Entitativity Zaakir, Abby, Janiece
Entitativity: Manipulating Ingroup Entitativity Affects the Expression of Prejudice (Effron & Knowles 2015) Definition: perceiving a collection of individuals as a united and coherent group with similar behaviors and goals people have stereotyped beliefs and prejudiced feelings toward more entitative outgroups people whose ingroup is entitative feel more licensed to express prejudice against outgroups (?) Our project: attempt to replicate findings and create new “low entitativity” condition Past literature demonstrates that people tend to have stereotyped beliefs and prejudiced feelings toward more entitative outgroups. Effron and Knowles hypothesized that people whose ingroup is entitative would feel more licensed to express prejudice against outgroups. They were able to demonstrate a significant finding in one of their studies that white Americans primed with entitativity expressed more black prejudice compared to controls.
Method 175 participants from SONA Qualtrics Survey Demographics Randomly assigned: High entitativity condition Low entitativity condition Control condition Entitativity measures Attitudes Toward Blacks scale
Entitativity Conditions Examples Control The ASA’s study will be the largest examination of Americans’ beliefs and behaviors in the organization’s history. The study will probe Americans’ social norms and customs, the holidays they observe, and their patterns of social interaction. The researchers will examine which neighborhoods people live in, which jobs they hold, their tastes in movies and TV programs, and whom they communicate with on a day to day basis.
Examples continued High entitativity The ASA’s report finds that U.S. Whites, regardless of their specific background, are characterized by overwhelming cultural similarities. Whites in the U.S. possess very similar social norms and customs, observe most of the same holidays, and interact mainly with other Whites. The researchers determined also that Whites tend to cluster in the same neighborhoods, hold similar jobs, have similar tastes in movies, TV, music, and food.
Examples continued Low entitativity The ASA’s report finds that U.S. Whites are characterized by overwhelming cultural differences. Whites in the U.S. differ widely in their social norms and customs, observe many different holidays, and interact with people from all sorts of racial and cultural groups. The researchers determined also that Whites live in different types of neighborhoods, hold a variety of different jobs and have widespread tastes in movies, TV, music, and food.
ATB Scale Examples 16 items; 7 point likert scale rating I think that Black people look more similar to each other than White people do. (reverse) It would not bother me if my new roommate was Black. Black people are demanding too much too fast in their push for equal rights. (reverse) I get very upset when I hear a White person make a prejudicial remark about Black people. I would probably feel somewhat self-conscious dancing with a Black person in a public place. (reverse)
Survey Data Analysis Excluded from data: Not born in the US English not first language Identify as any race other than only White Completed survey faster than 300 seconds 122 participants included in data 37 males, 82 females Mean age: 18.86 years old High entitativity N=40 Low entitativity N=46 Control N=35
Results 3 one-way ANOVAs No significant results Assessing condition by ATB scale, White entitativity measure, Black entitativity measure No significant results Unable to replicate Condition had no effect on perceived entitativity of Whites, perceived entitativity of Blacks, or on attitudes towards Blacks
95% Confidence Interval for Mean Results Descriptives AverageATB N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound 1 40 6.0969 .62851 .09938 5.8959 6.2979 4.63 7.00 2 46 5.8410 .78999 .11648 5.6064 6.0756 3.63 3 35 5.7518 .86953 .14698 5.4531 6.0505 3.69 Total 121 5.8998 .77285 .07026 5.7607 6.0389 ANOVA AverageATB Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 2.479 2 1.240 2.114 .125 Within Groups 69.196 118 .586 Total 71.676 120 1=high entitativity, 2=low entitativity, 3=control
Issues/ Future Suggestions Needed more participants MTurk vs SONA Effective manipulation? ATB scale out-dated?
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