The Urban Audit II
AIM OF THIS TALK: Inform about a challenging project concerning new Europe-wide statistics Highlight possible consequences
Spatial units in Urban Audit for EU Chapter 1 Spatial units in Urban Audit for EU
Three spatial levels central city (administrative unit) larger urban zone sub-city district (neighbourhood)
Commune / Municipality / Ward / Gemeinde Administrative unit Commune / Municipality / Ward / Gemeinde Specific focus on medium-sized cities (50 000 to 250 000 inhabitants) France: Communauté d’agglomération; Communauté urbaine (contains several communes) The number of cities increased from 58 to 189 Final city list available
Larger Urban Zone (LUZ) Some problems: One EU country remaining “common LUZ” in conurbations not all small cities have a LUZ The final list of LUZ: no real harmonisation
Sub-city districts (SCD) Most problematic Difficult to respect thresholds Several countries still working on the definitions “… information on intra-city disparities indispensable for further political action” “… enable city authorities to gather precise information on possible ‘pockets of concern’ ” “… pinpoint major disparities in terms of social cohesion ”
Countries B - E Belgique/België - finally settled Danmark - LUZ ok, miss details about SCD Deutschland - LUZ ok, list of SCD missing España - finally settled Ελλάδα - LUZ ok, list of SCD missing
Countries F - N France - finally settled Ireland - miss some proposals for LUZ; list of SCD missing Italia - LUZ ok, provisional SCD (1991) accepted Luxembourg - finally settled Nederland - finally settled
Countries O - U Österreich - finally settled Portugal - LUZ ok, list of SCD missing for 1 city (of 8) Suomi/Finland - finally settled Sverige - finally settled United Kingdom - LUZ ok, final list of SCD missing
Chapter 2 Mapping
What does Eurostat have? LUZ and cities can be created from existing boundaries in GISCO database SABE -Seamless Adm. Boundaries of Europe SCD boundaries can be created from existing GISCO boundaries for some countries We have UK wards, PT freguesias, IE electoral districts
Need for additional maps Many SCD have been created only for UA We need to know where in the city the SCD are located Need indicative boundaries of SCD Localisation of UA data on web site Put Urban Audit spatial units into GISCO database Possibility to make thematic maps per city
Procedure Availability depends on country Bilateral discussions Eurostat - NUACs Formally not part of the Urban Audit grant
Map formats Arc/INFO (used by EU Commission in GISCO database) Digital format (anyone) Paper format (to be digitised)
Restrictions for use of maps? Different options: 1. Only within Eurostat and DG REGIO 2. Urban Audit web site and publication 3. Store in GISCO - internal to Commission 4. Store in GISCO - dissemination environment
Tentative conclusions Chapter 3 Tentative conclusions
Conclusions Negative Positive Sub-city districts is the most difficult topic and this is still not finally settled Conceptual challenge of “spatial unit”, given diverging national realities LUZ are not really comparable between countries and cities Positive All Urban Audit cities in the EU are settled!
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