Process an AWOL/DFR Packets


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Presentation transcript:

Process an AWOL/DFR Packets December 2017

“AWOL in Canada”

Learning Objective ACTION: Process Dropped from Rolls Conditions: In a classroom environment, given a personal computer with access to eMILPO, AR 630-10, AR 600-8-6, DA Pam 600-8, AR 190-9 , AR 600-8-104, student handout, and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. STANDARDS: 1. Obtained all documents required in the DFR packet. 2. Assembled all documents required in the DFR packet. 3. Forwarded all documents through the supporting Brigade to USADIP (United States Army Deserter Information Point). 4. Input transactions associated with DFR processing using the eMILPO database. SHOW SLIDE#3 (Terminal Learning Objective) NOTE: Inform the students of the following Terminal Learning Objective. NOTE: Inform the students of the SAFETY REQUIREMENTS, and the RISK ASSESSMENT. ACTION: Process a Dropped From Roll (DFR) Packet Conditions: In a classroom environment, given a personal computer with access to eMILPO, AR 630-10, AR 600-8-6, DA Pam 600-8, AR 190-9 , AR 600- 8-104 and student handout. STANDARDS: 1. Obtained all documents required in the DFR packet. 2. Assembled all documents required in the DFR packet. 3. Forwarded all documents through the supporting Brigade to USADIP (United States Army Deserter Information Point). Input transactions associated with DFR processing using the eMILPO database. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS. In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with FM 5-19, Composite Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DA Form 7566 COMPOSITE RISK MANAGEMENT WORKSHEET during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW FM 3-11.4, NBC Protection, FM 3-11.5, CBRN Decontamination. No food or drink is allowed near or around electrical equipment (CPU, file servers, printers, projectors, etc.) due to possible electrical shock or damage to equipment.  Exercise care in personal movement in and through such areas.  Avoid all electrical cords and associated wiring.  In event of electrical storm, you will be instructed to power down equipment. Everyone is responsible for safety. RISK ASSESSMENT LEVEL. Low. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM 3-34.5 Environmental Considerations and GTA 05-08-002 ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. EVALUATION. Students will be evaluated during the completion of the Practical Exercise. INSTRUCTIONAL LEAD-IN. Units account for soldiers from their initial arrival (ARR) date or specified reporting date in orders (whichever is earlier), to actual departure (DPRT) date, date dropped from rolls (DFR), date dropped from strength (DFS), date of separation (SEP) from active duty, or the date of death. Bottom line up front, accounting for our Soldiers is a commander and S-1 responsibility!

Duty Status Definition: The availability of personnel to their assigned or attached unit. It is reported daily and used in strength accounting. Soldiers who are available to perform normal duties are considered Present for Duty (PDY). SHOW SLIDE#4 (Duty Status) a. The availability of personnel to their assigned or attached unit. It is reported daily and used in strength accounting. Soldiers who are available to perform normal duties are considered Present for Duty (PDY).

Absent Without Leave Soldier is considered AWOL when: Fails to go to his or her appointed place of duty at the time prescribed Goes from their place of duty without proper authority Absent or remains absent from their unit, organization, or required place of duty Fails to report to a transportation terminal as ordered Fails to report to his or her proper duty station as needed SHOW SLIDE#5 (Absent Without Leave b. Absent Without Leave (AWOL). Soldiers are considered AWOL when: (1) Fails to go to his or her appointed place of duty at the time prescribed. (2) Goes from their place of duty without proper authority. (3) Is absent or remains absent from their unit, organization, or required place of duty. (4) Fails to report to a transportation terminal as ordered. (5) Fails to report to his or her proper duty station as needed. AR 630-10, Glossary, Section II, Terms

Deserter Dropped from Rolls (DFR) Soldiers will be reported as DFR when any one of the following occurs: They remain AWOL for 30 consecutive days. The unit commander believes the Soldier voluntarily sought political asylum or is living in a foreign country apart from official duties or authorized leave. The Soldier has joined the armed forces of another country. There is reasonable belief that the Soldier has left his or her duty station with the intent to avoid hazardous duty or important service, or intends to remain permanently absent. An expressed intention not to return to a particular unit is not enough evidence to drop the Soldier from the rolls of the Army. The Soldier fails to return to a unit from which he or she is AWOL after return to military control (RMC) at another location or departs prior to the completion of administrative, judicial, or nonjudicial action for a previous action. c. Soldiers will be reported as DFR when any one of the following occurs: (1) They remain AWOL for 30 consecutive days. (2) The unit commander believes the Soldier voluntarily sought political asylum or is living in a foreign country apart from official duties or authorized leave. (3) The Soldier has joined the armed forces of another country. (4) There is reasonable belief that the Soldier has left his or her duty station with the intent to avoid hazardous duty or important service, or intends to remain permanently absent. An expressed intention not to return to a particular unit is not enough evidence to drop the Soldier from the rolls of the Army. (5) The Soldier fails to return to a unit from which he or she is AWOL after return to military control (RMC) at another location or departs prior to the completion of administrative, judicial, or nonjudicial action for a previous action.

Deserter Dropped from Rolls (DFR) Cont. He or she escapes from confinement. Identified as a special category absentee. A commissioned officer tenders his or her resignation and, before notice of its acceptance; departs his post or proper duties without leave and with the intent to remain away permanently. A member of the Armed Forces goes from and remains absent from his or her unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to remain away permanently. (6) He or she escapes from confinement. (7) Identified as a special category absentee. (8) A commissioned officer tenders his or her resignation and, before notice of its acceptance; departs his post or proper duties without leave and with the intent to remain away permanently. (9) A member of the Armed Forces goes from and remains absent from his or her unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to remain away permanently.

