@ NYU Hands-On Training Anita Mills, Associate Director for Research Administration Training & Institutional Liaison Cayuse is an electronic research administration tool that allows researchers to submit grant proposals to Grants.gov. Cayuse will allow users to prepare proposals for submission to Grants.gov. Grants.gov is your source to find and apply for federal government grants. In the past, applicants submitted applications to Grants.gov using PureEdge or Adobe Forms. Using PureEdge and Adobe Forms can be challenging. Cayuse replaces the need to use PureEdge or Adobe Forms to submit an application to Grants.gov. Cayuse allows researchers and their staff to prepare grant applications in an easy to use web-based application. Has anyone submitted a proposal using Grants.gov? What was your experience? Is anyone planning to submit a Grants.gov Proposal in the next 2 months? 11/15/201811/15/2018
Why Electronic Research Administration? 11/15/201811/15/2018
Grants.gov Find & apply federal government grants Previously -- PureEdge and Adobe Forms 11/15/201811/15/2018
Why Cayuse? Errors and Warnings!!!!! Ease of Collaboration Subawards Professional Profiles Increased Productivity Autofill Budget escalation 11/15/201811/15/2018
Objective Setting up Professional Profiles Finding Funding Opportunities Creating a Proposal Cayuse Autofill Budgets Attachments Routing Submitting 11/15/201811/15/2018
Professional Profile We will cover: Professional Profile basics How to create a Professional Profile How to add biosketches How to assign permissions to a Professional Profile How to avoid duplicate Professional Profiles How to link the Cayuse424 user account to the Professional Profile 11/15/2018
What is a Professional Profile Professional Profiles capture and store data about Principal Investigators, Key Personal, Other Significant Contributors, AORS, Signing Officials, etc. Before you create a grant application you must create a Professional Profile for the Principal Investigator who is named in the grant Users must create a new Professional Profile that will be linked to the log-on ID. 11/15/2018
Utilizing Professional Profiles Information stored in the Professional Profile is auto-filled into the grant proposal once that individual is named as a PI, Senior/Key Person or Authorized Representative Profiles stored in Cayuse424 can be shared with others and used multiple times Multiple profiles can exist for one individual (if necessary) After you create a profile for the PI you must then set up Professional Profiles for all Key Personnel and Other Significant Contributors named in the grant proposal if a profile has not already been created for them (this can be done after you create the proposal) 11/15/2018
Profile Development Steps Create Professional Profile Associating profile with Institution Complete profile fields Attach biosketches Add permissions Link User account to Professional Profile 11/15/2018
Creating a Professional Profile Login to Cayuse424 http://nyu.cayuse424.com Click the People tab Click the [ ] icon 11/15/2018
Creating a Professional Profile Enter First and Last Name Click the Create New Profile button 11/15/2018
Institutional Association Once the Professional Profile is created it must be affiliated with an institution This is achieved by linking the Professional Profile to an Institutional Profile Once an individual (Profile) is associated with an institution, basic institutional information (e.g., fringe rates) can be auto-filled into that individual’s Professional Profile. 11/15/2018
Creating an Institutional Association Click the located next to Institutional Associations within the Professional Profile 11/15/2018
Creating an Institutional Association Select the Institution using the drop-down menu Select an Institutional nickname (optional) Click the Create Institutional Association button 11/15/2018
Completing the Professional Profile Complete the following fields by clicking on the associated hyperlinks: Name Degrees Demographics Contact Information eRA Role Dept/Division/Title 11/15/2018
Completing the Professional Profile Salary and Fringe Worksheet If Appointment type is not entered into the Professional Profile, Cayuse424 will not be able to auto-calculate salary on the budget pages Base Fringe Rate and Fringe Rate Total can be imported from the Institutional Profile by clicking the Import Institutional Rates button To add additional Fringe Rates click New Row and follow system prompts 11/15/2018
Attaching Biosketches To upload a Biosketch to the Professional Profile click the Type in a name for the Biosketch and click Next 11/15/2018
Attaching Biosketches Click Browse to locate PDF version of Biosketch you’ve previously created Click Next Repeat Step 3 to attach Source (Word) version of Biosketch (optional) Click Done 11/15/2018
The Attached Biosketch Multiple Biosketches can be created and stored in each Professional Profile Once Biosketches are attached to the Professional Profile they can be easily attached to the proposal on the Senior/Key Persons page 11/15/2018
Managing Permissions Once a Professional Profile has been created permissions can be assigned The creator of a Professional Profile is automatically granted all permissions associated with using that profile The profile creator can share the profile with other users by granting appropriate permissions Permissions can be changed or removed 11/15/2018
Adding Permissions To grant permission(s) to other Cayuse424 users click the Click Add user/group 11/15/2018
