Program Goals
Case 1: Woman With MDS
Risk: Cytogenetic Subgroups
IPSS Risk Classification System
Diagnostic Problems in MDS
New Cytogenetic Classification of MDS
Patient Assessment
Case 1: Woman With MDS (cont)
Benefit of ESAs
Lenalidomide for del 5q
Phase 2: Lenalidomide in Low-Risk MDS With Karyotypes Other Than del(5q)
Neutropenia and Response With Lenalidomide for del(5q)
Pros and Cons of Lenalidomide
Case 1: Woman With MDS (cont)
Time to First Response With Azacitidine
Lower-Risk Prognostic Scoring System
Possible Treatment Paradigm Based on Risk
Impact of IPSS Risk Category on Transplant Outcome
Characteristics Affecting Decision to Proceed to AlloSCT
Response With Azacitidine in Low-Risk MDS
OS After Azacitidine Failure in Low- or Intermediate-1 Risk MDS
Case 2
Hyposegmented Neutrophils
Case 2 (cont)
MDS/MPN Overlap Disorders
MDS With Bone Marrow Fibrosis
ET With Ringed Sideroblasts
OS Curves of ET, RARS, and RARS-T
Therapeutic Options
Azacitidine: Treatment of CMML
Lenalidomide + Prednisone for MF (ECOG)
Phase 2: Pomalidomide in MF
Duration of TI in Responders With Lenalidomide
Prediction of Lenalidomide Response Using the Response Signature
Case 3
Case 3 (cont)
Case 3 (cont)
Histology of ET, PMF, and ET or MF
WHO Criteria for PMF
WHO Criteria for PMF (cont)
IWG-MRT Prognostic Model
DIPSS Risk Assessment
Kaplan-Meier Estimate of Survival in PMF According to the DIPSS
Criteria for Post-PV MF
Effect of Ruxolitinib on Spleen Size
Side Effects of Ruxolitinib
Case 3 (cont)
Case 3 (cont)
Therapeutic Options
Benefit From Ruxolitinib
Reduction in Spleen Size Across Subgroups
Splenomegaly in MF Patient Pre- and Post-Therapy
Mutant Protein Target Specificity and Anticytokine Activity of JAK Inhibitors
COMFORT Study: OS of Patients Enrolled at MDACC With Ruxolitinib