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HPBA Canada Annual General Meeting Assemblée générale annuelle HPBA Canada Call to order 2014-2015
HPBA Canada Annual General Meeting | Assemblée générale annuelle HPBA Canada Agenda Meet the HPBA Canada Board HPBA Report Update Market Research Financial Report Time for Change? Committees Update Other Business Adjournment of AGM Regional Event/Meeting Presentations Atlantic Chapter Central Chapter Western Chapter APC Questions & Answers Adjournment Agenda Rencontrez les membres du Conseil d'administration de HPBA Canada Rapport de HPBA Update Market Research Rapport financier Rapports d'activités des comités Autres affaires Fin de l’assemblée générale annuelle Présentation des régions et affiliés Section de l’Atlantique Section de Central Section de l'Ouest APC Questions & Réponses Fin de la réunion
HPBA Canada Board of Directors 2014-15 | Conseils d’administration de HPBA Canada Martin Miles Miles Industries President | Président Paul Hebert Travis Industries Past President |Ex-président Kim Davis Atlantic Fireplaces Vice President | Vice-président Eric Barnhill Compact Appliances Treasurer & Atlantic Chapter Rep | Trésorier et Section de l’Atlantique Ingrid Schroeter Napoleon HPBA Representative |Représentant au conseil de HPBA Alan Baroey Marsh’s Stoves Director at Large | Représentant général Dominique Pagé United Buyers Group Director at Large | Représentant général Steve Turnbull US Stove Director at Large | Représentant général Regional Representatives | Représentants régionaux Kathy Morningstar Stamford Fireplaces Central Chapter |Section de la Central Steve Abrams Concorde Distributing Western Chapter | Section de l’Ouest Jean-François Fauteux Maison D.F. APC Jack Goldman HPBA Non-Voting | Non-votant Staff | Personnel Tony Gottschalk Director of Government Affairs/CEO | Laura Litchfield Director of Operations | Anne Deslauriers Administrator | Administrateur Erika Pollock Special Projects | Coordinateur
HPBA Update
Market Research
HPBAC Financial Report Finance Committee Board Eric Barnhill, Treasurer Martin Miles, President Kim Davis, Vice President Staff Laura Litchfield Tony Gottschalk
HPBAC Financial Report Finance Committee Meets quarterly to review financial reports in detail Develops draft annual budget for review and approval by Board Makes recommendations to Board on investment of Reserve funds
Treasurer’s Report|Rapport Du Trésorier HPBAC Estimated Profit and Loss YE 2014 État des revenus et dépenses 2014 2014 v 2013 2013 Budget Year End +/- Net HPBAC Membership Revenues Cotisations nettes des membres HPBAC 65 159 $ 57 531$ -7 628 $ 58 845 $ Net HPBA Revenue Sharing Partage de revenus de HPBA nets 192 000$ 172 163$ -19 837 $ 200 231 $ Members Services Revenues Revenus des Services aux membres 12 000 $ 8 785 $ -3 215 $ 3 000$ Other Income Autres revenus 5 500 $ 14 318$ 8 818 $ -4 387$ Special Project / Chapter Income Revenus des chapitres 26 000$ 25 475 $ -525 $ 30 256 $ TOTAL REVENUES REVENUS TOTAUX 300 659 $ 278 272 $ -22 387 $ 287 945 $ Members Services Expenses Dépenses des services aux membres 54 700 $ 52 879 $ -1 821 $ 31 938 $ Operational Expenses 213 870 $ 212 660 $ -1 210 $ 193 456 $ Other expenses Autres dépenses 3 600 $ 3 700 $ 100 $ 8 228 $ Special Project Expenses 20 200 $ 19 129 $ -1 071 $ 17 541 $ TOTAL EXPENSES DÉPENSES TOTALES 292 370 $ 288 368 $ -4 002$ 251 164 $ SURPLUS (DEFICIT) SURPLUS (DÉFICIT) 8 289 $ -10 096 $ $ 36 781 $ Revenue Decline in non-manufacturing dues due to a fall in membership. We hope to recover these members in 2013 Expenses were cut in order to offset the decline in membership. Projected profit for 2012 of approximately $20,000 Some of this profit represents funds that were earmarked for projects in 2012 that will be paid for in 2013. Total spending for these projects will be close to $10,000 , includes Funds for Gas Fireplace training program, legal fees for incorporation as a Federal not-for-profit and a public relations project This will leave $10,000 as a contribution to Reserves
HPBAC Financial Report Reserves As of February 19, 2015 $63,007 Target $143,865 Contribution scheduled from 2013 surplus $20,000 Original goal to reach target by YE 2017
HPBAC National Role National government affairs and assistance with regional issues Communications Membership Education – program development Liaise with HPBA and other affiliates Liaise with Chapters Liaise with other industry stakeholders
Role of the Chapter Membership Implement and promote membership programs Engage with members locally Provide networking opportunities Develop regional programs Facilitate membership renewals and development
Role of the Chapter Government Affairs Formulate policy, positions and messaging for regional issues Communicate policy, positions and messaging to members and the national GA Committee Support national efforts as required
Role of the Chapter Communications Media and public relations – provide local, trained person to deal with local media Development of regional promotional and communication vehicles where appropriate
Role of the Chapter Education Development of regional education program, delivered locally Promotion of regional educational events to members Support and promote national educational efforts
Government Affairs Role To monitor or coordinate the monitoring of all industry relevant code, regulatory and legislative issues in Canada. To define and advocate HPBAC’s position on all codes, regulatory, and legislative matters in support of the interests of all segments of the industry.