Adding Permissions Scroll and select an individual user Click Close 11/15/2018
Adding Permissions Once the user is added, check or uncheck permissions, as desired 11/15/2018
Permission Definitions List Allows the “User” to view a profile on the Professional Profiles list Read Allows the “User” to read the details of a profile Read/Write Allows the “User” to add, change or delete information on a Professional Profile Autofill Allows the “User” to Autofill the Professional Profile onto a proposal Delete Allows the “User” to delete a Professional Profile 11/15/201811/15/2018
Permission Definitions Change Permissions Allows the “User” to change security permissions associated with the Professional Profile Add User/Group Allows the “User” to add other users to the Professional Profile Remove/User Group Allows the “User” to remove a user or group 11/15/201811/15/2018
Duplicate Professional Profiles Cayuse424 provides tools to reduce the proliferation of duplicate profiles. When you create a new profile, you see potential matching names and are asked to verify before creating a potential duplicate. More control over the permissions and visibility of new profiles to further reduce the chance of creating duplicates. 11/15/2018
Link User to Professional Profile Now that the profile has been created the individual’s Cayuse424 user account must be linked to the profile. To do so: Click the Preferences tab Click Link User to Professional Profile Locate User Account Click User Account Select User Profile Cayuse424 reports a successful link 11/15/2018
Professional Profile Review Professional Profile basics How to create a Professional Profile How to add biosketches How to assign permissions to a Professional Profile How to avoid duplicate Professional Profiles How to link the Cayuse424 user account to the Professional Profile 11/15/2018
Funding Opportunities 29 Understand what an “opportunity” is Determine if an opportunity has already been downloaded into Cayuse424 Download opportunities from Grants.gov into Cayuse424 Manage opportunities 11/15/2018 29
The Opportunity 30 An opportunity is a grant application package that is downloaded, completed and routed for review prior to submitting to Grants.gov New proposals can be built once the Opportunity (i.e. FOA) has been downloaded into Cayuse424 Before you start to build your proposal you need to determine if the opportunity you are applying for has already been downloaded You do this by reviewing the Opportunity List 11/15/2018 30
Reviewing the Opportunity List 31 Click the Preferences tab Click Update Opportunity List 11/15/2018 31
The Opportunity List 32 Cayuse424 displays a list of opportunities already downloaded Sort the list by clicking any of the column heads 11/15/2018 32
Managing Opportunities 33 If you locate the opportunity you are applying for in Cayuse424, you do not need to download that opportunity again If your opportunity has not been previously downloaded, if must be before you can proceed Some institutions centrally control the downloading of opportunities. If this is the case, you will not be able to perform the download yourself. You must contact the appropriate AOR or System Administrator and request that they download the opportunity for you 11/15/2018 33
Finding Opportunities 34 To retrieve an opportunity from Grants.gov you must know the Opportunity Number or CFDA# You can obtain the Funding Opportunity number by going to www.grants.gov and using the Find Grant Opportunities link 11/15/2018 34
How to Download an Opportunity 35 Click the Preferences tab Click the Update Opportunity link Enter the Opportunity Number or CFDA # into the respective fields Click Retrieve Opportunities 11/15/2018 35
Using Opportunities 36 Simply select the opportunity using the drop-down menu on the Create New Grant Proposal window when you start building a new proposal Refer to the Start Build training module for details 11/15/2018 36
Funding Opportunity Review 37 In this module you learned how to use Cayuse424 to: Understand what an “opportunity” is Determine if an opportunity has already been downloaded into Cayuse424 Download opportunities from Grants.gov into Cayuse424 Manage opportunities 11/15/2018 37
Creating a New Proposal 38 Login to Cayuse424 Click the Proposals tab Click the Proposal button 11/15/2018 38
Creating New Proposal Indicate Budget Type Select the Opportunity 39 Indicate Budget Type Select the Opportunity Type internal Proposal Name Select Principal Investigator using the drop-down menu Choose # of Budget Periods Choose Validation Type This setting determines which agency validations will be used on the form set Click Create Proposal Cayuse424 creates the SF424 form set required by the opportunity See next slide for screen shot 11/15/2018 39
Creating New Proposal 40 11/15/2018 40
Navigating the Proposal 41 All forms are listed in the navigation bar on the left of the screen The checkboxes control which forms are submitted electronically to the agency Mandatory forms are automatically checked and cannot be unchecked Optional forms can be checked to include in the proposal submission (e.g. Detailed vs. modular budget pages) The page numbers are links to form pages 11/15/2018 41
Navigating the Proposal 42 Use the left panel to navigate the form set: Click page numbers to display the page. Or click the minus sign to close the left navigation bar, then, Use the drop down menu to navigate form set. 11/15/2018 42
