Understanding Citizenship For 3rd grade By Trish Fields, Keli Newman, and Cara Wielgus ED 417-01
Understanding Citizenship Third grade Responsibilities of citizenship Respecting the rights of others Protecting each person’s dignity Showing compassion
Objective Students will be able to describe the importance of the Underground Railroad. Demonstrate mapping skills through map interpretation and use of cardinal directions. Identify qualities of good citizenship Respect the rights and dignity of others Appreciation and acceptance of others
Understanding the Underground Railroad http://www.freedomcenter.org/ http://www.cincinnati.com/sponsors/nurfc/nurfcVirtualTourNoJS.html Understanding the Underground Railroad Freedom- Rights for men, women, and minorities Freedom- Memorial of September 11, 2001 *All pictures were taken at the Freedom Center during our visit
Materials Under the Quilt of Night by Deborah Hopkinson We’re Different, We’re the Same And We’re All Wonderful by Bobbi Jane Kates Paint in hues of skin tones Blank USA map of free and slave states Construction paper, markers, glue, scissors, etc.
Activity http://www.nationalgeographic.com/railroad/ Have the students access the website for National Geographic.com-Underground Railroad and take the interactive journey. Group discussion, have each child share their experience.
Give each student a blank map Have the students map a course from a slave state to freedom. Have each student describe the path taken by referencing states traveled through and cardinal directions. www.sarasota.k12.fl.us/.../free_slave_states.JPG
Activity Read and discuss differences and similarities among the students. Mix paints to match skin tones and discuss diversity. Compare and contrast what skin tone represented during the days of the Underground RR and today. www.amazon.com
By Deborah Hopkinson For ages 5-10 Available at Amazon.com- 6.99 Activity: read aloud to the students Have each student design a square for a classroom quilt Relate the significance of quilts and colors to the time of the Underground RR. www.amazon.com
Activity Students will take a field trip to the Freedom Center Small groups will be assigned and give group presentations on specific displays or movies represented- and share with the class.