Vendor to Voucher Workshop code it! November 15, 2018
Accounts Payables Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 1 Kim Kelley Assistant Controller Terressa Yeakle Best Payables Travel Audit Training Webmaster/Web Presence Yvette Walker Purchase Order Invoices Check Writing Data Storage Karen Bowman Vendor Management MCD Moving Allowances Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 1 Who are the staff? How is AP broken up? November 15, 2018 University Controllers' Office
Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 1 Accounts Payables Terressa R. Yeakle Best - Manager Payables Travel Audit Training Webmaster/Web Presence 919-515-7489 Google+ Community Coming Soon! Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 1 Who are the staff? How is AP broken up? November 15, 2018 University Controllers' Office
code it Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 2 … What is the Business Purpose of the Purchased Item or Service? Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 2 You should already know this from the authorization process November 15, 2018 University Controllers' Office
Information Resources Controller’s Office Website Chart of Accounts Category ID Definitions Basic Spending Guidelines by Fund Source Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 2 Show Controller’s Website Basic Spending Guidelines- Show Allowable & Unallowable Expenses Purchasing’s New Website –Source & Procurement Training, Buying goods, Debarred Vendors November 15, 2018 University Controllers' Office
code it Account Basics Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 2 The Account Code is a 5 digit number used to classify the transaction. 1xxxx – Assets 2xxxx – Liabilities 3xxxx – Fund Balance 4xxxx – Revenue -Receivables 5xxxx – Expenditures -Payables Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 2 Accounts to select from Expense accounts begin with a 5 November 15, 2018 University Controllers' Office
code it Selecting an Expense Account Question to Ask Yourself … What is the Business Purpose of the Purchased Item or Service? 51000 – Personnel Services 52000 – Supplies and Materials 53000 – Current Services (Travel, Utilities, Services) 54000 – Fixed Charges ( Rental, Maintenance) 55000 – Capital Outlay (over $5,000) 56000 – Aids and Grants Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 2 Start with the general account then Review the chart of accounts to pinpoint which account to use Also lookup feature when entering the voucher November 15, 2018 University Controllers' Office
code it Selecting an Expense Account 51000 – Personnel Services Personnel Compensation: Includes all payment for personnel services to permanent, temporary, and other employees and the cost of fringe benefits relating to such employees. Also includes payments to independent contractors, teaching assistants and research assistants. Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 2 Start with the general account then Review the chart of accounts to pinpoint which account to use Also lookup feature when entering the voucher November 15, 2018 University Controllers' Office
code it Selecting an Expense Account 52000 – Supplies and Materials Supplies and Materials: Includes the payments for supplies, materials, and commodities consumable within a time period of one year of less, consumed by physical units, or whose use results in a significant impairment of their physical condition or appearance. It includes all articles or substances in a natural, prefabricated, or manufactured state used for current operating purposes, processed in construction or manufacturing operations, or constituting an integral part of finished output. Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 2 Start with the general account then Review the chart of accounts to pinpoint which account to use Also lookup feature when entering the voucher November 15, 2018 University Controllers' Office
code it Selecting an Expense Account 53000 – Current Services Current Services: Includes the payments for services provided to the institution which assist in the performance and achievement of institutional programs, and in the operation, repair, and maintenance of institutional facilities. It excludes contracted services classified under account number 51900. Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 2 Start with the general account then Review the chart of accounts to pinpoint which account to use Also lookup feature when entering the voucher November 15, 2018 University Controllers' Office
code it Selecting an Expense Account 54000 – Supplies and Materials Fixed Charges: This account class includes the payments for operating costs which tend to be relatively uniform in amount during monthly, quarterly, semi‐annual, or annual periods. The charges are for a fixed sum or a fixed sum plus charges for use of the property, supported by contracts or agreements, and of a continuing nature. Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 2 Start with the general account then Review the chart of accounts to pinpoint which account to use Also lookup feature when entering the voucher November 15, 2018 University Controllers' Office
