Topic 3: Fluently Multiply Multi-Digit Whole Numbers Vocabulary
Essential Question: What are the standard procedures for estimating and finding products of multi-digit numbers?
Standards 5.NBT.A.2 5.NBT.B.5
underestimate The result of using lesser numbers to estimate a sum or product is called underestimate. **70 x 30 is an underestimate for 72 x 34 because 70 < 72 and 30 < 34.
overestimate The result of using greater numbers to estimate a sum or product is called overestimate. **50 x 20 is an overestimate for 45 x 19 because 50 > 45 and 20 > 19.
Partial products Partial products are products found by breaking one of two factors into ones, tens, hundreds, and so on, and then multiplying each of these by the other factor.
variable A letter, such as n, that represents a number in an expression or an equation is called a variable. 25 + n = 37 n = 12