Required Documents for Processing DFR Packets Documents will be scanned to DD FORM 553 (DESERTER/ABSENTEE WANTED BY THE ARMED FORCES) Unit Commanders must submit through the provost marshal per AR 190-9, para 3-2, verified by the DCO/BDE S1 for accuracy, and scanned as a separate attachment to USAIDIP.   DA FORM 4187 (PERSONNEL ACTION – PDY TO AWOL).   Ensure distribution is made to the defense finance accounting service (DFAS), eMILPO transaction is completed, defense enrollment eligibility reporting system (DEERS) is updated, and scan to USAIDIP for review.  once reviewed for accuracy and completeness, USAIDIP will return to DCO/BDE S1 for upload to iPERMS.   DA FORM 4187 (PERSONNEL ACTION – AWOL TO DFR).   Ensure distribution is made to DFAS within 48 hours, DEERS updated, and scan to USAIDIP for review.  once reviewed for accuracy and completion, USAIDIP will return to DCO/BDE S1 for upload to iPERMS.     SHOW SLIDE#8 (Required Documents for Processing DFR Packet) D. Documents will be scanned to (1) DD FORM 553 (DESERTER/ABSENTEE WANTED BY THE ARMED FORCES) Unit Commanders must submit through the provost marshal per AR 190-9, para 3-2, verified by the DCO/BDE S1 for accuracy, and scanned as a separate attachment to USAIDIP.  The DD form 553 will not be returned to the DCO/BDE S1 after review.  USAIDIP will hold the DD form 553 until the case is closed.   This is the most important document for processing the warrant for arrest.  Section 18 must be signed by the commander (co level and above).  for block 19, it is important to ID any peculiarities in appearance, tattoos, scars, marks, or characteristics that would assist in their arrest.  Submit photos with the packet if available and indicate if the Soldier was suspected of a criminal act or pending UCMJ action at the time of absence. (2) DA FORM 4187 (PERSONNEL ACTION – PDY TO AWOL).   Ensure distribution is made to the defense finance accounting service (DFAS), eMILPO transaction is completed, defense enrollment eligibility reporting system (DEERS) is updated, and scan to USAIDIP for review.  once reviewed for accuracy and completeness, USAIDIP will return to DCO/BDES1 for upload to iPERMS.   (3) DA FORM 4187 (PERSONNEL ACTION – AWOL TO DFR).   Ensure distribution is made to DFAS within 48 hours, DEERS updated, and scan to USAIDIP for review.  once reviewed for accuracy and completion, USAIDIP will return to DCO/BDE S1 for upload to iPERMS.    

Required Documents for Processing DFR Packets (cont.) DCO/BDE S1 must verify that items are in iPERMS. Scan to USAIDIP for review.  Once reviewed for accuracy and completion, USAIDIP will return to DCO/BDE S1 for upload to iPERMS. DD Form 458 (Charge Sheet), Commander’s 10 Day AWOL Letter to Next of Kin (NOK), Commander’s 31 Day DFR Letter to NOK Combined AWOL and DFR Letter to NOK (for one day drops only as applicable) DD Form 93 (Record of Emergency Data), verify document is in iPERMS. Forms 4/1, 2, 3 (Enlistment/Re-enlistment Contract), verify document is in iPERMS.  DD Form 1966 (Record of Military Processing), verify document is in iPERMS. SF 86 (Questionnaire For National Security Positions), verify document is in iPERMS.   SHOW SLIDE#9 (Required Documents for Processing DFR Packet) Cont. e. DCO/BDE S1 must verify that items are in iPERMS (1) DD Form 458 (Charge Sheet), Scan to USAIDIP for review.  once reviewed for accuracy and completion, USAIDIP will return to DCO/BDE s1 for upload to iPERMS. (2) Commander’s 10 Day AWOL Letter to Next of Kin (NOK), Scan to USAIDIP for review.  Once reviewed for accuracy and completion, USAIDIP will return to DCO/BDE S1 for upload to iPERMS. (3) Commander’s 31 Day DFR Letter to NOK Scan to USAIDIP for review.  Once reviewed for accuracy and completion, USAIDIP will return to DCO/BDE s1 for upload to iPERMS. (4) Combined AWOL and DFR Letter to NOK (for one day drops only as applicable), Scan to USAIDIP for review.  Once reviewed for accuracy and completion, USAIDIP will return to DCO/BDE S1 for upload to iPERMS. (5) DCO/BDE S1 must verify that items are in iPERMS (6) DD Form 93 (Record of Emergency Data), verify document is in iPERMS. (7) Forms 4/1, 2, 3 (Enlistment/Re-enlistment Contract), verify document is in iPERMS. (8) DD Form 1966 (Record of Military Processing), verify document is in iPERMS. (9) SF 86 (Questionnaire For National Security Positions), verify document is in iPERMS.

Required Documents for Processing DFR Packets (cont.) ARNG/USAR Only ARNG/USAR Initial Active Duty for Training (IADT) or ADT Orders. (AR 630-10, Para 5-1b(2a) & 5-3a(2). ARNG Discharge Order Format 510 or MOB Order. (NGR 600-200, Para 8-35L(10). USAR Assignment Order Format 440 or MOB Order. (AR 630-10, Para 5-7a(2) & AR 600-8-105, Para 3-6. Reporting Commanders will forward a copy of the DFR packet via email through command channels to, no later than 72 hours after determination of desertion status. SHOW SLIDE#10 ( Required Documents for Processing DFR Packets(Cont.) Required Documents for Processing DFR Packets (cont.) f. ARNG/USAR Only (1) ARNG/USAR Initial Active Duty for Training (IADT) or ADT Orders. (AR 630-10, Para 5-1b(2a) & 5-3a(2). (2) ARNG Discharge Order Format 510 or MOB Order. (NGR 600-200, Para 8- 35L(10). (3) USAR Assignment Order Format 440 or MOB Order. (AR 630-10, Para 5-7a(2) & AR 600-8-105, Para 3-6. NOTE: Reporting Commanders will forward a copy of the DFR packet via email through command channels to, no later than 72 hours after determination of desertion status. The USARC will then publish orders reassigning the Soldier to the appropriate support installation for DFR processing IAW AR 630-10, Absence Without Leave, Desertion, and Administration of Personnel Involved in Civilian Court Proceedings.

