The 6th SDMX Global Conference 2 to 5 October 2017 - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Applying SDMX in EGYPT The implementation approach Ayman Hathoot Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) Cairo, Egypt
Overview SDMX background SDMX - Background about Egypt Analysis of the current situation Considerations to apply SDMX Tools – countries – sponsors – advisors to implement.
SDMX background Data collection is often complex and inefficient: - Duplicate data exchange among organization. - lack of metadata associated with data.
SDMX background (Cont.) Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX): -minimize the duplication effort as a result of the repeated requests from different agencies.
SDMX - Background about Egypt The main challenge CAPMAS is to: Apply SDMX as a holistic approach to modernize the statistical processing and dissemination infrastructures to improve efficiency.
The current situation shows that: - CAPMAS is ready to improve the statistical infrastructure including registers, metadata repositories, databases, data dissemination tools and facilities. - basic knowledge of key SDMX artifacts are needed for the employees: A. SDMX technical standards and content-oriented guidelines (COGs) B. Data Structure Definitions (DSDs) and Metadata Structure Definitions (MSDs) C. SDMX implementation tools.
SDDS ,Nesstar publisher (DDI- DCMI) , …... Institutional considerations - Implementation of SDMX will be linked to existing strategic plan taking into account the existing standards: SDDS ,Nesstar publisher (DDI- DCMI) , …... The main driver for SDMX implementation is Metadata unit that consists of: Statistical working group Technical working group
IT-related considerations IT sector will be responsible for: Assembling information on the database environment for each of the statistical domains being implemented. Defining the structural metadata concepts (dimensions) used to describe the datasets and the place that metadata are stored. Statistical-related considerations Information about conformity of the indicators to international statistical standards is considered in CAPMAS.
Finally, Determining SDMX implementation tools to use SDMX Reference Infrastructure (Eurostat) identified as comprehensive solution. Suggested Joint agencies to support the pilot project AFDB – ESCWA They sponsored SDMX workshop for African and Asian countries together in 2011 Participating countries : Egypt – other Two countries defined by AFDB – ESCWA technical advisors Italy (ever held a workshops for Arab countries) or defined by AFDB – ESCWA Finally, Step by step will be follow when implementing SDMX
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