Internal Proposal Title 43 Give some thought to how you name your proposal. Consider appropriate conventions that will make your proposal easy to locate once your inventory of proposals grows Your Contracts and Grants Office may suggest a naming convention Once you name your proposal, you can easily rename it by clicking on the name field and typing in a new title 11/15/2018 43
Managing Proposal Permissions 44 Proposal Permissions are separate and distinct from Professional Profile permissions Whoever creates the proposal is given full permissions Only the proposal creator can initially grant permission(s) to other users Appropriate proposal permissions must be granted to other users who must have access to the proposal Typically, that includes: Principal Investigators Research Administrators Reviewers 11/15/2018 44
Adding Permissions 45 To grant permission(s) to other Cayuse424 users click the Proposal Permissions icon [ ] Click Add user/group Scroll and select an individual user Click Close 11/15/2018 45
Adding Permissions 46 Once the user is added, check or uncheck permissions, as desired 11/15/2018 46
Permission Definitions 47 List Allows the “User” to see the proposal in a list of proposals Read Allows the “User” to read the contents of a proposal Read/Write Allows the ability to add, change or delete information on a proposal Attach Allows the “User” the ability to attach documents to the proposal Breaklock Allows the “User” to gain write access while another user is in the proposal 11/15/2018 47
Permission Definitions 48 Delete Allows the “User” to delete a proposal Print Allows the “User” to print the proposal Change Permission Allows the “User” to change security permissions on a proposal Add User Group Allows the “User” to add other users to the proposal Remove User Group Allows the “User” to delete other users from the proposal Submit Allows the “User” to submit a proposal to Grants.gov 11/15/2018 48
Validation and Error Tracking 49 Cayuse424 keeps a running total of all errors and warnings As you correct errors and warnings, the running total decreases Errors are fatal. Any proposal that is submitted with errors will be rejected by Grants.gov or the granting agency Warnings are not fatal; but be sure if you are submitting a proposal with warnings that you have determined the warning will not cause the proposal to be rejected or delayed by the granting agency 11/15/2018 49
Displaying Errors and Warnings 50 Click the Errors/Warnings button at the bottom of the proposal page to display details Click the hyperlink. Cayuse424 will display the page on which the Error/Warning occurs and highlight the field that contains the Error/Warning 11/15/2018 50
Proposal Lock Feature 51 When you are working in a proposal, all other users who have permission to that proposal will see the lock icon [ ] adjacent to that proposal when they log-on to Cayuse424 The icon signifies that the proposal is locked Only persons who you have been granted permission to “break-lock” can break your lock Persons without the break-lock authority can still open up the proposal in read-only format; but they will not be able to enter data or add attachments 11/15/2018 51
Copy/Transform Proposal 52 The Copy/Transform feature allows users to: Create a duplicate copy of an existing proposal; or Transform data from an existing proposal into a new grant proposal for a different opportunity Once copied or transformed the new proposal can be renamed, edited and submitted electronically to Grants.gov 11/15/2018 52
How to Make a Copy of a Proposal 53 Click on the Proposal tab and locate the proposal you would like to copy Click the Copy/Transform icon adjacent to the proposal Click Copy Proposal 11/15/2018 53
Copy Proposal Select Duplicate for Copy Type 54 Select Duplicate for Copy Type Confirm Opportunity Details Rename proposal if desired Click Copy 11/15/2018 54
Copy Proposal 55 11/15/2018 55
Copy Proposal 56 Note that both the original and a copy are now in your proposals list 11/15/2018 56
How to Transform a Proposal 57 Click on the Proposal tab and locate the proposal you would like to copy Click the Copy/Transform icon adjacent to the proposal Click Copy Proposal 11/15/2018 57
How to Transform a Proposal 58 Select Transform for Copy Type Select new Opportunity Confirm Opportunity Details Rename proposal if desired Change Validation Type if necessary Click Copy 11/15/2018 58
How to Transform a Proposal 59 11/15/2018 59
How to Transform a Proposal 60 Note that both the original and transformed copy are now in your proposals list Data from the original proposal is automatically copied into the SF424 form set required for a NSF Opportunity 11/15/2018 60
Creating a Proposal Review 61 In this module you learned how to: Create a new proposal Navigate the proposal Assign proposal permissions Validate and track errors Lock/Break Lock Copy/Transform proposals 11/15/2018 61
Autofill Functionality 62 Use the icon to autofill fields Autofilled information is extracted from either the Professional or Institutional Profile(s) If profile information changes during the proposal preparation process, you can autofill again to import the most recent information When you autofill certain sections, Cayuse424 also autofills other logically-connected fields When the proposal is created and displayed for the first time: Applicant Organization data has already been autofilled Principal Investigator data has already been autofilled 11/15/2018 62
