Aligning Curricula and Examinations to the CEFR Malta 2015 – 2017
Background 10 state school colleges in Malta; Church school & Independent school sector The Language of schooling - Maltese and English Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes Heads of Department work in close collaboration with the Education Officer on aspects related to curricula and assessment / item writers
Foreign languages in the primary and secondary school sector The primary education sector – Foreign Language Awareness Programme Foreign language option choice; secondary school level - Year 7 Subject choice; Year 9 - possibility of selecting yet another foreign language Subject Proficiency Assessment programmes (SPA); Year 9 – Year 11
Current situation Phasing out of current assessment system: Half-yearly (February) / Annual examinations (June - end of scholastic year). Learning Outcome Framework Reform – class-based ongoing assessment (25 % ) / summative assessment (75% ). School leaving and Matriculation Secondary examinations - Year 11
Participation in RELANG workshops Work initiated within the Directorate for Learning and Assessment programmes / Quality and Standards in Education: Levels of language competence set for foreign languages within the Maltese secondary school system at secondary school level (Years 7 – 11) for French, Italian, German, Spanish. Programmes of learning: how do they relate to the CEFR / model of language use? Type and content of assessment set at Years 7 -11. Discussion on specifications for assessment at levels A1 to B.
RELANG: Phase 1 – Module 1 Analysis of curricula and understandings of CEFR levels Collaboration between foreign language departments on level and approach to teaching, learning and assessment Standardisation in assessment practices Training for Education Officers / Heads of Department / Item writers
Jana Bérešová & José Noijons (ECML consultants) RELANG Phase 2 - Module 2 Developing Valid Language Tests for the Use in the Classroom Valletta, 2-4 May, 2017 Jana Bérešová & José Noijons (ECML consultants)
Outcomes of workshops: Familiarisation with CEFR: levels, principles and approach Judgment of CEFR levels aimed at and reached in specific year groups Linking LOF/SLOs to the CEFR: analysis of curricula Standard setting: receptive and productive skills
The underlying principles of teaching, learning and assessment were discussed in the light of examination papers currently set in the local context in the different skills. Discussion and analysis of principles of testing related to the CEFR model of language use. Evaluation of examination papers set by different departments Introduction to the construction of valid and reliable tests (to test receptive and productive skills) Develop participants’ knowledge on validity and reliability of language testing in relation to the CEFR model of language use.
Upcoming projects Evaluation of curriculum developments and curriculum documents in relation to RELANG workshop specifications. Standard setting for assessment practices: class-based ongoing and end of year summative assessment tasks. Training for teachers of Maltese as a second language for migrant learners.
The way forward: post workshops Meetings with *stakeholders: department meetings and issues addressed: i. Format of examination papers according to the four skills and specifications for reading, writing, listening and speaking ii. Alignment of approach and levels set in curricula and examinations in the various foreign language departments iii. Specifications for standard setting iv. MQF (Malta Qualification Framework) levels and CEFR levels *Education Officers; Heads of Department in the state school sector; Heads of Department in Church schools; Representatives from the independent sector