Computer Application and Integration in Design and Planning Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Koch Dipl.-Ing. Marco Plaß Toxi-Triage Kick-Off Meeting Sept 1st to 3rd, 2015 Loughborough, UK
Application and Research Areas Computer Application and Integration in Design and Planning University of Paderborn Competencies Requirements analysis Information Management QM & Evaluation Application domains:
Vital statistics Full Professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering since 1989 Safety and Security related Research started in 2001 Coordination of and Participation in several Safety and Security related research projects since 2007 elected Convenor of ISO/TC292 WG3 Emergency Management (2015) Volunteer Silver level Officer of Fire Department Dortmund (joined 1970) Scientific Head of IFR Institute for Fire Fighting and Rescue Technology of the Fire Department Dortmund since 2006 Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (2003) Research Assistant at C.I.K. since 2003 Technical coordination of Safety and Security related Research projects (From 2008) Convenor of DIN SPEC 91287 Data Exchange for Civil Protection (2012)
Core competencies of C.I.K. Research and Education Requirements- Engineering and Management Management, Modelling and Development QM and Evaluation Users Management QM Domain Knowledge Modelling Evaluation Development Application domains Public Safety & Security Industrial Engineering
Ongoing and completed research projects NewStructure 5
Contact Adresse Ansprechpartner: Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Koch Universität Paderborn Fakultät für Maschinenbau Fachgebiet C.I.K. Pohlweg 47-49 33098 Paderborn Ansprechpartner: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Koch FON: +49 (0) 5251 - 60 22 58 E-MAIL: Dr.-Ing. Jens Pottebaum FON: +49 (0) 5251 - 60 22 34 E-MAIL: Dipl.-Ing. Marco Plaß FON: +49 (0) 5251 - 60 22 27 E-MAIL: Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Koch Sekretariat: Frau Marion Schinkel FON: +49 (0) 5251 - 60 22 57 FAX: +49 (0) 5251 - 60 32 06