Going beyond overview articles Deeper Research Going beyond overview articles
Begin your search for journal articles Go to sciencemag.org Click on the “Science Journals” tab
Go to the science articles search engine Click on the “Advanced” link
You’ll need to specify ALL journals Click on the “Search all Highwire Journals” link
Enter search criteria Enter the topic you are researching in the “Words anywhere in the article” field 2. Click the “ALL of these words” or radial dial Enter the year 2000 for the beginning search date Next, click the red SEARCH button at this point in the screen
Journal Article Results! First, review the article as Abstract Abstract
Reviewing as PDF If it seems relevant, select PDF Scan through the PDF article online PDF – Click on Begin Manual Download
Saving PDF for reading Make sure to increase the viewing size to at least 125% 2. Scan through the article online If it still seems relevant, save it to your network drive location Read the document and take notes from it Make sure to document the source