Transition Year Programme Orla Conway-Foy Student No: 13251349 Transition Year Programme Third Year Parents Information Evening T.Y. Co-ordinator Mr Darren Bishop Ennis Centre
Transition Year Programme Orla Conway-Foy Student No: 13251349 Transition Year Programme The Transition Year (TY) is a one-year programme designed to act as a bridge between the Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate programmes. Each school designs its own Transition Year programme, within set guidelines, to suit the needs and interests of its students. (survey 3rd year students interests and hobbies) The school promotes the personal, social, vocational and educational development of students. Ennis Centre
The Aims of Transition Year To provide a transition between Junior and Senior Cycle and to lay the foundations for further study To introduce a new range of experiences beyond the scope of the traditional curriculum To encourage initiative, self-reliance and responsibility
Transition Year Programme Orla Conway-Foy Student No: 13251349 Transition Year Programme Benefits ESRI report: TY students get Higher points average in LC. Informed choices. Broaden skills Set. Experience. Teamwork. Concerns Not for everyone. Not ‘Year 1’ of a three year Leaving Cert. A lot of the onus on student participation. Loss of friendships from JC Different base classes. Ennis Centre
Research carried out on Transition Year Transition Year is a largely positive experience in which students appreciate getting a taste for different subjects and the opportunity to get work experience, research has found. (The Irish Second-Level Students’ Union) The Irish Examiner, May 28th 2014
Recent research on Transition Year Students who do Transition Year (TY) engage better with their studies for the Leaving Certificate than those who do not. They spend significantly more time on homework in fifth and sixth year, and are more likely to persist with difficult questions, according to new research. The research, into the study habits of teenagers, from third to sixth year, has a particular focus on whether the fifth and sixth years participated in TY. The findings may help to explain why teens who do TY tend to perform better in the Leaving Cert. The new study, conducted by Aidan Clerkin of the Educational Research Centre, Drumcondra, Dublin, involved about 5,500 students, in 20 schools, over three years. It is published in the current edition of the 'Irish Journal of Education'. (Irish Independent January 30th 2017)
Friendships in Transition Year Solid friendships will survive. Students will have some of their 3rd Year classmates in their new class. Current class groups end at the end of 3rd Year in any event. TY bonding trip, class group-work sessions and other TY activities promote new friendships in the new classes.
Role of the student in Transition Year Be Open Minded Positive attitude Respect Put yourself forward,
Role of the Parent in Transition Year Stay Informed Support Communicate Encourage
Layers of the Transition Year Programme 1. ‘Core’ Subject Layer 2. Option Subject Layer 3. Transition Specific Module Layer 4. Calendar Layer
Core Subjects Subject Periods Per Week English 3 Irish Maths Religion 2 Physical Education Social Development 1
Option Subjects Subjects Periods Per Week Option 1 4 Option 2 Option 3
Transition Year Specific Layer Subject Periods Per Week Module line 1 (students have new choice at Christmas) 2 Module line 2 Rolling Module line 3 (changes every 6 weeks) Year Long Module line 4 Microsoft Office 4
Calendar Layer Induction Day Trips: Croke Park, Young Scientist, Ploughing Championship etc Guest Speakers Workshops: First aid, Road Safety, Internet safety, Tooth led programme, Drums Workshop, Team Building Mock Interviews Development Day Gaisce- local trip or to the Camino walk which takes place in Spain. Community Care Placement (20 Hours) Two weeks of Work Experience Musical (every second year)
Modules on offer in Transition Year Coding Cookery. Creative Crafts. Debating Dance. Drama. Enterprise. Environmental Studies. Equestrianism Fashion & Beauty. Film Studies. Flower Arranging. Future Leaders GAA. Careers Horticulture. Keep-Fit. Law Log On and Learn Mini-Company. Paired Reading. Publishing. Retreat Team. Road Safety. Self-Defence. Sport & Leisure. Tag Rugby. Video Technology Wood Crafts. Yoga. Young Social Innovators. Year Book Pilates
Transition Year Student Experience I would now like to invite Ellen Mc Mahon a current Transition Year student to speak on her TY experience so far this year.
Work Experience Work experience involves spending two weeks learning at first hand about the work place . It normally takes place at the beginning of November and the end of February. Each placement is worth 40 credits towards the students certification at the end of the year. Students arrange their own placements which should be organised as early as possible to avoid disappointment. Ideally, it should not be working with relatives. This work experience is monitored by a combination of workplace visits, phone calls to employers, employers evaluations and student diaries.
Assessment in Transition Year ‘Assessment should be an integral part of the learning process in Transition Year not separate from it’ (DES Guidelines). E-Portfolio assessment which contain the students Achievement Diary Project work Self-assessment Written / Practical's / Class Tests & Exams Skills assessment.
Credits System in Transition Year Credit Awards: 510-600 = Distinction 390-509 = Merit 250-389 = Pass 0-249 = Participation This system will be reviewed and altered each year if it is deemed necessary by the Management and the Transition Year core team. Please see your handout for a break down of the credits
E- Portfolio in Transition Year The folder is the most important record of a Students experiences of Transition Year. The E-Portfolio using Google sites is assessed continuously by the TY core team. It will include a critical account of everything that has happened throughout the year and the students achievement diary. It should include photos, videos, etc. Each student must complete the Portfolio fully by the end of the year in order to be eligible for a Transition Year Certificate The E-Portfolio allows the students to use their imagination and think outside the box
Cost of Transition Year We try to provide the best possible TY experience tailored to suit your son/daughter. The cost of the programme is €250. Sample Break down of Fees: Three trips: Croke Park, YST, Ploughing Championship Microsoft Office (normally costs Guest speakers Mock Interview School Insurance TY Workshops: First Aid, Driver ED, Beat the Drum, Dev Day TY Bonding Day at the beginning year
Transition Year in OLSS Thank You for your attention. I hope that your child has a enjoyable experience in Transition Year and I will endeavour to make it so. If anything from tonight's talk please remember to tell your child to; Put their name down Put their hand up Put themselves forward For as many activities as possible throughout the TY year.