Deserter Control Officer (DCO) AR 630-10, Para 1-4i & AR 190-9, Para 1-4h require the Special Court-Martial (Grade 06 and above) convening authority (i.e. Garrison CDR or BDE CDR as applicable) to appoint a DCO who: Verifies accurate preparation of all Soldiers DFR for dispatch to USADIP within 30 days after the Soldier is DFR. Ensures proper coordination between law enforcement officials and personnel administrators at all command levels. Coordinate processing of deserters with the USADIP to assist in their timely reporting and return to military(Return to Military Control). Keep the parent Unit CDR informed of the Soldier’s status. AR 630-10, Section II (Terms), Deserter Control Officer “A commissioned officer (normally a battalion and / or unit adjutant who is appointed in DFR cases to ensure that documentation cited in this regulation is provided in a timely manner.” Installation DCOs are appointed as appropriate per installation configuration (i.e. Forces Command (FORSCOM) or Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). BDE S1 for Personnel Services Delivery Redesign (PSDR) units. Directorate of Human Resources (DHR), Military Personnel Division (MPD) for non-PSDR units and TRADOC units at Initial Entry Training (IET) managed by permanent party or student populations. NOTE: Show Slide #12 (DESERTER CONTROL OFFICER (DCO) a. AR 630-10, Para 1-4i & AR 190-9, Para 1-4h require the Special Court-Martial (Grade 06 and above) convening authority (i.e. Garrison CDR or BDE CDR as applicable) to appoint a DCO who: (1) Verifies accurate preparation of all Soldiers DFR for dispatch to USADIP within 5 days after the Soldier is DFR (31st Day of AWOL) (2) Ensures proper coordination between law enforcement officials and personnel administrators (3) Monitor deserter’s status to RMC(Return to Military Control) (4) Keep the parent Unit CDR informed of the Soldier’s status b. AR 630-10, Section II (Terms), Deserter Control Officer “A commissioned officer (normally a battalion and / or unit adjutant who is appointed in DFR cases to ensure that documentation cited in this regulation is provided in a timely manner.” c. Installation DCOs are appointed as appropriate per installation configuration (i.e. Forces Command (FORSCOM) or Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) (1) BDE S1 for Personnel Services Delivery Redesign (PSDR) units (2) Directorate of Human Resources (DHR), Military Personnel Division (MPD) for non-PSDR units and TRADOC units at Initial Entry Training (IET) managed by permanent party or student populations. NOTE: Refer students to DA PAM 600-8, Table 9-12. Examples of the forms are also in the student handout. Tell the students that DA PAM 600-8, Table 9-12 has changed per Milper Message 10-241, but table 9-12 will still be used. NOTE: The duty status changes for attached Soldiers will be reported in the Army Human Resources System by the parent unit. The unit of attachment will prepare a DA Form 4187 and forward it to the Soldier's parent organization to generate the appropriate Army Human Resources System transaction.

Day 1 of AWOL (Within 24 Hours) Soldier must be absent from place of duty over 24 hours before being reported as AWOL. Effective date/time of AWOL is date/time the Soldier was not at prescribed place of duty (such as in formation, etc). Reference for effective date/time of AWOL is Article 86 Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) which states, “Unauthorized absence under Article 86 (3) is an instantaneous offense. It is complete at the instant an accused absents himself or herself without authority.” NOTE: Show Slide # 13 (Day 1 of AWOL) d. Soldier must be absent from place of duty over 24 hours before being reported as AWOL e. Effective date/time of AWOL is date/time the Soldier was not at prescribed place of duty (such as in formation, etc) f. Reference for effective date/time of AWOL is Article 86 Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) which states, “Unauthorized absence under Article 86 is an instantaneous offense. It is complete at the instant an accused absents himself or herself without authority.”

Day 1 of AWOL (Within 24 Hours) (cont.) Unit Commander Notifies BN S1 of AWOL status of Soldier. Notifies Provost Marshall Office (PMO) and submits a DA Form 4187 changing duty status from Present for Duty (PDY) to AWOL. Provides servicing Defense & Finance Accounting (DFAS) Office with a copy of the stamped DA Form 4187 (PDY to AWOL). Ensures timely coordination with the appropriate Installation DCO as applicable. BDE S1 Prepares DA Form 4187 (PDY to AWOL) (AR 630-10 para 2-2) Submits Electronic Military Personnel Office (eMILPO) Duty Status (DYST) change from PDY to AWOL. PMO Initiates a Military Police (MP) report and blotter entry. NOTE: Show Slide #14 (DAY 1 OF AWOL (Within 24 Hours) (cont.) g. Unit Commander (1) Notifies BN S1 of AWOL status of Soldier (2) Notifies Provost Marshall Office (PMO) and submits a DA Form 4187 changing duty status from Present for Duty (PDY) to AWOL (3) Provides servicing Defense & Finance Accounting (DFAS) Office with a copy of the stamped DA Form 4187 (PDY to AWOL) (4) Ensures timely coordination with the appropriate Installation DCO as applicable: (a) BDE S1 for PSDR units or (b) DHR, MPD for non-PSDR units and TRADOC units at IET managed by permanent party or student populations h. BDE S1 (1) Prepares DA Form 4187 (PDY to AWOL) NLT 1000 hours the following duty day (AR 600-8-6, Para 1-13b(1) (2) Submits Electronic Military Personnel Office (eMILPO) Duty Status (DYST) change from PDY to AWOL i. Provost Marshall initiates a Military Police (MP) report and blotter entry

