Early Years Foundation Phase English Lesson 1 BBC Children in Need 2015 Delete before using in lesson: Available to print from this document: Pudsey loves to fundraise (slides 3-20) Pupil bookmark template (slide 22) Pupil writing cards (slides 25-27)
Introduction to BBC Children in Need (click image below) Video clip 2 Fundraising ideas [http://xxxxxxx VIDEO clip address] Click here - https://youtu.be/88dJSC_JOBU
Pudsey’s fundraising story
Pudsey loves to fundraise BBC Children in Need 2015 Pudsey loves to fundraise THE SLIDES OF THIS STORYBOOK POWERPOINT COULD BE PRINTED OFF AS COLOURING PAGES. (B&W PUDSEYS)
Champion of Change Here is Pudsey Bear! Pudsey Bear loves to help children. He is going to fundraise and be a… Champion of Change
First, Pudsey is going to bake blue red This slide is repeated with different numbers of cupcakes for differentiation as well as clues with coloured font. (delete as required) Children can colour the cupcakes to show they have read the colours correctly. yellow pink green Read the cupcake colours.
First, Pudsey is going to bake blue red This slide is repeated with different numbers of cupcakes for differentiation as well as clues with coloured font. (delete as required) Children can colour the cupcakes to show they have read the colours correctly. yellow pink green Read the cupcake colours.
First, Pudsey is going to bake blue red white orange This slide is repeated with different numbers of cupcakes for differentiation as well as clues with coloured font. (delete as required) Children can colour the cupcakes to show they have read the colours correctly. pink yellow green Read the cupcake colours.
Pudsey sells his cakes at a bake sale Children write the word(s) on the banner, depending on the ability of the children. Can you write cupcakes on his banner?
Pudsey sells his cakes at a bake sale Children write the word(s) on the banner, depending on the ability of the children. cupcakes Can you write cupcakes on his banner?
Pudsey sells his cakes at a bake sale Children write the word(s) on the banner, depending on the ability of the children. Can you write cupcakes for sale on his banner?
Next he is going to get sponsored for a Champions reading challenge Sponsor form _______
Pudsey reads lots of books This slide is repeated with different numbers of books for differentiation (delete as required) How many books?
Pudsey reads lots of books This slide is repeated with different numbers of books for differentiation (delete as required) How many books?
Pudsey reads even more books This slide is repeated with different numbers of books for differentiation (delete as required) How many books?
Afterwards, Pudsey pays a donation to dress up
What will you dress up as?
Finally, Pudsey is going to entertain. People pay to hear Pudsey sing. What song could he sing?
Pudsey has raised lots of money!
The end
Further activities
Pudsey puppet to print and cut out and tape to a lollypop stick PUDSEY PUPPET TO COLOUR, CUT OUT AND TAPE TO A LOLLYPOP STICK
Pudsey writing cards You can print these to help your children practice their writing skills
Pudsey can___________ Pudsey can___________ Print these cards off for pupils to practise writing by filling in the gaps. Differentiated cards allow pupils to underwrite the sentence or write their own sentence. Writing can be extended further by children writing what Pudsey will bake, sing etc. Pudsey can___________ Pudsey can___________ Sponsor form ______ ________
Pudsey can___________ Pudsey can___________ Print these cards off for pupils to practise writing by filling in the gaps. Differentiated cards allow pupils to underwrite the sentence or write their own sentence. Writing can be extended further by children writing what Pudsey will bake, sing etc. Pudsey can___________ Pudsey can___________ Sponsor form ______ ________
Pudsey can get sponsors Pudsey can bake Pudsey can sing Print these cards off for pupils to practise writing by filling in the gaps. Differentiated cards allow pupils to underwrite the sentence or write their own sentence. Writing can be extended further by children writing what Pudsey will bake, sing etc. Pudsey can dress up Pudsey can get sponsors Sponsor form ______ ________