KATA Model based on the Toyota Kata book & research by Mike Rother
“A kata is a routine you practice to make its pattern a habit” What is a Kata? “A kata is a routine you practice to make its pattern a habit”
Scientific Thinking “A routine of intentional coordination between what we think will happen next (theory), what actually happens (evidence), and adjusting based on what we learn from the difference.”
Problem Categories Few medium size problems Many small Very few big
The Role of a Challenge Strategy Theme Execution Ideally, a challenge is a theme that connects strategy with process-level execution Concrete Hard Metrics Principles 1 week – 3 months 1-3 years Distant Strategy Theme Execution
Two Fundamental Kata Improvement Kata Coaching Kata
Improvement Kata 1 2 3 4
Step 1: Direction & Challenge Importance Urgency Tendency
Step 2: Current Condition Overview of current state Highlight key factors Identify the real problem Use quantitative measures Summarize information
Step 3: Target Condition Fully understand the current condition Determine desired state Avoid identifying solutions
Study by comparing actual outcome with expected outcome. PDSA Act/Adjust by standardizing/stabilizing what works, or begin the PDSA cycle again. Plan by defining what you expect to do and to happen. This is the hypothesis or prediction Plan Do Act Study Go see for yourself Study by comparing actual outcome with expected outcome. Do by testing the hypothesis, i.e. try to run the process according to plan. Observe closely.
Five-Why Analysis “By asking why five times and answering it each time, we can get the real cause of the problem.” ~ Taiichi Ohno Threshold of Knowledge: identifying solutions without facts or data 5 Whys or 5 Experiments help us determine our current threshold of knowledge
Step 4: Obstacles Analyze the problem Identify recommendations Implement countermeasure(s) Ensure ongoing PDSA
Coaching Kata 1 2 3 4 The process of coaching these steps also provides continuous confirmation of alignment and intent.
The “Five Questions” Card
Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3J97F9v bQc
The “Five Questions” Card
"When you improve a little each day, eventually big things occur… Not tomorrow, not the next day, but eventually a big gain is made. Don't look for the big, quick improvement. Seek the small improvement one day at a time. That's the only way it happens — and when it happens, it lasts.” -John Wooden
References http://www- personal.umich.edu/~mrother/Homepage.ht ml http://www- personal.umich.edu/~mrother/KATA_Files/IK _Reference_Guide.pdf Baptist Management System https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3J97F9v bQc