Day 2 of AWOL (Within 48 Hours) Unit Supply Inventories and secures all personal and government property. Retains copy of inventory in unit files. BDE S1 Prepares DA Form 268 [Report to Suspend Favorable Personnel Actions (Flag)] for Unit Commander’s signature. Distributes Flag to appropriate DCO. Ensures AWOL Soldiers are deleted from assignment instructions. Retention Brigade S1 submits copies of DA 4187 (PDY to AWL) and DA 268 to update ERUP Code in RETAIN Unit Commander Notifies Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) to update status of Soldier IAW DA PAM 600-8, Table 9-2, Step 15e. NOTE: Show Slide #15 (DAY 2 OF AWOL (Within 48 Hours j. Unit Supply (1) Inventories and secures all personal and government property (2) Retains copy of inventory in unit files k. BDE S1 (1) Prepares DA Form 268 [Report to Suspend Favorable Personnel Actions (Flag)] for Unit Commander’s signature (2) Distributes Flag to appropriate DCO (3) Ensures AWOL Soldiers are deleted from assignment instructions l. Brigade S1 will submit copies of DA 4187 (PDY to AWL) and DA 268 to update ERUP Code in RETAIN Unit Commander will notify Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) to update status of Soldier IAW DA PAM 600-8, Table 9-2, Step 15e

Day 10 of AWOL BDE S1 Monitors suspense to ensure DFR action is accomplished in a timely manner (AR 600-8-104, Table 6-27, Step 5). Unit Commander Prepares and mails initial letter to Next of Kin (NOK) informing them of Soldier’s AWOL (AR 630-10, Para 2-2e). Prepares and mails 31 Day Letter to NOK informing them of Soldier’s AWOL (AR 600-8-104, Table 6-27, Step 3) and submits the following to PMO for review: DA Form 4187 (Personnel Action) (AWOL to DFR) DD Form 458 (Charge Sheet) DD Form 553 (Deserter/Absentee Wanted by the Armed Forces) PMO Ensures DD Form 553 is verified for accuracy per AR 190-9, Para 3-2 PMO stamp is proof / evidence that law enforcement has imputed FBI National Crime Information Center required data onto DD Form 553 NOTE: Show Slide16 (DAY 10 OF AWOL n. BDE S1 monitors suspense to ensure DFR action is accomplished in a timely manner (AR 600-8-104, Table 6-27, Step 5) o. Unit Commander prepares and mails initial letter to Next of Kin (NOK) informing them of Soldier’s AWOL (AR 630-10, Para 2-2e) p. PMO (1) Ensure DD Form 553 is verified for accuracy per AR 190-9, Para 3-2 (2) PMO stamp is proof / evidence that law enforcement has imputed FBI National Crime Information Center required data onto DD Form 553

Within 48-Hours After DFR Unit HR Personnel- Assemble the following documents for MPD (Non- PSDR) or BDE S1 (PSDR) organized units: DD Form 458 (Charge Sheet). DA Form 4187 (PDY to AWOL). DA Form 4187 (AWOL to DFR). DD Form 553 (Deserter/Absentee Wanted by the Armed Forces). DA Form 137 (Installation Clearance Record). DA Form 268 (Flag). Required information from Health / Dental Records obtained while out- processing to finalize the DD Form 553. NOK letters. Inventories of clothing and military / personal property. Unit Commander / S2 and / or Joint Personnel Adjudication System memo revoking security clearance. NOTE: Show Slide #17 (WITHIN 48 HOURS AFTER DFR) q. Unit HR Personnel- Assemble the following documents for MPD or BDE S1 organized units: (1) DD Form 458 (Charge Sheet) (2) DA Forms 4187 (PDY to AWOL) (3) DA Forms 4187 (AWOL to DFR) (4) DD Form 553 (Deserter/Absentee Wanted by the Armed Forces) (5) DA Form 137 (Installation Clearance Record) (6) DA Form 268 (Flag) (7) Required information from Health / Dental Records obtained while out-processing to finalize the DD Form 553 (8) NOK letters (9) Inventories of clothing and military / personal property (10) Unit Commander / S2 and / or Joint Personnel Adjudication System memo revoking security clearance NOTE: Inform the students that Medical and Dental records will be forwarded to the following address: Medical records: mail to VA Records Management Center, PO Box 5020, St. Louis, MO 63115-8950. NOTE: MPRJ/OMPF: upload Soldier’s documents to iPERMS IAW AR 600-8-104, table 2-1. Once verified in iPERMS hardcopies can be destroyed. NOTE: When absentee has family qualified for medical care in a uniformed services facility or who is receiving civilian care under TRICARE, notify the appropriate medical facility commander or Director, Military Health Care System, Skyline 5, Suite 810, 5111 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 23041-3206. NOTE: Refer students to DA PAM 600-8, Table 9-12.

Within 48-Hours After DFR (cont.) Unit HR Personnel (cont.) Consults the following primary source documents for DFR Packet: Standard Form (SF) 86 (Questionnaire for National Security Positions). DD Form 93 (Record of Emergency Data). DD Form 4/1, 2, 3 (Enlistment / Reenlistment Contract). DD Form 1966 series* (Record of Military Processing - Armed Forces of United States). NOTE: Show Slide # 18 (WITHIN 48 HOURS AFTER DFR) (cont.) Unit HR Personnel (cont.) r. Consults the following primary source documents for DFR Packet : (1) Standard Form (SF) 86 (Questionnaire for National Security Positions) (2) DD Form 93 (Record of Emergency Data) (3) DD Form 4/1, 2, 3 (Enlistment / Reenlistment Contract) (4) DD Form 1966 series* (Record of Military Processing - Armed Forces of United States) NOTE: These forms may be obtained from Integrated Personnel Electronic Records Management System (iPERMS) or eMILPO

DFR 1 Day Drop Applies only to previous deserters who have been returned to their parent unit after RMC. AR 630-10, Section II (Terms), Deserter: a Soldier can be dropped from the rolls of his or her unit less then 31 days when: The Unit Commander believes the Soldier voluntarily sought political asylum or is living in a foreign country apart from official duties or authorized leave. The Soldier has joined the armed forces of a foreign country. There is reasonable belief that the Soldier has left his or her duty station with the intent to avoid hazardous duty or important service, or intends to remain permanently absent. An expressed intention not to return to a particular unit is not enough evidence to drop the Soldier from the rolls of the Army. NOTE: Show Slide #19 (DFR 1 DAY DROP) s. Applies only to previous deserters who have been returned to their parent unit after RMC t. AR 630-10, Section II (Terms), Deserter: a Soldier can be dropped from the rolls of his or her unit less then 31 days when: (1) The Unit Commander believes the Soldier voluntarily sought political asylum or is living in a foreign country apart from official duties or authorized leave (2) The Soldier has joined the armed forces of a foreign country. (3) There is reasonable belief that the Soldier has left his or her duty station with the intent to avoid hazardous duty or important service, or intends to remain permanently absent. An expressed intention not to return to a particular unit is not enough evidence to drop the Soldier from the rolls of the Army.

