- Professional Development -- Consulting, tutorial and lecture services - Better interoperability - Content in Curriki is designed to run everywhere, on- and off-line, it is not locked into proprietary system or formats. - Greater Access to Talent - Build a brand globally Free and Customized Materials
What is Open Source Software? “Open Source” refers to software that is created by a development community rather than a single vendor. Programmed by volunteers from many organizations Free and available to anyone who would like to use it or modify it
What is Open Source Curricula (OSC)? Open learning requires access to quality curricula that is provided free and created and validated by the community Defined learning objectives Scope & sequence for instruction Lesson plans Textbooks & other instructional materials Teacher Training Student assessment Correlated to standards and frameworks
Who is Curriki? The first and only all-embracing Internet site for Open Source Curricula (OSC) Single repository for validated curricula Support & aggregate the work of others Review & comments by subject matter experts Curricula freely accessible through well-publicized portal Founded by Sun Microsystems in 2004 Created an independent 501(c)(3) in 2006
Curriki - Our Strategy Create a Portal Build a Community of Educators Build a Repository of Open Source Curricula Engage a Global Community
Visitors and Users Welcomed by Home Page Curriki Website Visitors and Users Welcomed by Home Page Site offerings made clear (Find, Contribute, Connect) Minimal text, visually welcoming Dashboard of Curriki's expansion: "Watch Curriki Grow" panel Easy-to-find partner, content, and group highlights Animated definition of "Curriki = curriculum + wiki" clarifies site's intent 14
Site Offers Clear Opportunities for Users & Members Find, Contribute, Connect Site Offers Clear Opportunities for Users & Members FIND page helps users jump into finding resources and helps members start collecting curricular content CONTRIBUTE page helps users start adding to and creating curricula CONNECT page helps users learn about providing feedback, sharing resources with colleagues, and participating with groups on Curriki 15
Provides Global Access International UI with Hindi, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Bahasa created for release and other languages planned or in development. Be sure to try this before you demo as you many need to install special fonts to see Hindi on the site. Add “?language=hi” to the end of the URL to see Hindi, and then add “?language=en” to go back to English To use the “Next.Dev.Curriki.Org” server there is an extra initial log-in (user:demo pass:gelc)
Additional project and partner examples UCCP Road of Life WLC Merit Software NROC NRTA ACE FHSST UK Innovation Project Australian Curriculum Corporation Athabasca University HelpProgram Listen for Life OLPC CFEE Many many more.
Rich Media Foundation Courses in Math and Science + NROC and The University of California are dedicated to providing college prep materials so under privileges students can enter higher education prepared to learn. - High quality interactive courses with assessment NROC Algebra - Environmental Science Biology: and as an example
Access to Thousands of Free and Reusable Learning Resources Over 15,000 learning resources in all subject areas and levels Resource contribution rate accelerating Close to 45,000 members world wide Over 300 full courses in many core subject areas Hundreds of interactive lessons Monthly visits from over 150 countries + Browse and Search for Learning Resource or Project Groups. - Filter by: Subject, Level, Resource Type, Review Status, Other (Language, Media, Format, Licenses, etc.) - About 9,000 resources as of today, and growth is accelerating. Almost 10K is a reasonable rounding. - Resources and Members from around the globe - search returns 202 Full courses, 295 units of instruction and 1113 lesson plans.
Members Can Create Resources Using Forms Build Learning Resources Members Can Create Resources Using Forms Resource creation functions are included in the "main site." Members can create a wiki resource "from scratch" -- open editing window enables simple content authoring and formatting for worksheets, rubrics, activities, and more. Members can create a lesson plan using a form that offers Curriki's standard four-step template. Members can create a lesson plan using specialized forms. Forms link to Curriki Review System and models to support effective instructional design. 20
Create personal collections of resources + Each Curriki Member Can Manage and Create Personal Collections of Resources - Rob has over 20 topical collections in Curriki. - Rob is a alumni of a group called Teach for America (TFA). TFA is using Curriki to share the work of all of its students and alumni in a Curriki Group. Click on the Collections Tab to see Robs Collections. Talk about Rob as an example member- Now at Stanford getting a post Graduate degrade. Rob is a Member of Teach for America. He spend some time over the summer porting content he and other TFA teacher created. This is a pilot for more work with TFA and similar organizations that have large numbers of resources and no place to put them.
Groups + Groups Features - Create ‘Open’ or ‘Closed’ groups - Invite and manage membership - Managed Shared collections - Messages and discussion topics - Notifications and RSS feeds
In Summary With Curriki, the Indonesian Ministry of Education can globally access and share: Learning Resources Expertise Services Tools Techniques Projects Ideas Curriki will be implemented in Indonesia as part of a Federated System with unique servers and appropriate content and local review. Knowledge
The Time is Now Though it will require a sustained & persistent effort, the time is now to build a digital crossroads among those who can teach & those who want to learn. Together we can improve Teacher Quality and Eliminate the Education Divide.