Using the Autofill Function 63 Locate the section of the proposal you would like to autofill (e.g. Authorized Representative – Box #19 on the Face Page) Click the 11/15/2018 63
Using the Autofill Function 64 Select the appropriate data to be autofilled Click Close Autofill Window 11/15/2018 64
Using the Autofill Function 65 Notice data has been autofilled into section 11/15/2018 65
Adding Performance Sites 66 Upon proposal creation the Project/Performance Site Primary Location will be partially autofilled for you To add additional performance sites navigate to the Performance Site page and click the 11/15/2018 66
Adding Performance Sites 67 Click OK on the “Add a new Performance Site?” prompt Notice a blank Performance Site location has been created 11/15/2018 67
Adding Performance Sites 68 If adding a new site, complete form manually. If adding a site with a pre-existing Institutional Profile, click the Autofill Pencil and select Institution 11/15/2018 68
Senior/Key Persons Page 69 Provides the ability to add/autofill/edit and delete Senior/Key Persons Allows you to add as many Senior/Key Persons as you need Handles the overflow (8 or 40) by auto-generating an overflow PDF and attaching it to the proposal Provides a sort button that automatically alphabetizes the final list Autofills Senior/Key persons and salary information on the budget pages when you add them on the SF424 Key Persons page 11/15/2018 69
Adding Senior/Key Persons 70 Navigate to the SF424 RR Key Person page Click Add/Edit KP 11/15/2018 70
Adding Senior/Key Persons 71 Scroll down the Key Persons window and select the person you wish to add The Autofill Window displays all information currently stored for that individual 11/15/2018 71
Adding Senior/Key Persons 72 In the Key Persons autofill window you can: Edit Role Define budget periods during which Key Person will be named in the grant. By checking or un-checking the Budget Period boxes you can control whether or not the name and salary information autofills onto the budget page Attach biosketch Edit appointment type and salary Escalate salary Enter level of effort 11/15/2018 72
Adding Senior/Key Persons 73 Once you enter level of effort, Cayuse424 auto-calculates Requested Salary, Fringe Benefits and Funds Requested You can also manually input this information into the budget page for each budget period (see Budget module for details) 11/15/2018 73
Adding Senior/Key Persons “On-the-Fly” 74 Adding a Senior/Key Person “On-the-Fly” allows you to quickly create a Professional Profile from within the proposal From the SF424 RR Key Person page (or Detailed Budget page) Click on Add/Edit KP Click the Create New Key Person button in the Key Person autofill window 11/15/2018 74
Adding Senior/Key Persons “On-the-Fly” 75 Enter First and Last Name Click the Create New Profile button 11/15/2018 75
Adding Senior/Key Persons “On-the-Fly” 76 Fill out the Create New Key Person form and click the Save Key Person button A Professional Profile will be created in addition to the Key Person being added to the Senior/Key Person page and Detailed Budget page 11/15/2018 76
Sorting Senior/Key Persons 77 Once you have added all key persons, click the Sort Senior/Key Persons icon to alphabetize your list. Key Persons will be sorted first while Other Significant Contributors will appear at the bottom of the list 11/15/2018 77
Attaching Biosketches to the Proposal 78 Navigate to the SF424 RR Key Persons page Click the Add Attachment button 11/15/2018 78
Attaching Biosketches to the Proposal 79 The Attach Biosketch window enables you to attach the PDF and the Source (Word) file from the: Professional Profile Another location using the Browse button 11/15/2018 79
Targeted/Planned Enrollment Table 80 Automatically calculates the totals Uploads this form in PDF format to the Research Plan section of the grant proposal The checkbox on the navigation bar must be checked in order to send this form to Grants.gov 11/15/2018 80
Inclusion Enrollment Report 81 Automatically calculates the totals Uploads this form in PDF format to the Research Plan section of the grant proposal The checkbox on the navigation bar must be checked in order to send this form to Grants.gov 11/15/2018 81
Overriding the Enrollment Tables 82 There may be occasions when you have completed the enrollment tables separately; or you have multiple pages of each enrollment tables When this is the case you may override the generated attachment and attach your own document(s) When uploading your own Enrollment tables make sure you uncheck the inclusion box to ensure your uploaded forms are submitted, rather than the generated forms 11/15/2018 82
Overriding the Enrollment Tables 83 Navigate to the Research Plan page in Cayuse424 Click the Override button next to the appropriate Enrollment table 11/15/2018 83
Enrollment Forms 84 Click the Browse button to locate the appropriate Enrollment table and click Open Click Upload Enrollment table is now attached 11/15/2018 84
Autofill Review Autofill data into the proposal Add Performance Sites 85 Autofill data into the proposal Add Performance Sites Add and Sort Key Personnel Attach Biosketches Use the Targeted Plan and Inclusion Enrollment forms 11/15/2018 85
Budgets Basic Budget Concepts How to use Cayuse424 to create a: 86 Basic Budget Concepts How to use Cayuse424 to create a: Detailed Budget Modular Budget Subaward Budget Link to a subaward proposal Import a subaward proposal Export a subaward proposal 11/15/2018 86
