Finding Clusters within a Class to Improve Classification Accuracy Final Project Yong Jae Lee 4/28/08
Objective Car images Find Clusters
Approach Object Representation: Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) [Lowe. 2004] Image to Image Similarity: Proximity Distribution Kernels [Ling et al. 2007] Clustering: Normalized Cuts [Shi et al. 2001] Classification: Support Vector Machines [Vapnik et al. 1995] X1 X2 X3 X4 K11 K12 K13 K14 K21 K22 K23 K24 K31 K32 K33 K34 K41 K42 K43 K44
Dataset 1 PASCAL VOC 2005 4 categories: motorbikes, bicycles, people, cars Train set: [214, 114, 84, 272] (684) Test set: [216, 114, 84, 275] (689)
Results 1 Baseline (no-clusters) Clusters (k=3) m 94.9 5.1 12.3 71.9 5.1 12.3 71.9 5.26 10.5 10.7 11.9 32.1 45.2 2.9 2.6 3.6 90.9 m 95.4 4.6 13.2 73.7 3.5 9.7 10.7 11.9 34.5 45.2 2.2 4.0 91.6 b b true labels p p c c m b p c m b p c predicted labels Mean accuracy: 81.86% Mean accuracy: 82.87%
Dataset 2 Caltech-101 101 object categories 9097 images (30-80 per class) 30 images / class 15 train, 15 test 10 runs cross-validation
Results 2 Baseline (no-clusters): mean accuracy: 57.42 (1.13) % Clusters (k=3) mean accuracy: 59.36 (1.05) %
Future work Automatically determine k - analyze eigenvalues of the Laplacian of affinity matrix [Ng et al. 2001] - significant difference between two consecutive eigenvalues determines how many clusters there are Comparison with other classifiers - e.g., k-Nearest Neighbor: labels are determined by majority labels of train instances to the test instance
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