Government Affairs Role To provide forum to develop industry consensus on issues of common concern. To promote industry’s interests with federal, provincial, and local agencies, throughout Canada, toward the development of reasonable public policies that are protective of public health, safety, and the environment.
Education Committee Role Develop programming Work with Chapters to implement Liaise with HPBEF Liaise with WETT Last year the committee worked on putting together a series of key webinars with special low, low pricing for members. They are HPBEF webinars that we are offering live. The technical sessions will be revised for the Canadian audience. We’re still working on the scheduling of these sessions but they will be held this spring. We host the webinars every second Tuesday at 11am EST. We are still working on the Canadian version of the gas hearth installation program. We’ve spent a lot of time working out the best way to provide gas training and the committee feels we must get our feet wet with Canadian versions of NFI manuals first before we dive into a more comprehensive program with certification. You can certify through NFI in the meantime. HPBA hosts a Government Affairs Academy most years and those of us who have attended have found it to be intensive and beneficial but it is definitely focused on the US system so we’re investigating the possibility of starting a smaller scale Canadian version. Possibly for 2015. We’d be interested in knowing what members think of this idea.
Member Services Committee Role Membership development, retention and engagement National events Develop and monitor programs
Communications Committee Role Promotional and communications material and vehicles Media and Public Relations Member communications Social Media Development and maintenance of website Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation comes into effect July 1, 2014. HPBAC will be sending emails to all current email addresses on our database and distribution lists which will ask for explicit permission to continue sending email to the recipient. If you do not accept or subscribe we will have to remove you from our newsletter and other distribution lists. In order to help members to be compliant with the regulation we will host a free webinar on permission-based marketing in late March or early April which will be recorded and posted on our website for viewing. It’s important that you act soon to achieve compliance so you can continue to communicate with customers electronically once the Act comes into effect. Newsletters are published 8-10 times each year. Bulletins are published when an issue arises that merits timely attention The committee has helped to promote the new series of webinars HPBAC’s Education Committee has organized and set up the registration process on Constant Contact. The recorded versions of the webinars will be available on HPBAC’s website once the series is complete.
Role of the Members An association is a community of peers who: Share information Gain insights Make connections Volunteers also: Gain leadership experience Become experts on the association and the issues Make even more connections Help define and develop policies and positions
Role of the Members How do you make the most out of your membership? Read communications from the association Attend meetings and events and enjoy being part of a community Learn – through experts and peers Educate others if you can Use affinity programs. Participation gives us negotiating power Visit HPBAC and HPBA websites to access information on statistics, trends, regulatory issues and more Make use of press releases by taking them to your local newspaper Provide feedback to the association - what are your needs and expectations?
Role of the Staff An association is like a business and requires staff to operate Dedicated staff are focused on association activities full time Respond to the needs of the industry on a day-to-day basis Implement plans and programs at direction of Board and Committees Make recommendations on policy, governance, finance, operations and member programs Manage daily operations in compliance with the law Engage with relevant regulatory bodies to protect the industry’s interests
Role of the Staff Staff implement and facilitate at the direction of the Board Members provide input to the Board and to Staff Staff provide input on operational matters and governance
HPBAC Structure Time for Change? Chapter Boards have approached HPBAC Board of Directors regarding the difficulty of meeting the requirements of committee structure
HPBAC Structure Time for Change? New regulation federally and in some provinces requires a lot of work and legal help to bring chapters into compliance Administration is onerous and time consuming for Chapters Volunteers would like to focus on regional issues and activities Difficult to engage staff working 10 hours per week or less Would like to decrease costs and increase focus on providing member benefits by streamlining organization
HPBAC Structure Options for Future – Option 1 Centralization Chapters dissolve legal entities and merge with National Administrative matters dealt with by National staff Duplication of efforts removed Accounting, government reports and compliance issues would be required for one central organization only Regional committees focus on regional issues and activities Each region would have budget based on membership for its activities Regions would assign at least one representative to each National committee providing two-way communication
HPBAC Structure Options for Future – Option 2 Status Quo Would require Chapters to maintain and populate committee structure or National to revise structure Western Chapter must re-incorporate Central Chapter will have to re-incorporate when Ontario regulation is finalized Administration will be contracted to National by Western Chapter and is currently contracted to National by Central Duplication of efforts will continue Strain on volunteers to manage governance and regional activities
HPBAC Structure Next Steps Each Chapter Board is reviewing the two options Boards will present options to members for input and vote Votes to take place by end of June New agreements and bylaws will be drawn up once decisions have been made National will incorporate federally Chapters will proceed with chosen course of action either merged with National or as separate legal entities
Committee Charters New Government Affairs Committee charter has been approved by the HPBAC Board Designed to facilitate involvement of more members in GA activities Maximum 8 Voting members plus Chair Non-Voting ‘Attending’ members Other committee charters will be reviewed and updated
Other Business Approval of the actions of the HPBAC Board of Directors Motions Propositions Approval of the actions of the HPBAC Board of Directors Approval of the appointment of BDO Dunwoody in Huntsville as accountants Approbation des décisions du Conseil d’administration de la HPBAC Approbation de la nomination de BDO Dunwoody de Huntsville comme comptables
Questions & Answers Questions & Réponses
Western Chapter 2015 Tee It Up Sessions We’re making plans. Watch out for details on our upcoming Tee It Up sessions.