Basic Budget Concepts 87 Cayuse424 allows you to start building your budget at any point in the form set, including the: SF424 RR Budget pages Modular Budget page Subaward Budget page Autofills Senior/Key Persons information, including salary, appointment type and fringe rate amount from their Professional Profiles Performs budget calculations once salary, effort and other requested fund amounts are specified Allows users to override auto-filled salary amounts if necessary Performs cost replication and escalation for all budget categories on multiple budget periods 11/15/2018 87
Budget Components: Salary 88 If Appointment Type is not entered into the Professional Profile, Cayuse424 will not be able to auto-calculate salary on the budget pages Salary for Principal Investigators is autofilled on the budget pages when the proposal is created (if applicable) Salary for Senior/Key Persons can be autofilled once they are added to the proposal In the event salary data cannot be retrieved from the Professional Profile it can be manually entered into the appropriate field(s) on the budget pages 11/15/2018 88
Budget Components: Fringe Rates 89 Institutional Fringe Rates and Benefits are set in the Institutional Profile Default rates for individuals can be set once they are affiliated with an institution Fringe rates specific to an individual can be added in their Professional Profile Pertinent fringe rates are applied automatically to all salary calculations Autofilled fringe rates can be overridden if necessary 11/15/2018 89
Budget Components: Indirect Costs 90 Indirect Costs types/rates are set in the Institutional Profile When you create a proposal, all indirect cost types/rates associated with that institution will be used as a basis for calculating the budget 11/15/2018 90
Budget Components: Budget Periods 91 Up to five budget periods can be specified The number of Budget Periods can be changed once the proposal is created When working with multiple budget periods, it is important to ensure that the correct data (e.g., months of effort, IDC rates, travel expenses, etc.) is input for all relevant budget periods; otherwise the proper calculations will not occur 11/15/2018 91
Managing Budget Periods 92 Click on the calendar icon to Set Start Date and End Date of proposal Cayuse424 allows you to set and edit the period start and end dates in several places, including the SF424 RR Budget, Modular Budget and SF424 RR Face Page 11/15/2018 92
Managing Budget Periods 93 The number of periods is pre- defined when you create the proposal. Edit if required Select Period Length using drop-down menu Click on calendar icon to set dates Click the Set Dates button Cayuse424 autofills start and end dates for all budget periods based on selections 11/15/2018 93
Managing Budget Periods 94 Use the Budget Period drop down menu or navigation arrows to navigate, view and edit different budget periods 11/15/2018 94
Adding Key Persons to the Budget Page 95 Key Persons are generally added on the SF424 RR Key Persons page, however, you can also add them and edit the data on Section A of the budget form To add Senior/Key Persons to the Budget please see Module 6: Add Senior Key/Persons & Adding Senior/Key Persons “On-the-Fly” 11/15/2018 95
Managing Senior/Key Personnel 96 Edit Key Persons fields (if necessary) Once data is autofilled you can manually change any field If you override a calculated field, the system will insert a red star adjacent to the field Once a field has been over written auto-calculate will no longer work on that field 11/15/2018 96
Section B: Adding Other Personnel 97 Manually enter: Number of Personnel Role Months Requested Salary Fringe Benefits 11/15/2018 97
Section B: Adding Other Personnel 98 Select Indirect Cost Type for Sections A and B using drop down menu The default indirect cost type from the Institutional Profile will be auto- populated during proposal creation Cayuse424 applies the correct rate to Key/Senior Persons and Other Personnel and auto-calculates Funds Requested ($) and Total Salary, Wage and Fringe Benefits 11/15/2018 98
Section C: Adding Equipment 99 Click New Equipment Row Enter Equipment Item Enter Funds Requested Select Indirect Cost Type using drop down menu (excluded set as default) 11/15/2018 99
Sections D, E, F and J : Requesting Funds 100 Select Indirect Cost Type using drop down menu The default indirect cost type from the Institutional Profile will be auto-populated during proposal creation Enter Funds Requested ($) for each applicable line item 11/15/2018 100
Section H: Indirect Costs 101 Select the Indirect Cost Type, using the drop down menu The default indirect cost type from the Institutional Profile will be auto- populated during proposal creation Once the appropriate indirect cost type is selected Cayuse424 will automatically: Enter the indirect cost rate (%) This may be a composite rate if the IDC rate is escalating Calculate the indirect cost base ($) Update Funds Requested ($) Autofill cumulative budget page 11/15/2018 101
Section H: Indirect Costs 102 11/15/2018 102
Replicating Budget Data 103 If you are requesting funds for a specific budget line item(s) and would like to replicate that data on multiple budget periods, you can do so by following these steps: Click on the SF424 RR Budget page 11/15/2018 103
Replicating Budget Data 104 Enable the budget category you wish to replicate by clicking on the check box adjacent to the budget category Select the budget periods which you would like the replicated data to be copied to Click Replicate Starting Budget Period Without Escalation Cayuse424 will automatically copy first period numbers for that budget category into any budget periods you specified 11/15/2018 104
