Varied Sentence Structure
Kelsey rides her bike to school.
Although she sprained her ankle last year, Kelsey rides her bike to school.
Kelsey rides her bike to school, and she rides it home.
GUIDED PRACTICE Read each of the following sentences and decide which type of sentence it is. 1) Even if the storm comes, we are still going to have practice. 2) Ben writes songs and lyrics for his band and for other friends, too. 3) I will always remember you, and I will always be grateful for all your hard work. 4) Denise told her mother about damaging the car, even though her mother had warned her about using it. 5) Cyrus brought his dog, his cat, two gerbils, and a parakeet with him on vacation.
6) Billie keeps obsessing about her grades, and she is starting to worry me. 7) Even after he apologized, Matt’s friendship with Carey was never the same. 8) Mom will understand, but Dad will have a hard time with this. 9) I know he goes to bed early, but I need to call Uncle Max right now. 10) With her perfect pitch and precise timing, Elsa brought the house down at her recital.
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