Ch 1 Sec 3 Principles of Judaism
Benchmark ques. Jewish and Christian beliefs differ from the Greco-Roman tradition in matters concerning the importance of A. the role of law B. individual mortality C. belief in one God D. the family unit
Ch 1 sec3 Principles of Judaism Vocabulary Polytheistic Belief in many Gods (Greeks, and early Romans) Monotheistic Belief in one God (Jews, Christians, Muslims) Judaism Monotheistic religion based on the teachings of the Torah Torah Jewish holy text Also known as the Five Books of Moses and the Old Testament.
Vocabulary cont. Covenant Sabbath Prophet diasphora Famine A promise A holy day for rest and worship Saturday (Sabado) Prophet Spiritual leader who God communicates through. Abraham, Moses, “Jesus,” Muhammad, etc. diasphora The scattering of the Jews Famine Hunger, starvation
The Ancient Israelites Abraham migrated to Canaan, near the eastern Mediterranean coast Abraham founded the Israelite nation
God’s Covenant with the Israelites The Israelites were monotheistic, meaning they “believed in one God”. They believed God would protect & provide for them as long as they followed God’s laws.
Teachings on Law and Morality The Torah established moral principles & set out laws The Ten Commandments became part of the cultural foundation of Western civilization. Sabbath =‘s holy day for rest & worship (Friday night to Saturday night)
The Scattering of the Jews Babylonian captivity of started the “Diaspora” or scattering of the Jews. Due to Diaspora a new religion was created in Judea, Christianity 30 AD – leader was Jesus Christ Some remained in Babylon & some migrated to other parts of the Middle East & Mediterranean !Very Important Info Below! The culture & religion of Judaism contributed to the raise of the democratic concept, “the rule of law”
Review Questions
This is a promise or binding agreement? This is a holy day for rest & worship? The Israelite who led his people out of Egypt? The event that scattered the Jewish people? He was the spiritual leader who interprets God’s will? What set the Jews apart from other people in the Roman empire & Egypt? Who first migrated w/ his family to Canaan & there founded the Israelite nation?
8. What is the sacred text of the Jews known as. 9 8. What is the sacred text of the Jews known as? 9. How did the religious beliefs of the Israelites differ from those of the ancient peoples? 10. Which religion was begun by a Jewish group after the diasporta? 11. To what democratic concept did Judaism contribute to the world?
Answers 3 pts each /33
Covenant Sabbath Moses Diaspora Prophet They prayed to a single God/ monotheism Abraham Torah People are free to make moral choices/ free will Christianity the concept of the “rule of law”