Escalating Budget Data 105 If you are requesting funds for a specific budget line item(s) and would like to escalate that data on multiple budget periods, you can do so by following these steps: Click on the SF424 RR Budget page 11/15/2018 105
Escalating Budget Data 106 Enable the budget category you wish to escalate by clicking on the check box adjacent to the budget category Select the budget periods which you would like the escalation to occur Click Escalate Selected Categories Cayuse424 will automatically escalate the budget category(s) into any budget periods you specified 11/15/2018 106
The Cumulative Budget Page 107 The Cumulative Budget page displays totals for all categories and costs/expenses, etc., indicated in the detailed budget pages Cumulative budget totals are calculated by the system and cannot be overridden. If you find an error, correct it on the source page and the cumulative budget number will automatically be updated 11/15/2018 107
Creating a Modular Budget 108 Modular Budgets are created in one of two ways: Creating the detailed budget in Cayuse424 will automatically create a modular budget and round up to the nearest module Enter modular budget figures directly into the Modular Budget page 11/15/2018 108
Creating Subaward Budgets 109 Cayuse424 allows you to create one or more subaward budgets by: Creating an unlinked worksheet row Linking to an existing subaward proposal Importing a subaward proposal Once subaward budget figures are linked, imported or created, they will automatically be displayed on the Cumulative Budget page 11/15/2018 109
Create an Unlinked Worksheet Row 110 Create and manually enter budget information for a subaward proposal. This is particularly useful if submitting a Modular Budget Open prime proposal Navigate to Subaward Budget Page Click 11/15/2018 110
Create an Unlinked Worksheet Row 111 Enter Worksheet Row Title Click Add Worksheet Row 11/15/2018 111
Create an Unlinked Worksheet Row 112 Enter Subaward Direct Costs and Indirect Costs for all budget periods. Cayuse424 auto-calculates Allocated to IDC Base These costs will be auto-populated to the Detailed and Modular Budgets 11/15/2018 112
Creating a Subaward Budget/Proposal 113 Navigate to the Proposals Tab and click Type Proposal Name Select Organization Indicate # of Budget Periods Select Validation Type (e.g., NIH) Click Create Proposal See next slide for screen shot 11/15/2018 113
Creating a Subaward Budget/Proposal 114 11/15/2018 114
Creating a Subaward Budget/Proposal 115 Cayuse424 creates the Subaward Proposal that includes: Performance Site page Key Persons page SF424 R&R Budget Page See Module 6: Proposal Basics and Module 7: Proposal Budgets to learn how to fill out these forms 11/15/2018 115
Link to an Existing Subaward Proposal 116 Open prime proposal Navigate to Subaward Budget Page Click Select the appropriate Subaward from the list Click Link in Subaward Note: These steps are not necessary if the Subaward Proposal was created in the Subaward Budget Page. In that case, the link will automatically occur See next slide for screen shot 11/15/2018 116
Link to an Existing Subaward Proposal 117 11/15/2018 117
Link to an Existing Subaward Proposal 118 Note: Subaward tab has been added with access to Subaward proposal The subaward budget figures are now displayed in the primary proposal subaward budget page To view or edit the subaward simply click on the subaward proposal in either the Subaward tab or the Subaward Budget page in the prime proposal See next slide for screen shot 11/15/2018 118
Link to an Existing Subaward Proposal 119 11/15/2018 119
Include Subaward Proposal for Submission 120 Click the check box adjacent to the Subaward Budget on the navigation bar. This will ensure that the subaward budget will be included in the PDF you submit electronically to the Grants.gov 11/15/2018 120
Import a Subaward Proposal 121 In order to import a subaward proposal, your subcontractor must create the subaward proposal using Cayuse424 or Subawards.com and send the exportable file to you via email You can choose to import the subaward proposal to either the Proposals tab or directly into the prime proposal 11/15/2018 121
Importing to the Proposal Tab 122 Navigate to the Proposals tab and click Enter internal subaward proposal name Browse to location of exported subaward proposal Click Import Subaward 11/15/2018 122
Importing to the Proposal Tab 123 The imported subaward proposal will now appear in your list of proposals in the Proposals tab 11/15/2018 123
Importing into the Prime Proposal 124 Open the Prime proposal Navigate to the Subaward Budget page Click Enter name for imported subaward Browse to location of exported subaward proposal Click Import Subaward Importing Key Persons & Performance Sites confirmation box will appear Subaward costs will be auto-populated to the Detailed and Modular Budgets See next slide for screen shot 11/15/2018 124
Importing into the Prime Proposal 125 11/15/2018 125
Exporting a Subaward Proposal 126 In Cayuse424 you can create and export a subaward proposal to another Cayuse424 customer institution 11/15/2018 126
Exporting a Subaward Proposal 127 After creating your Subaward Proposal click to export file Enter a name for the exported file Click Save exported subaward proposal to desktop, folder or shared drive Attached exported file to an email and send to collaborator 11/15/2018 127