DFR 1 Day Drop (cont.) He or she escapes from confinement. The Soldier fails to return to a unit from which he or she is AWOL after RMC at another location or departs prior to the completion of administrative, judicial, or non judicial action for a previous absence (goes AWOL between the RMC and returning to their unit). NOTE: This will require a new DFR packet if the Soldier goes AWOL after 31 days of RMC. Use the same packet if 30 days or less. He or she escapes from confinement. Identified as a Special Category absentee. (see AR 630-10, Para 3-3). A commissioned officer tenders his or her resignation and before notice of its acceptance, departs their post or proper duties without leave and with the intent to remain away there from permanently. A member of the Armed Forces of the United States goes from or remains absent from his or her unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to remain away from there permanently. (A violation of UCMJ, Article 85). NOTE: Show Slide # 20 (DFR 1 DAY DROP) Cont. u. The Soldier fails to return to a unit from which he or she is AWOL after RMC at another location or departs prior to the completion of administrative, judicial, or non judicial action for a previous absence (goes AWOL between the RMC and returning to their unit). NOTE: This will require a new DFR packet if the Soldier goes AWOL after 31 days of RMC. Use the same packet if 30 days or less. (1) He or she escapes from confinement. (2) Identified as a Special Category absentee (see AR 630-10, Para 3-3). v. A commissioned officer tenders his or her resignation and before notice of its acceptance, departs their post or proper duties without leave and with the intent to remain away there from permanently. w. A member of the Armed Forces of the United States goes from or remains absent from his or her unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to remain away from there permanently. (A violation of UCMJ, Article 85)

DFR 1 Day Drop (cont.) BDE S1 prepares the following documents and resubmits the DFR packet thru their chain of command to their DCO for final review prior to electronic submission to . DD Form 553 (Deserter/Absentee Wanted by the Armed Forces). DA Form 4187 (Personnel Action) (PDY to AWOL). DA Form 4187 (Personnel Action) (AWOL to DFR). All previous DA Form 4187s. DD Form 458 (Charge Sheet). Supporting documentation justifying 1 day drop UCMJ action: DD Form 460 (Provisional Pass). DD Form 616 (Report of Return of Absentee) DA Form 4187 (PDY to AWOL) NOTE: Show Slide #21 (DFR 1 DAY DROP) Cont. x. BDE S1 prepares the following documents and resubmits the DFR packet thru their chain of command to their DCO for final review prior to electronic submission to (1) DD Form 553 (Deserter/Absentee Wanted by the Armed Forces) (2) DA Form 4187 (Personnel Action) (PDY to AWOL) (3) DA Form 4187 (Personnel Action) (AWOL to DFR) (4) All previous DA Form 4187s DD Form 458 (Charge Sheet) y. Supporting documentation justifying 1 day drop UCMJ action DD Form 460 (Provisional Pass) DD Form 616 (Report of Return of Absentee) (3) DA Form 4187 (PDY to AWOL)

DFR 1 Day Drop (cont.) Requires a DA Form 2627-1 (Summarized Record of Proceedings Under Article 15) Scenario 1. Soldier departs after the Unit Commander has read, signed, and dated Article 15 for a previous AWOL or Desertion. Scenario 2. Soldier departs prior to the completion of the punishment for a previous AWOL or Desertion. Note: After the Article 15 punishment is completed for a previous AWOL or Desertion, the “31 day clock” will restart again. AR 630-10, Page 30, Section II Terms (Special Category Absentee) : “An absent Soldier who has had access to top secret information during the last 12 months or is currently assigned to a special mission unit.” i.e. Top Secret security clearance holders, Criminal Investigation Division (CID) or Military Intelligence (MI) personnel in positions detrimental to the U.S. Army, along with those Soldiers serving in a war zone. NOTE: Show Slide #22 (DFR 1 DAY DROP) Cont. z. Requires a DA Form 2627-1 (Summarized Record of Proceedings Under Article 15) (1) Scenario 1. Soldier departs after the Unit Commander has read, signed, and dated Article 15 for a previous AWOL or Desertion (2) Scenario 2. Soldier departs prior to the completion of the punishment for a previous AWOL or Desertion Note: After the Article 15 punishment is completed for a previous AWOL or Desertion the “31 day clock” will restart again AR 630-10, Page 30, Section II Terms aa. (Special Category Absentee) : An absent Soldier who has had access to top secret information during the last 12 months or is currently assigned to a special mission unit.” i.e. Top Secret security clearance holders, Criminal Investigation Division (CID) or Military Intelligence (MI) personnel in positions detrimental to the U.S. Army, along with those Soldiers serving in a war zone.

DFR 1 Day Drop (cont.) AR 630-10 Para 3-3 Special Category Absentee Unit Commander Immediately notifies PMO, Staff Judge Advocate (SJA), and DCO. Prepares and submits the following documents to the DCO: DD Form 553 In Item 19, the entry “special category absentee” is recorded DA Form 4187s (PDY to AWOL) and (AWOL to DFR) and all available supporting documentation DD Form 458 (Charge Sheet) Letter to NOK (Combined AWOL & DFR) DCO Contacts USADIP National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Section for further processing instructions prior to submission of the above documents. NOTE: Show Slide #23 (DFR 1 DAY DROP Special Category Absentee) Cont. AR 630-10 Para 3-3 Special Category Absentee bb. Unit Commander (1) Immediately notifies PMO, Staff Judge Advocate (SJA), and DCO (2) Prepares and submits the following documents to the DCO: (a) DD Form 553 In Item 19, the entry “special category absentee” is recorded. (b) DA Form 4187s (PDY to AWOL) and (AWOL to DFR) and all available supporting documentation. DD Form 458 (Charge Sheet) (d) Letter to NOK (Combined AWOL & DFR) Contact USADIP National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Section for further processing instructions prior to submission of the above documents.