code it Selecting an Expense Account 55000 – Capital Outlay Capital Outlay: This account class includes the payments for acquiring legal ownership to equipment, including the related inbound transportation and installation charges. For definitive purposes, equipment possesses the following characteristics: it is not consumable or expendable; it is movable, even though sometimes attached to other accounts or buildings; it has an expected useful life of longer than one year; its cost is at least $5,000; and its use does not create a readily observable physical impairment or deterioration. Also, this account class includes the payments to acquire legal ownership to real property, to construct additions to land and buildings, and to equip and furnish buildings with equipment, furniture, furnishings, machinery, and component systems. This account class includes all expenditures for tangible resources which are subsequently subject to fixed asset controls. Also, it includes library books, journals, and artistic creations. Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 2 Start with the general account then Review the chart of accounts to pinpoint which account to use Also lookup feature when entering the voucher November 15, 2018 University Controllers' Office
code it Selecting an Expense Account 56000 – Aids & Grants Aids and Grants: This account class includes the payments of financial aid monies to various authorized recipients. These payments can be in the form of contracts, grants, subsidies, state aid, or allocations. Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 2 Start with the general account then Review the chart of accounts to pinpoint which account to use Also lookup feature when entering the voucher November 15, 2018 University Controllers' Office
code it Food & Meals Alcohol 52205 52300 53921 53991 FOOD ITEMS PURCHASED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. COULD BE PERSONAL REIMBURSMENT OR DIRECT VENDOR PAYMENT FOOD PURCHASED FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES FOOD SERVICES/PREPARED FOOD. PAYMENTS DIRECTLY TO THE VENDOR ENTERTAINMENT/EXCESS MEALS. **Only Acceptable use of this account code Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 2 Start with the general account then Review the chart of accounts to pinpoint which account to use Also lookup feature when entering the voucher Alcohol 52209 EXPENDTURES FOR ACOHOLIC BEVERAGES November 15, 2018 University Controllers' Office
code it Travel Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 2 Travel within North Carolina is always IN-State travel. Prepaid expenses processed through Small Purchases limited to REGISTRATION FEES and TRANSPORATION FEES TO/FROM THE DESTINATION. Post-travel expenses can not be paid via a Small Purchase Voucher. When paying post travel expenses, use account codes 53112 to 53139 for receipted expenses. Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 2 Start with the general account then Review the chart of accounts to pinpoint which account to use Also lookup feature when entering the voucher When a contracted service vendor invoice for travel expenses, use 51990 if receipts are not provided. November 15, 2018 University Controllers' Office
code it Awards & Gifts 51593 Honorariums 51950 56905 51951 56590 Monetary tokens of appreciation can use any funding sources. Include all travel expenses when using state and federal funds. Un-receipted travel expenses on all other funds Receipted travel expenses on any fund, except state or federal 51950 51951 Awards & Gifts 51593 56905 56590 Employee Awards. Incudes Student Employees. Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 2 Start with the general account then Review the chart of accounts to pinpoint which account to use Also lookup feature when entering the voucher Non-Employee Awards Academic Awards to NCSU Students November 15, 2018 University Controllers' Office
Account Codes of Interest code it Account Codes of Interest Sponsorships Administrative Fees, Such as Notary, H1B, license plate fees 53220 53990 Donations Abstracts 53903 54998 53616 …Postage for U.S. mail, including airmail and parcel post…all shipping costs for purchases are charged to the same account as the items being purchased. Rental charges…to 54300. Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 2 Start with the general account then Review the chart of accounts to pinpoint which account to use Also lookup feature when entering the voucher 53400 or 53119/29/39 …used to record parking permits to University Transportation November 15, 2018 University Controllers' Office
code it Selecting a Category ID … What is the General Business Purpose of the Purchased Item or Service? Category ID”s are used by Purchasing for reporting to the State. *Abuse of these Categories can result in the loss of the Small Purchase voucher capability for your department. Most purchases fall under 888SP-Routine Small Purchases Corresponds to Vendor To Voucher Page 2 Some cat ID’s are used in conjunction with certain accounts 51950 & 99920 Honorarium 56962 & NA15 Stipend Review descriptions to see what is allowed Specific instructions Show must and may May: Athletics & University Payroll November 15, 2018 University Controllers' Office
code it Invoice application Example #1 Example #2 Example #3 November 15, 2018 University Controllers' Office