Exporting Tips 128 Internal documentation (e.g. signed Face Pages, Letters of Support, Letters of Collaboration, etc) can be added to the Documents page under Proposal Summary. These will be exported with the subaward proposal Running the validation Check is recommended prior to exporting 11/15/2018 128
NIH Requirements for Subawards 129 For Opportunities that require a full budget you must attach the completed subaward proposal NIH cannot compare your grant costs correctly to the direct cost limitation without the complete subaward budget NIH cannot calculate the indirect costs on subs without the attachment If this information isn’t provided your proposal may be rejected or delayed after submission 11/15/2018 129
Budget Review In this module you learned: Basic Budget Concepts 130 In this module you learned: Basic Budget Concepts How to use Cayuse424 to create a: Detailed Budget Modular Budget Subaward Budget Link to a subaward proposal Import a subaward proposal Export a subaward proposal 11/15/2018 130
Attachements Attach documents to your grant proposal 131 Attach documents to your grant proposal Attach your Research Plan Use the Research Plan “Exploder” in 5 easy steps View proposals in PDF format 11/15/2018 131
Attachment Checklist 132 All required attachments, per the FOA, should be un-encrypted PDFs Form Set Attachment SF424 RR, page 2 Pre-application List of Project Congressional Districts SF424 RR, Other Project Information Project Summary/Abstract Project Narrative Bibliography and References Cited Facilities and Other Resources Equipment Other SF424 RR, Key Persons Biographical Sketch Current and Pending Support SF424 RR, Budget, page 3 Budget Justifications Modular Budget PHS 398 Research Plan Research Plan PHS 398 Checklist Assurances/Certifications PHS 398 Cover Letter Cover Letter 11/15/2018 132
Attaching Documents 133 Go to the appropriate page on the form set (e.g. Key Persons page) Locate attachment point (e.g. Current & Pending Support) Click Add Attachment 11/15/2018 133
Attaching Documents 134 The Upload Attachment window enables you to attach the PDF and the source (Word) files It is a good practice to upload both versions. Should the document require editing at a later time the source file is easily found by anyone working on the proposal Click Browse 11/15/2018 134
Attaching Documents 135 Locate the PDF version of the file you wish to attach Click Open Repeat for source file 11/15/2018 135
Attaching Documents Once you’ve added both files, click Upload 136 Once you’ve added both files, click Upload 11/15/2018 136
Attaching Documents 137 The files have been uploaded when you see PDF and SRC in blue 11/15/2018 137
Attaching the Research Plan 138 To attach your Research Plan manually please follow the 10 steps in the previous slides To attach your Research Plan “all at once” you can use the “Exploder” process (described in the next several slides) 11/15/2018 138
Using the “Exploder” 139 Take a properly formatted (see the Grants.gov Application Guide SF424 for details) Research Plan and insert a page break at each section header (e.g. Introduction, Specific Aims, Background & Significance, etc) Create a PDF of the Research Plan using a PDF generator of your choice (e.g. Acrobat, Word 2007, Word OS X, Cute PDF, etc) 11/15/2018 139
Using the “Exploder” 140 Login to Cayuse424, open your proposal and navigate to the PHS 398 Research Plan section 11/15/2018 140
Using the “Exploder” 141 Upload your Research Plan PDF to “0. Composite PDF” 11/15/2018 141
Using the “Exploder” 142 Success! Breaking apart the Research Plan succeeded! 11/15/2018 142
Routing Configuration: Delegates 143 If a reviewer has named delegate(s) in the Routing Profile of their Professional Profiles, the following rules apply: Delegates receive the same notifications as the Primary Delegates can perform the same actions as the Primary Multiple delegates are allowed Delegates have to establish their own pecking order Delegates must have Professional Profiles that can be viewed by the proposal initiator 11/15/2018 143
Viewing Proposals in PDF Format 144 You can generate a PDF to see how your proposal looks at any time Click Print icon [ ]at the top right hand side of the proposal Check all appropriate sections. You can select as many or as few sections as desired Click Generate PDF Cayuse424 will generate a PDF of all selected sections Save or print the generated PDF version 11/15/2018 144
Attachments Review Attach documents to your grant proposal 145 Attach documents to your grant proposal Attach your Research Plan Use the Research Plan “Exploder” in 5 easy steps View proposals in PDF format 11/15/2018 145
Routing In this module you will learn: The basic concepts of routing 146 In this module you will learn: The basic concepts of routing The rules that apply to delegates How to create a routing chain How to edit a routing chain How to initiate the proposal routing process How to use the Routing List How to approve the proposal How to retract the proposal 11/15/2018 146
Basic Concepts Routing is designed to be incremental and assumes that: 147 Routing is designed to be incremental and assumes that: Participants know where a proposal should go next The actual route taken is likely to vary by proposal and therefore must be specified for each proposal 11/15/2018 147
Creating the Routing Chain 148 Whoever creates the proposal can specify the review and approval route by setting up a Routing Chain in the proposal Open the prime proposal and click The PI of the proposal automatically appears first in the Routing Chain 11/15/2018 148
