An Activity Module About the Five Titles of the ADA ADA Trainer Network Module 1g Does the ADA Apply? An Activity Module About the Five Titles of the ADA Trainer’s Name Trainer’s Title Phone Number Email/Website Here
Disclaimer Information, materials, and/or technical assistance are intended solely as informal guidance, and are neither a determination of your legal rights or responsibilities under the ADA, nor binding on any agency with enforcement responsibility under the ADA. The Northeast ADA Center is authorized by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) to provide information, materials, and technical assistance to individuals and entities that are covered by the ADA. The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from NIDILRR, grant number 90DP0071-01-00. NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this presentation do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
This module is based, in part, on the “ADA Basics Scenarios” in the ADA Quiz Book (4th edition), a product of the Rocky Mountain ADA Center, a member of the ADA National Network.
Five Titles of the ADA Title I. Employment Prohibits disability discrimination in all employment processes Title 2. Accessibility in public entities Physical and program accessibility in state/local govt. entities Title 3. Accessibility in businesses Physical and program accessibility in restaurants, hotels, stores, places of business Title 4. Telecommunications Accessibility of telephone and communications systems for the public Title 5. Miscellaneous Protection from retaliation
Working in small groups of 3-4 people, briefly discuss each scenario. Is the situation covered by the ADA? If so, how does the ADA apply to the situation?
Five Titles of the ADA Title I. Employment Prohibits disability discrimination in all employment processes Title 2. Accessibility in public entities Physical and program accessibility in state/local govt. entities Title 3. Accessibility in businesses Physical and program accessibility in restaurants, hotels, stores, places of business Title 4. Telecommunications Accessibility of telephone and communications systems for the public Title 5. Miscellaneous Protection from retaliation
Example 1 Daniel went to a popular restaurant. Daniel has a learning disability that makes reading difficult for him. When the server offered Daniel a menu, he declined and asked the server instead to verbally describe his menu options. The server said, “It’s all on the menu”, dropped the menu on the table, and stepped away. Is this situation covered under the ADA? If so, under which Title is it covered?
Example 2 Rodney, an individual with a hearing impairment, is starting classes to obtain a real estate broker license. When he attends the first class, Rodney discovers that he cannot hear the instructor, so he asks for an assistive listening device. The private company that offers the class refuses to provide the device. Is this situation covered under the ADA? If so, under which Title is it covered?
Example 3 Nina, an individual who is blind, uses her city’s fixed route bus system. She is frustrated because the bus drivers do not consistently announce the bus stops. This makes it more difficult for Nina to independently find her way to her destinations. Is this situation covered under the ADA? If so, under which Title is it covered?
Example 4 Rhoda is a double amputee who uses prosthetics on both legs. She would like to get a service dog to assist her with balance and retrieving items. The property manager at the private apartment complex where she lives is refusing to allow her to keep a dog in her apartment, citing their “no pets” policy. Is this situation covered under the ADA? If so, under which Title is it covered?
Example 5 Regina, a software engineer, has diabetes. Her employer, a large firm, frequently requires her to work late, with little to no advance notice. Because of this, Regina is not able to eat dinner at a consistent time resulting in dangerous fluctuations of her blood sugar level. Is this situation covered under the ADA? If so, under which Title is it covered?
Example 6 Kaitlyn’s doctor’s office calls her to schedule an appointment to review her options for addressing her recent cancer diagnosis. She is understandably concerned and tells the receptionist that her husband, who is deaf, will be accompanying her to the appointment. She asks that the office provide a sign language interpreter so that her husband can participate in the appointment. Is this situation covered under the ADA? If so, under which Title is it covered?
Example 7 Naomi is applying for a job at a large department store. While completing the application, she discovers that there is a question asking if she has a disability. Is this situation covered under the ADA? If so, under which Title is it covered?
Example 8 Tim, a wheelchair user, is traveling by air. The airline charged him a baggage fee to transport his wheelchair. Is this situation covered under the ADA? If so, under which Title is it covered?
Example 9 Cycil is a public high school student who is paraplegic. His school has a swimming pool that was built in the 1980’s. Cycil would like to participate in community swimming classes offered at the school. Although he can get to the pool area in his wheelchair, there is no accessible way for him to get in and out of the pool. Cycil’s parents have asked the school to provide a portable lift that will allow Cycil to enter and exit the pool and attend the same swimming classes as his peers. Is this situation covered under the ADA? If so, under which Title is it covered?
Example 10 Chris and his friend Pete go to the local movie theatre to check out the new action film. Pete uses a wheelchair. Although the theatre offers accessible seating where Pete can stay in his wheelchair and Chris can sit next to him, it’s closer to the screen than either of them prefers. Pete leaves his wheelchair in the accessible seating area and sits a couple of rows back in a “regular” seat. Shortly before the movie starts, a theatre employee tells Pete that he has to sit in his wheelchair and that if he does not, he and Chris will need to leave. Is this situation covered under the ADA? If so, under which Title is it covered?
Northeast ADA Center K. Lisa Yang and Hock E. Tan Institute on Employment and Disability Cornell University Dolgen Hall Room 201 Ithaca, New York 14853-3901 Toll-Free : 800.949.4232 (NY, NJ, PR, USVI) Telephone 607.255.6686 Fax 607.255.2763 TTY 607.255.6686 Email Web The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR grant number 90DP0071-01-00). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this presentation do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Katie, include the standard last slide notes like we have on other modules.