Write the questions and answers on a loose-leaf sheet of paper to be turned in at the end of the unit Science Starter You have probably heard of “matter” before. Do your best to write your OWN definition. Do solids have a DEFINITE shape? Do they have a DEFINITE volume? Do liquids have a DEFINITE shape? Do they have a DEFINITE volume? Do gases have a DEFINITE shape? Do they have a DEFINITE volume?
Requirements for Verbal/Written Answers Complete sentence Restate the question and WHY Correct Syntax We is We are Proper Vocabulary SAT, science vocabulary, NO SLANG Academic Voice Loud and proud—NO WHISPERING No Naked Numbers 50 means nothing. Use the language of opportunity
Objective SWBAT identify properties of matter SWBAT classify matter into one of the major categories
Agenda Science Starter Diagnostic Grades & Tracker Intro to Chemistry/Matter States of matter Exploration Demonstration Classifications of Matter Exit Ticket
Data Tracking & Diagnostic Why do we track data on our tests? Listen to me read out the answers, mark each question right with a check and wrong with an X You will count the check to see which ones you had correct Grade your own paper or a partners with a different color pen!
1-4 5 5-12 8 13-22 9 54 Objective Questions on Test Your Points Total Points Percent Mastery Your points x100 Total points 0 20 40 60 80 100 l l l l l l Mastery? (above 80%) Unit 1: Chemistry Matters! 1-4 5 Unit 2: The PToE 5-12 8 Unit 3: Bonding & Nomenclature 13-22 9 FINAL GRADE 1-53 54
Taking Notes January 28, 2016 Unit 1: Chemistry Matters Intro to Matter
What is Chemistry? Chemistry: the study of the composition of matter and the changes that matter undergoes Matter: anything that has mass and occupies space
What is MATTER? Matter: Anything that has mass and volume. Mass: How much “stuff” there is, in chemistry we will think of it like the weight Weight is actually the mass + gravity. So, on the moon, your mass would stay the same but you would weigh less! If you weighed 150lbs on earth, you would weigh 25lbs on the moon but your mass would be the same. Volume: The amount of space that something takes up. Discuss difference between mass and weight – mass does not change on the moon because it does NOT depend on gravity.
What is MATTER? Is it matter? Why or why not? Grass Chalk Light Heat Gel Ideas Air
Exploration Demonstration We will use syringes and beakers to understand the differences between solids, liquids, and gases. I will quickly run through all of these things as you work on filling in your chart. If you have any questions or need to see anything again, just raise your hand. Demonstrate the use of syringes.
Video: Eureka - States of Matter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guoU_cuR8EE You will fill in the bottom 2 rows of your chart using the video’s information!
States of Matter Solid: definite shape and volume Liquid: indefinite shape but fixed volume Takes the shape of the container Gas: indefinite shape and indefinite volume. Takes the shape and volume of its container.
Particle Diagrams SOLID LIQUID GAS
Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes States of matter can change between one another. These changes have special names, most of which you are already familiar with!
States of Matter Solidification can also be referred to as “freezing”
EXIT TICKET Homework: Syllabus/Supplies/Safety Contract/ Part A of Homework Packet DUE Tomorrow: FRIDAY, JANUARY 29th