RMC Procedures Initial Entry Training (IET) Deserters to include Reserve Component [US Army Reserve (USAR) & US Army National Guard (ARNG) ] Soldiers will be RMC to the Personnel Control Facility (PCF) for assessment back into the Army providing USADIP has a DFR packet for the Soldier AR 630-10 Para 4-6. In-Transition Permanent Change of Station (PCS) from CONUS to OCONUS Deserters are RMC to their CONUS losing unit (less IET) (AR 630-10, Para 4-6a(1). In-Transition (PCS) from OCONUS to CONUS Deserters will RMC to their gaining unit (AR 630-10, Para 4-6a(1) NOTE: Show Slide #24 (Return to Military Control Procedures) cc. Initial Entry Training (IET). Deserters to include Reserve Component [US Army Reserve (USAR) & US Army National Guard (ARNG) ] Soldiers will be RMC to the Personnel Control Facility (PCF) for assessment back into the Army providing USADIP has a DFR packet for the Soldier AR 630-10 Para 4-6d. dd. In-Transition Permanent Change of Station (PCS) from CONUS to OCONUS. Deserters are RMC to their CONUS losing unit (less IET) (AR 630-10, Para 4-6a(1). ee. In-Transition (PCS) from OCONUS to CONUS. Deserters will RMC to their gaining unit (AR 630-10, Para 4-6a(1) .

RMC Procedures (cont.) Reported OCONUS Soldiers that RMC at any CONUS installation will be returned to the respective PCF Unreported OCONUS Soldiers will return to their assigned unit (AR 630-10, Para 4-6a(2) CONUS Permanent Party Soldiers Deserters will RMC to their Parent Unit (AR 630-10, Para 4-2c). IET Soldiers that RMC at their assigned installation Unreported Deserters will return to their Parent Unit if no DFR packet has been sent to USADIP. Reported Deserters whose DFR packet has been sent to USADIP will be returned to the nearest PCF. NOTE: Show Slide #25 (Return to Military Control) Cont. ee. Reported OCONUS Soldiers that RMC at any CONUS installation will be returned to the respective PCF. ff. Unreported OCONUS Soldiers will return to their assigned unit (AR 630-10, Para 4- 6a(2) . gg. CONUS Permanent Party Soldiers. Deserters will RMC to their Parent Unit (AR 630-10, Para 4-2c). hh. IET Soldiers that RMC at their assigned installation. (1) Unreported Deserters will return to their Parent Unit if no DFR packet has been sent to USADIP. (2) Reported Deserters whose DFR packet has been sent to USADIP will be returned to the nearest PCF.

RMC Procedures (cont.) Parent Unit Holding Returnee will immediately notify their Installation PMO to contact USADIP. USADIP Removes warrant for arrest and generates a DD Form 616 to the Crime Record Center, Apprehending & Losing Installation PMO, DCO, and Personnel Control Facility (as applicable). Installation DCO Coordinates with Parent Unit or PCF (as applicable) along with local PMO. Unit Commander Managing the case prepares DA Form 4187 changing status from DFR to RMC / Confined Civilian Authority (CCA) / PDY, as applicable and ensures PMO gets copy of DA Form 4187 (AR 630-10, Para 4-7b). NOTE: Show Slide #26 (Return to Military Control) Cont. RMC PROCEDURES (continued) ii. Parent Unit . Holding Returnee will immediately notify their Installation PMO to contact USADIP. jj. USADIP . Removes warrant for arrest and generates a DD Form 616 to the Crime Record Center, Apprehending & Losing Installation PMO, DCO, and Personnel Control Facility (as applicable). kk. Installation DCO. Coordinates with Parent Unit or PCF (as applicable) along with local PMO. ll. Unit Commander . Managing the case prepares DA Form 4187 changing status from DFR to RMC / Confined Civilian Authority (CCA) / PDY, as applicable and ensures PMO gets copy of DA Form 4187 (AR 630-10, Para 4-7b).

RMC Procedures (cont.) Escort Officer If required, they will come from the parent unit. Normally their unit will not be required to go cross country to escort a deserter. Soldiers not considered a flight risk are returned without escort per AR 630, Para 4-6. Apprehending PMO Coordinate escort requirements and training and to have Soldier flown as required. Unit will be required to escort Soldier from there. NOTE: Show Slide #27 (Return to Military Control) Cont. RMC Procedures (continued) mm. Escort Officer If required, they will come from the parent unit. Normally their unit will not be required to go cross country to escort a deserter. (2) Soldiers not considered a flight risk are returned without escort per AR 630, Para 4-6. nn. Apprehending PMO (1) Coordinate escort requirements and training and to have Soldier flown as required. (2) Unit will be required to escort Soldier from there.

RMC Required Actions Unit Admin Personnel Submit Return from DFR transaction in eMILPO. Do not use “Revoke” or “Arrival” transaction code. Prepare DA Form 2446 (Request for Orders) requesting Format 426 IAW AR 310-10, Appendix A (Individual RMC after being DFR). Include all DA Forms 4187 from time Soldier was apprehended or surrendered to PDY. Forward Request for Orders (RFO) to your designated MPD or BDE S1. Provide all supporting DA Forms 4187 to their designated MPD or BDE S1 for: Expiration of Time in Service (ETS). Basic Active Service Date (BASD). Basic Enlisted Service Date (BESD). Pay Entry Basic Date (PEBD). Date of Rank (DOR). Provide all supporting DA Forms 4187 and Order Format 426 to servicing DFAS to start pay and allowances. NOTE: Show Slide #28 (Return to Military Control) Cont. oo. Unit Admin Personnel Submit Return from DFR transaction in eMILPO Do not use “Revoke” or “Arrival” transaction code Prepare DA Form 2446 (Request for Orders) requesting Format 426 IAW 310-10, Appendix A (Individual RMC after being DFR) Include all DA Forms 4187 from time Soldier was apprehended or surrendered to PDY Forward Request for Orders (RFO) to your designated MPD or BDE S1 Provide all supporting DA Forms 4187 to their designated MPD or BDE S1 for: (a) Expiration of Time in Service (ETS) (b) Basic Active Service Date (BASD) (c) Basic Enlisted Service Date (BESD) (d) Pay Entry Basic Date (PEBD) (e) Date of Rank (DOR) NOTE: Provide all supporting DA Forms 4187 and Order Format 426 to servicing DFAS to start pay and allowances.

