On your whiteboard What can you remember about Hellenism and Roman Occupation?
The World of the First Century Religious Groups in Palestine
Religious Groups Amongst the Jewish population of Palestine, there were many groups/ parties. Some more religious, some more political.
Sadducees Priests. Worked at the temple in Jerusalem. From influential, upper class families. Temple duties included rituals and making animal sacrifices. They also dominated the Sanhedrin (Jewish council/court). Literal reading of the Pentateuch (first five books of the Torah which contains all the laws). Very strict on following laws. Rejected oral tradition and post-Pentateuch beliefs (eg. angels/demons and the afterlife).
Who were the Sanhedrin?
Sadducees Maintaining the Temple could only be done with the protection of whoever was in power at the time, so Sadducees accepted Roman leadership. Romans allowed to appoint the chief priest. Most Jews supported the Temple and the work of the priests, but did not like the Sadducees themselves. Seen as too wealthy and collaborating with the Romans. Temple was destroyed in 70AD. Priestly system could be not maintained any longer.
Scribes Made copies of the Torah, as well as writing legal documents. Knew the words of the Torah better than others. Also sometimes taught the Torah to people.
Pharisees Sanhedrin Video Worked at the Sanhedrin. Wanted people to follow the laws, but also to update and interpret them. Used oral tradition (cases and examples to show how law should be applied to people at the time). Gave detailed regulations to stop people from inadvertently breaking the laws, but also made it more lenient. Accepted post-Pentateuch teachings. Had popular support and very strong influence. After destruction of temple, they established their following through law courts and synagogues in towns and villages. Encouraged obedience to the law at family and community level. Sanhedrin Video
Essenes Separate community. Lived by the Dead Sea. Refused to accept Roman rule or anyone who did accept it, or anyone they saw as not being proper Jews, so they retreated to the desert to live as an almost monastic community. Very narrow view of who was ‘truly’ Jewish. Only accepted members of their small group. Believed prophecies and expected God to arrive at any moment to fight with them against the Romans and non-Jews. Jewish revolt in 66AD – Essenes joined the fight and were destroyed.
Zealots Also believed prophecies of a great battle. God would come and fight with them against the Romans. Expected a bloody war in which they could show their faith by being martyred. Basically a terrorist group who engaged in unremitting guerrilla warfare. Attacked and robbed people from the hills. Saw God as their only authority and didn’t accept Roman rule (or each other so little unity. Often fought with each other). Refused to pay taxes. Armed struggle more important than obedience to the law. Believed in afterlife – this was important as they were eager to martyr themselves. Would commit mass suicide rather than be caught by Romans. Assassinated many Jews who collaborated with Romans (eg. Jonathan the high priest).
Mystery Religions Not Jewish Direct emotional experience of God Secret societies – had to be initiated Many based on old fertility religions of ancient Middle East Many were polytheistic
Religious Groups For each group, think of three words that sums them up.