11.2 |Politics, Economy, and Intellect Sub-Saharan Africa 11.2 |Politics, Economy, and Intellect
O | P: Ethnic Kingdoms The Kingdom of Ghana c. 800 CE Resembled a feudal state The Empire of Mali c. 1200 CE Unified various ethnic groups Converted to Islam Timbuktu’s library
D | P: Imperialism Berlin Conference 1884 Indirect rule: the mother country rules through natives Puppet states Cheaper for Europe Direct rule: the mother country rules directly and natives are citizens More control = more involvement = more expensive
T | P: Third World Problems Political corruption Apartheid South Africa Political instability Boko Haram Political repression Bribery and fixed elections
O | EC: Trans-Saharan Trade Trade with North African Islamic states Oases for trade caravans Traded gold, ivory, and salt The African slave trade
D | EC: Triangular Trade Silk Road trade, Indian Ocean trade, and Atlantic trade Trans-Atlantic trade Africa: resources to Europe; slaves to Americas Americas: resources to Europe Europe: manufactured goods to Africa and Americas Later, the USA merges with Europe
T | EC: Third World Problems Foreign economic ownership Mismanagement of money and resources Bribery and corruption Uneven wealth distribution
O | I: Self-sustaining African thought developed similarly to the rest of the world Ethnic kingdoms Agriculture Technology and trade
D | I: Foreign Influence Religious influence Islam and Christianity Cultural influence Imperialism and “White Man’s Burden”
T | I: Conflicting Views The struggles of Africa are two-sided Issues of capitalism African leaders that benefit in this system, perpetuate it Africans under this leadership want change The leaders limit change