Creating a Routing Chain 149 Add reviewers by clicking Insert a person into the chain by clicking . Click on the appropriate icon to add above or below members of the existing chain Choose the name of the required reviewer and click Close Edit Chain Window All reviewers must have an established Professional Profile, otherwise they will not be on the list You can only select reviewers if you have permission to view their Professional Profile; therefore make sure that you have been granted permission to see their profile See next slide for screen shot 11/15/2018 149
Creating a Routing Chain 150 11/15/2018 150
Creating a Routing Chain 151 Andrew Hoff has been added to the Routing Chain Repeat steps to add additional reviewers 11/15/2018 151
Editing the Routing Chain 152 You can insert or remove persons from the routing chain once it’s defined by clicking on the appropriate icon and following the system prompts 11/15/2018 152
Initiating a Routing Chain 153 Once you have completed the routing chain, the PI or their delegate can initiate the chain by clicking the box adjacent to their name Whenever a proposal is initiated or approved by someone on the routing chain Cayuse424 will prompt you to approve the action Click Approve See next slide for screen shot 11/15/2018 153
Initiating a Routing Chain 154 11/15/2018 154
Initiating a Routing Chain 155 Once the Routing Chain is initiated three things happen: An email is sent to the next reviewer on the list notifying them of their turn to review the proposal “Write” permissions are taken away from all those who have permissions to the proposal The proposal is added to the Routing List of all the reviewers on the chain (the Routing List is found on the Routing tab) 11/15/2018 155
Routing: Warm/Hot List 156 Each user has their own Routing List that is accessed from the Routing tab All proposals this reviewer is requested to review are listed Each proposal shows how long it’s been in a review process Click on the link to be given access to the proposal for review purposes only 11/15/2018 156
Routing: Rules 157 Proposal approval must follow the routing chain. Reviewers can look at a proposal once it hits their Routing List, but they cannot approve it until the previous reviewers on the routing chain have signified their approval Once a proposal is routed, Cayuse424 grants temporary permission to reviewers to access the proposal In case of an emergency a reviewer may be deleted from the chain (skipped) From the routing chain “initiator” perspective, the proposal becomes “read only” once routing is initiated 11/15/2018 157
Approving the Proposal 158 Reviewers indicate their approval by checking the box adjacent to their name Once approved, the next reviewer on the routing chain is notified via email As soon as the AOR (or Delegate – OSP ONLY) checks their box an email is sent to everyone on the routing chain and electronic submission to Grants.gov can proceed 11/15/2018 158
Retracting Approval 159 Once approval is given it can be retracted by un-checking the box next to the reviewers name. This will cause the proposal to be sent back for re-review and/or corrections Once a routing chain is started, the initiator can Recall (cancel) the whole process by un-checking their box 11/15/2018 159
Routing: History 160 All routing actions are logged in the proposal’s Routing History 11/15/2018 160
Routing Review The basic concepts of routing 161 The basic concepts of routing The rules that apply to delegates How to create a routing chain How to edit a routing chain How to initiate the proposal routing process How to use the Routing List How to approve the proposal How to retract the proposal 11/15/2018 161
Submitting a Proposal 162 Assess readiness and determine who can submit proposals Submit a proposal to Grants.gov – OSP ONLY Discern the proposal submission status Review Grants.gov tracking information View status of submitted proposal 11/15/2018 162
Assessing Readiness to Submit 163 Your proposal is ready to be submitted when: All required SF424 forms have been completed The Research Plan has been attached All other documents (e.g., budget justification, Biosketches, etc.) have been attached All funding agency, funding opportunity, Grants.gov and Cayuse validations have been met All review authorities (including the AOR) have approved the proposal 11/15/2018 163
Determining Who Can Submit 164 NYU centrally controls who can submit. You must contact your Project Officer and request that they submit the proposal for you 11/15/2018 164
Reviewing Tracking Information 165 The Electronic Submission page contains: Proposal Details Proposal Submission History Electronic Submission information Once the proposal is open click the Submission icon [ ] located in the upper right hand or lower left hand corner (in the proposal navigation window) of the proposal Click the small “plus sign” [+] next to Proposal Submission History for submission status Click the Grants.gov # hyperlink to view current status of proposal 11/15/2018 165
View Status of Submitted Proposal 166 11/15/2018 166
Submission Review In this module you have learned how to: 167 In this module you have learned how to: Assess readiness and determine who can submit proposals Submit a proposal to Grants.gov – OSP ONLY Discern the proposal submission status Review Grants.gov tracking information View status of submitted proposal 11/15/2018 167
Questions? 11/15/2018