Intracanal Medication Dr syed Abrar Ali Assistant Professor Operative Dentistry
Introduction An agent used as an adjunt to cleaning and shaping for prevention or treatment of apical periodontitis.
Functions of Intracanal Medicaments Primary function Disinfection Secondary Functions Induction of hard tissue formation Pain control Control of exudation or bleeding Control of inflammatory root resorption
Primary function Disinfection Antimicrobial Agents Antibiotics Sulpha preparations Penicillins Metronidazole Terracycline Clindamycin
Antimicrobial Agents Disinfectants Aldehydes Halogens Phenols Chlorhexdine Calcium Hydroxide CaOH with antimicrobial additives
Concept Of Predictable Disinfection In Endodontics Mechanical instrumentation Antibacterial effect of irrigation Effect of antibacterial dressing Single visit issue
Microbes Of The Pulp With apical periodontitis Retreatment cases Fusobacterium, prevotella, pophyromonas, peptostreptococcus, veillonella, spirochetes Retreatment cases Enterococci esp. E. Fecalis, Yeasts Actinomyces
Secondary Functions Induction Of Hard Tissue Formation Also called root end closure or apexification Calcium hydroxide, MTA Barrier allows mechanical compression of root filling
Secondary Functions Pain Of Endodontic Origin Interappointment dressing to combat infection Ledermix Corticosteroids NSAIDS
Secondary Functions Exudation And Bleeding Sign of infection Large apical formen Over-instrumented canal Bleeding Calcium Hydroxide Formacresol
Secondary Functions Root Resorption After infection and trauma Several types CaOH, Ledermix, Calcitonin
External Root Resorption
Resorption After Bleaching
Internal Resorption
Tissue Toxicity and Biological Considerations Aldehydes and phenols Tissue damage Interfere with healing or serve as locus for bacterial colonization to creat a lesion that never existed
Suggested Clinical Procedure Mechanical reduction of bacteria Application of medicament Irrigation Dressing Temporary filling
Suggested Reading Harty’s Chapter 7