RMC Required Actions (cont.) Unit Commander Appoints Escort Officer to accompany former deserter to their designated MPD or BDE S1 to prepare and / or issue the following: Military ID Card. DD Form 93 (Record of Emergency Data). SGLV 8286 (Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Election and Certificate). DA Form 1506 (Statement of Service - For Computation of Length of Service for Pay Purposes). NOTE: Show Slide #29 (Return to Military Control) Cont. pp. Unit Commander. Appoints an Escort Officer to accompany former deserter to their designated MPD or BDE S1 to prepare and / or issue the following: (1) Military ID Card (2) DD Form 93 (Record of Emergency Data) (3) SGLV 8286 (Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Election and Certificate) (4) DA Form 1506 (Statement of Service - For Computation of Length of Service for Pay Purposes)

RMC Required Actions (cont.) Unit Supply Request uniforms from Clothing Sales on DA Form 3078 (Personal Clothing Request). Process DA Form 3078 through DFAS for collection. Clothing Sales will not issue uniforms until DFAS provides written verification that Soldier is active in pay system. Issue TA-50 per Unit Commander’s discretion. Unit Commander Consults with SJA for advice on pretrial confinement for those deserters who were escape risks. Considers the following courses of action / possible disposition for the former deserter. Retrain and keep the Soldier. AR 635-200 Chapter 10 Discharge in lieu of Court-martial. AR 635-200 Chapter 14 Discharge for Misconduct. AR 635-200 Court-martial. NOTE: Show Slide #30 (Return to Military Control) Cont. RMC REQUIRED ACTIONS (continued) qq. Unit Supply. (1) Request uniforms from Clothing Sales on DA Form 3078 (Personal Clothing Request) (2) Process DA Form 3078 through DFAS for collection (3) Clothing Sales will not issue uniforms until DFAS provides written verification that Soldier is active in pay system (4) Issue TA-50 per Unit Commander’s discretion rr. Unit Commander Consult with SJA for advice on pretrial confinement for those deserters who were escape risks. (2) Consider the following courses of action / possible disposition for the former deserter. (a) Retrain and keep the Soldier (b) AR 635-200 Chapter 10 Discharge in lieu of Court-martial (c) AR 635-200 Chapter 14 Discharge for Misconduct (d) AR 635-200 Court-martial

USADIP Points of Contact USADIP (DAMP-MPP-AD) FORT KNOX KY 40121-5182 Admin Support: DSN 536-3722 CML (502) 626-3722 FAX (502) 626-3730 National Crime Information Center (NCIC) 24/7 Operations: DSN 536-3711 / 3712 / 3713 CML (502) 626-3711 / 3712 / 3713 FAX (502) 626-3715 NOTE: Show Slide #31 (USADIP Point of Contact) USADIP POINT OF CONTACT USADIP (DAMP-MPP-AD) FORT KNOX KY 40121-5182 Admin Support: DSN 536-3722 CML (502) 626-3722 FAX (502) 626-3730 National Crime Information Center (NCIC) 24/7 Operations: DSN 536-3711 / 3712 / 3713 CML (502) 626-3711 / 3712 / 3713 FAX (502) 626-3715

Revisitor Group 1: Unit Group 2: BDE S-1 Group 3: Deserter Control Officer(DCO) Group 4: Returns to Military Control (RMC)

SHOW SLIDE 33(AHRS Web Portal) NOTE: Tell student that they must be on the eMILPO Web Portal NOTE: Tell the student we will now transition to the eMILPO training database and execute Duty Status Changes. NOTE: Issue all of your students an eMILPO training database user name and password. The User name will be c??.s??. The first pair of question marks represents the classroom you are using, for example (c71 or c22). The second pair of question marks represents the student's number, for example (s13 or s44). The User name for student 10 in classroom 25 will look like this: c25.s10. The Password will be "0p-lim-e" for all users. Note: the first character is a number not a letter. Have students log in and follow along as you go through the slides. NOTE: Have student to click “eMILPO” NOTE: On the DOD Security Statement, have student to click “Accept” NOTE: Tell students if they see Workflow Notices to click “Close”.

NOTE: Show Slide #34 (eMILPO MAIN MENU) a. Under “Personnel Accounting” have the students click “Duty Status”.  

NOTE: Show Slide #35 (Duty Status – Soldier Selection) In the “Search Criteria” picklist, have the students select “SSN” and type (9_ _-32-99_ _), click “ADD” and click “Search” to have eMILPO find the Soldier within the database. Have the students place a “Check” on the “Select/Deselect” box and click “OK”.

NOTE: Show Slide #36 (Duty Status-Listing) c. To add a new military duty status for a Soldier, perform the following steps: (1) The system displays the Soldier’s current duty status as read-only. (2) You can expand the required Duty Status picklist and select an appropriate choice. Table 13–5, Duty Status Codes and Abbreviations, provides a list of the available values for this picklist.

NOTE: Show Slide #37 (Duty Status-Soldier Data) Have the students click the “Duty Status” drop down arrow. Have the students click on “ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE”.  

NOTE: Show Slide #38 (Duty Status-Soldier Data) On the “Effective Date” have the students type in the “TODAY’S DATE. On the “Effective Time” have the students type in 0600 and then have the students click “Save”.

NOTE: Show Slide #39 (eMILPO Message) NOTE: Inform the students that because this is an Adverse Action, eMILPO will AUTOMATICALLY generate a “Suspension of Favorable Personnel Action” message. Inform them that this only happens for an “AWOL” duty status change. f. Have the students click “OK”.

