Figure 10.16  A particle rotating in a circle under the influence of a tangential force Ft. A force Fr in the radial direction also must be present to.


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Presentation transcript:

Figure 10.16  A particle rotating in a circle under the influence of a tangential force Ft. A force Fr in the radial direction also must be present to maintain the circular motion. Fig. 10.16, p.308

Figure 10.1  A compact disc rotating about a fixed axis through O perpendicular to the plane of the figure. (a) In order to define angular position for the disc, a fixed reference line is chosen. A particle at P is located at a distance r from the rotation axis at O. (b) As the disc rotates, point P moves through an arc length s on a circular path of radius r. Fig. 10.1, p.293

Figure 10.3  The right-hand rule for determining the direction of the angular velocity vector. Fig. 10.3, p.295

Figure 10.2  A particle on a rotating rigid object moves from A to B along the arc of a circle. In the time interval t = tf – ti, the radius vector sweeps out an angle  = f – i. Fig. 10.2, p.294

Figure 10.13  The force F has a greater rotating tendency about O as F increases and as the moment arm d increases. The component F sin  tends to rotate the wrench about O. Fig. 10.13, p.306

Figure 10.13  The force F has a greater rotating tendency about O as F increases and as the moment arm d increases. The component F sin  tends to rotate the wrench about O.

Figure 10.13  The force F has a greater rotating tendency about O as F increases and as the moment arm d increases. The component F sin  tends to rotate the wrench about O.

Figure 10.13  The force F has a greater rotating tendency about O as F increases and as the moment arm d increases. The component F sin  tends to rotate the wrench about O.

2-spot strength ------------------ 3-spot strength 1 (=100%) 3/4 2/3 1/2 1/3 Figure 10.13  The force F has a greater rotating tendency about O as F increases and as the moment arm d increases. The component F sin  tends to rotate the wrench about O.

Fig. P10.14, p.323

Table 10.1, p.297

Table 10.2 (a) Hoop or thin cylindrical shell Table 10.2a, p.304

Table 10.2 (b) Hollow cylinder Table 10.2b, p.304

Table 10.2 (c) Solid cylinder or disk Table 10.2c, p.304

Table 10.2 (d) Rectangular plate Table 10.2d, p.304

Table 10.2 (e) Long thin rod with rotation axis through center Table 10.2e, p.304

Table 10.2 (f) Long thin rod with rotation axis through end Table 10.2f, p.304

Table 10.2 (g) Solid sphere Table 10.2g, p.304

Table 10.2 (h) Thin spherical shell Table 10.2h, p.304

Figure 10.11  Calculating I about the z axis for a uniform solid cylinder. Fig. 10.11, p.303

Table 10.2 Moments of Inertia of Homogeneous Rigid Objects with Different Geometries Table 10.2, p.304

Table 10.3, p.314

Figure 10.12   (a) The parallel-axis theorem: if the moment of inertia about an axis perpendicular to the figure through the center of mass is ICM, then the moment of inertia about the z axis is Iz = ICM + MD2. (b) Perspective drawing showing the z axis (the axis of rotation) and the parallel axis through the CM. Fig. 10.12, p.305

Active Figure 10.4  As a rigid object rotates about the fixed axis through O, the point P has a tangential velocity v that is always tangent to the circular path of radius r. At the Active Figures link at, you can move point P and see the change in the tangential velocity. Fig. 10.4, p.298

Figure 10.5  As a rigid object rotates about a fixed axis through O, the point P experiences a tangential component of linear acceleration at and a radial component of linear acceleration ar. The total linear acceleration of this point is a = at + ar. Fig. 10.5, p.298

Figure 10. 15 A solid cylinder pivoted about the z axis through O Figure 10.15  A solid cylinder pivoted about the z axis through O. The moment arm of T1 is R1, and the moment arm of T2 is R2. Fig. 10.15, p.307

Figure 10.20 An object hangs from a cord wrapped around a wheel. Fig. 10.20, p.310

Figure 10. 21 (a) Another look at Atwood’s machine Figure 10.21  (a) Another look at Atwood’s machine. (b) Free-body diagrams for the blocks. (c) Free-body diagrams for the pulleys, where mpg represents the gravitational force acting on each pulley. Fig. 10.21, p.310

Figure 10.21  (a) Another look at Atwood’s machine. Fig. 10.21a, p.310

Figure 10.21   (b) Free-body diagrams for the blocks. Fig. 10.21b, p.310

Figure 10.21  (c) Free-body diagrams for the pulleys, where mpg represents the gravitational force acting on each pulley. Fig. 10.21c, p.310

Figure 10.25  An Atwood machine. Fig. 10.25, p.315

Figure 10.29 The motion of a rolling object can be modeled as a combination of pure translation and pure rotation. Fig. 10.29a, p.318

Figure 10.29 The motion of a rolling object can be modeled as a combination of pure translation and pure rotation. Fig. 10.29b, p.318

Figure 10.29 The motion of a rolling object can be modeled as a combination of pure translation and pure rotation. Fig. 10.29c, p.318

Figure 10.29 The motion of a rolling object can be modeled as a combination of pure translation and pure rotation. Fig. 10.29c, p.318

Figure 10.29 The motion of a rolling object can be modeled as a combination of pure translation and pure rotation. Fig. 10.29c, p.318

Active Figure 10. 30 A sphere rolling down an incline Active Figure 10.30 A sphere rolling down an incline. Mechanical energy of the sphere-incline-Earth system is conserved if no slipping occurs. At the Active Figures link at, you can roll several objects down the hill and see the effect on the final speed. Fig. 10.30, p.318

Figure Q10.24 Which object wins the race? Fig. Q10.24, p.322

Figure 11.2  The vector product A  B is a third vector C having a magnitude AB sin  equal to the area of the parallelogram shown. The direction of C is perpendicular to the plane formed by A and B, and this direction is determined by the right-hand rule. Fig. 11.2, p.338

Figure 11.12  The wheel is initially spinning when the student is at rest. What happens when the wheel is inverted? Fig. 11.12, p.348

Fig. P11.30, p.357

Fig. P10.31, p.326

Fig. P10.37, p.326

Fig. P10.46, p.328

Fig. P10.47, p.328

Fig. P10.67, p.330

Fig. P10.71, p.331

Fig. P10.72, p.331

Fig. P10.89, p.334

Fig. P10.20, p.324

Fig. P10.21, p.324

Fig. P10.22, p.324