Warm Up Take out chapter 1, section 1 reading guide and your “Medieval Times to Today” textbook Write down your homework: ELA=introduction due tomorrow (FEEDCATS & Outline should be completed too) SS=quiz next week
Jan. 13 Warm up Why did the people love and respect emperor Justinian? Why did the Byzantine empire flourish? What civilizations influenced the culture of the Byzantine empire?
Following people have overdue books: Audrey Lauren H. Delaney Taylor J. Ashley Isabelle Kailyn Mitch Anna Kennedy Cameron B. Ryan Samantha C. Patrick Daphne Ginger Ewan Megan R. Cameron G. Sammy Trevor Maryssa Hannah Logan Grant Jenna Taylor T. Clair Nate Zach
Introduction to Christianity WORLD RELIGIONS
Essential Questions!!! How do religious beliefs and practices link and separate societies? How did Christianity begin and how did it spread? What are the main beliefs of Christianity? Who are the important people of Christianity and why? Has this religion had any conflicts? Unit Essential Questions: 1. How does where we live influence how we live? 2. How do religious beliefs and practices link and separate societies?
A New Religion called Christianity Many people believe Jesus was the Messiah – (would restore the greatness of Israel) Jesus' life & teachings = the basis of a religion - Christianity The Bible - tells the story of Jesus' life
Review Questions 1. Who was believed to be the one to restore the greatness of Israel and what was he called? Jesus – the Messiah 2. What religion was created by this belief and where can this information be found? Christianity the Bible
Jesus of Nazareth Jesus – born in Bethlehem believe God was Jesus' actual father ~30 yrs. old - began to travel, teach, & challenge the Jewish political/religious leaders ~AD 30 - arrested & tried Executed by crucifixion Resurrection 3 days after crucifixion – Central Christian belief Jesus appeared to some of his disciples - taught them how to pass on his teachings Then rose up into heaven
Review Questions 1. Why was Jesus arrested and executed? He challenged the Jewish political and religious authority 2. What is central to Christian belief that occurs after execution? Jesus’ resurrection 3 days later, visitation with disciples to teach how to spread Christianity, Jesus going up into Heaven
Jesus’ acts and teachings Parables Stories that teach lessons Jesus linked beliefs & teachings to everyday lives Acts Jesus performed miracles Miracles=events that cannot normally be performed by a human People followed after seeing him perform miracles Message Love God Love all people-even your enemies Salvation-rescue of people from sin How to reach God’s kingdom
Review Questions 1. How did the Acts that Jesus performed influence the people? Jesus performed miracles – peopled believed in him because these were things that normal people could not do 2. How can the main teachings of Jesus be described? love God, love all people-even your enemies, how to achieve salvation, how to reach the kingdom of heaven
Followers spread Christianity 12 - Jesus chose to receive special teaching Sent to spread his teachings Continued teaching after the Resurrection Led by Peter after Jesus died The Apostles Records Jesus’ life & teachings according to his disciples New Testament = 4 books - Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John Best source of information about Jesus’ life The Gospels
Review Questions 1. Who are the Apostles? 12 men chosen to receive special training to spread Jesus’ teaching, continued training after resurrection, led by Peter after Jesus’ death 2. What are the Gospels? Records Jesus’ life according to the disciples, New Testament – 4 books – Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, best source of information about Jesus’ life
Diffusion and Spread – Theme of Movement Connect to Theme of Movement
Connect to Theme of movement of ideas Christianity spread through the mission work of several early apostles, including the apostle Paul. Most Christian churches today fund missions work around the globe.
Spread of Christianity Create 2 review questions Spread of Christianity 200s & 300s = Christianity banned by emperors Local Christians led each Christian community Bishops of larger cities had more influence (especially the bishop of Rome - the pope) Pope’s influence grew=spread of Christianity in Rome Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity & removed bans against its practice Christianity spread from Rome all around the world
Review Questions 1. When and how did Christianity spread throughout Rome? by 400 – as the Pope grew in influence so did Christianity spread 2. Which Roman Emperor converted to Christianity and how did that affect the religion? Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity He removed all the bans against the practice of the religion
Divisions of Christianity There are three major branches Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox Protestant Eastern Orthodox and Protestant churches - formed during the middle ages & Reformation due to disagreements with Catholic teachings & practices Today - primary difference - Roman Catholics & Orthodox look to the pope as the head of their church - Protestants do not recognize his authority The split of the three churches should be a review from 6th grade.
Review Questions 1. What are the three major branches of the Christian church? Roman Catholic Protestant Eastern Orthodox 2. What are their major differences? Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox look to the pope as the head of the church Protestants don’t look to the pope