The Tragedy of Julius Caesar All of Shakespeare’s plays are written in Blank verse - this is unrhymed iambic pentameter. iambic pentameter - An iamb contains an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. Example - Prepare There are 5 iambs in a line/meter of poetry. Therefore, pentameter (penta=5)
Example : The evil that men do lives after them Pentameter : means that there are five of these iambs in a line. Example : The evil that men do lives after them
Thou shall mind thy own manners, granny! Archaic - old-fashioned words no longer used today. Many of these words are seen in Shakespeare’s plays. Ex - Thy, thou, and thine These words were used to mean “you” Thou shall mind thy own manners, granny! Thou art old!
Greek and Roman history had a great appeal for the English in the Elizabethan Age. Many times Shakespeare would take plots from historical events and create suspenseful plays from them.
The play, Julius Caesar, is about the assassination of the Roman military commander and dictator who lived from 102 to 44 BC. It contains murder, political, psychological, and moral turmoil.
HOW CAESAR BECAME RULER OF ROME Caesar was a powerful Roman general along with his friend, Pompey and both brought order to the weakening Roman government. Wanting more power, Caesar went to battle in parts of Europe (Gallic Wars) and collected money to give to the Roman government.
Caesar gains favor with Roman people, and Pompey becomes jealous. Pompey convinces the senate that Caesar is trying to bribe the people. The senate orders Caesar to give up his command.
Caesar’s army fights and eventually takes control of Roman government . Caesar pursues Pompey to Egypt. Pompey is murdered by other forces. Caesar meets Cleopatra and makes her ruler of Egypt.
Caesar returns to Rome and is declared dictator for life by the people. Aristocracy plots to assassinate Caesar. The play opens a month before the murder
Terms to know Soliloquy: A speech made by a character when he/she is alone on stage Aside: Comments made to the audience by a character in which others on stage cannot hear (this reveals the character’s private thoughts)