2017/18 Council Budget
2017/18 Settlement The funding package from the Scottish Government includes An additional £120 million for schools to support closing the attainment gap; The requirement for local authorities to maintain the pupil : teacher ratio at 2016/17 levels; An additional £100 million for Health and Social Care Integration to meet the full year costs of delivering the Living Wage; and £7 million for the removal of social care charges for those in receipt of war pensions; The flexibility to increase Council Tax by up to 3%; and Councils to keep the additional income generated by Council Tax reform.
Total Funding NDRI - £ 205.547m (2016/17 £215.586m) General Revenue Grant - £ 116.868m (includes new ring fenced grants) (2016/17 £115.372m) Council Tax - £113.763m (includes council tax reform income) (2016/17 £106.234m) Fees, Charges and Other Income – £198.272m (2016/17 £194.992m) Total Funding - £634.45m (2015/16 £632.184m)
Budget Process 2016/17 Base Budget Contractual Uplifts Pay Awards Apprenticeship levy Rating Revaluation Other Cost Pressures Total Cost Pressures £17.2m
2016/17 Base Budget Review Particular areas of focus: Analysis of Income Analysis of Business Activity (identification of areas for streamlining across the Council)
2017/18 Total Projected Spend - £666.339m Total Projected Income - £649.095m (Includes £10m trading income) Funding Gap - £17.2 million
Closing The Gap Officers identify potential methods For example: Raising Council Tax Increasing Charges – e.g. Parking Reducing the Cultural Programme Closing Branch Libraries
Elected Members Chose: Programme of Voluntary Severance/Early Retirement Transformation programme for the delivery of business support activities Digitisation of services Contract savings from procurement, enabled by the joint approach with Highland Council
Where do we spend our money
Capital programme Key Points: £710 million over next 5 years Includes new schools and investment in Early Years provision Redeveloped Art Gallery City Centre Masterplan AWPR
Other Key Aspects City Region Deal City Centre Masterplan AECC