NOTE: Show Slide #40 (Duty Status-Listing) NOTE: Inform the students that they can see that the transaction was “Added” under the “Status” column and under the “Duty Status” column. g. Have the students click “View/Print Report” to view the eMILPO generated DA Form 4187-E.

NOTE: Show Slide #41 (Personnel Actions) NOTE: The DA Form 4187-E shows the Soldiers duty status changing from “PDY Present for Duty” to “AWL Absent Without Leave”. h. Have the students close the form to return to the “Duty Status – Listing”.

NOTE: Show Slide #42 (Duty Status-Listing) i. The Duty Status—Listing page (shown in Figure 13–44, Duty Status—Listing) lists the 12 most recently recorded military duty statuses for the selected Soldier. The system displays the selected Soldier’s Rank, Name, SSN, and UIC as read- only. The system also displays the Soldier’s position on the Soldier list and the total number of Soldiers from the list. (1) The Action column indicates the available action that you can select to perform. (2) The Status column is updated after all selected actions are complete. (3) The Duty Status, Effective Date, and Effective Time columns provide the details of each duty status. (4) After a successful addition or removal action, the Report column will allow you to click on a link to view and/or print the duty status report.

NOTE: Show Slide #43 (eMILPO Main Menu) NOTE: Tell the students that we will go through the steps of doing a DFR transaction to familiarize them with the process; however, ONLY the PAS Chief, in conjunction with HRC (Field Service Division) can complete the DFR transaction removing the Soldier from the Active Rolls. Individual units WILL NOT submit the DFR transaction in eMILPO.  

NOTE: Show Slide #44 (eMILPO Main Menu) j. The Drop from Rolls or Strength—Drop Type page (shown in Figure 13–79, Drop from Rolls or Strength—Soldier Data) allows you to select one of seven drop types, or reasons, to drop the selected Soldier from the rolls or strength accountability of the Army. The drop types are indicated by whether they are drop from rolls (DFR) or drop from strength (DFS): (1) Approved Bad Conduct or Dishonorable Discharge (DFS) (2) Confirmed to be a Deserter (DFR) (3) Confirmed POW or Missing (DFS) (4) Leave Active Army for Service Academy (DFS) (5) RC Soldier Failed to Report (During Mobilization Only) (DFR) (6) Remained AWOL for 30 Consecutive Days (DFR) (7) Sentenced to Confinement for 6 or More Months (DFS) NOTE: Have the students expand DFR/DFS, from the Drop Type picklist, have the students to select Drop from Rolls or strength.

NOTE: Show Slide #46 (Drop From Rolls or Strength Soldier Selection) l. In the “Search Criteria” drop down, have the students select “SSN” and type (9_ _-32-88_ _), click “ADD” and click “Search” to have eMILPO find the Soldier within the database. Have the students place a “Check” on the “Select/Deselect” box and click “OK”.

NOTE: Show Slide #47 (Drop from Rolls or Strength Drop Type) m. This page allows user to select the Drop Type. Have the students click Drop Type and from the picklist select ”CONFIRMED TO BE DESERTER”.

NOTE: Show Slide #48 (Drop from Rolls or Strength Drop Type) n. To process a drop type of Remained AWOL for 30 Consecutive Days for a Soldier, perform the following steps: (1) Indicate whether the AWOL status has been confirmed. (2) Verify the Date of DFR, which defaults to 31 days after the AWOL Duty Status Date. This is a read-only field. (3) Click Save to save the data. The system will forward you to the next Soldier on the Soldier list, if any exists. If the current Soldier is the only or last Soldier on the list, the system generates the Drop from Rolls or Strength—Summary page to show all completed actions. (4) Click Reset to clear all text-entry fields and reset all other form elements to their default values, if any exist. The system will return the location cursor to the first text-entry field on the page. (5) Click Next to advance to the next Soldier without saving, if any exist. The system detects data entry on the page and prompts you to confirm that you do not wish to save the data. (a) If you answer Yes, the system will forward you to the next Soldier. If the current Soldier is the only or last Soldier from the Soldier list, the system returns you to the Main Menu. (b) If you answer No, the system returns you to the current page for further processing. (6) Click Close to terminate the working session. The system detects data entry on the page and prompts you to save or discard the data. If the current Soldier is the only or last Soldier from the Soldier list, the system returns you to the Main Menu.

NOTE: Show Slide #49 (Drop From Rolls or Strength Summary) NOTE: Tell the students that this page displays the processed transaction. o. Have the students click “Close” to exit the page.

Terminal Learning Objective ACTION: Process a Dropped From Rolls Packet Conditions: In a classroom environment, given a personal computer with access to eMILPO, AR 630-10, AR 600-8-6, DA Pam 600-8, AR 190-9 , AR 600-8-104, student handout, and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. STANDARDS: 1. Obtained all documents required in the DFR packet. 2. Assembled all documents required in the DFR packet. 3. Forwarded all documents through the supporting Brigade to USADIP (United States Army Deserter Information Point). 4. Input transactions associated with DFR processing using the eMILPO database. SHOW SLIDE#2 (Terminal Learning Objective) NOTE: Inform the students of the following Terminal Learning Objective. NOTE: Inform the students of the SAFETY REQUIREMENTS, and the RISK ASSESSMENT. ACTION: Process a Dropped From Roll (DFR) Packet Conditions: In a classroom environment, given a personal computer with access to eMILPO, AR 630-10, AR 600-8-6, DA Pam 600-8, AR 190-9 , AR 600-8-104 and student handout. STANDARDS: 1. Obtained all documents required in the DFR packet. 2. Assembled all documents required in the DFR packet. 3. Forwarded all documents through the supporting Brigade to USADIP (United States Army Deserter Information Point). Input transactions associated with DFR processing using the eMILPO database. FEEDBACK: NOTE: Feedback is essential to effective learning. Schedule and provide feedback on the evaluation and any information to help answer students' questions about the test. Provide remedial training as needed.