TEST PLANS for HL LHC IT STRING M Bajko 17th Nov 2015 B. Delille - TE retreat - February 2015
THE SCOPE of the HL LHC STRING MAIN GOAL The HL LHC IT STRING will be a test stand to STUDY and VALIDATE the COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOURE of the different systems of the HL LHC: magnets, magnet protection, cryogenics for magnets and superconducting link, magnet powering, vacuum, and interconnections between magnets and superconducting link, alignment, interlocks. TIMELINE The test is necessary to be performed BEFORE the series equipment will be INSTALLED in the future HL LHC machine. The HL LHC STRING test is planned for a total duration of max. 2 years while it will be operated in alternate with the HL LHC SC LINK test station using the same cryogenic installations and electrical powering systems. HL-LHC C&S Review #1 – March 2015
IT STRING COMPONENTS Cluster E Cluster D Cluster A Cluster B Cluster C Cluster F DFH + CL IR PC IR STRING DSH
TIMLINE : HL LHC STRING 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 STRING Phase1
Goal of this meeting MAJOR SERVICES needed for the HL LHC STRING In order to respect the constrains given by the TIMELINE and by the eventual major INFRASTRUCTURE UPGRADE needs todays goal is to agree on part of the test plan allowing to define the service needs. MAJOR SERVICES needed for the HL LHC STRING WATER COOLING ELECTRICAL DIUSTRIBUTION HANDELING CRYOGENICS This upgrades ( service) are part of the SM18 UPG project and is also conditioning the magnet test stand upgarde. Therefore it is mandatory to define as soon as possible and allow placing critical contrcats.
STATUS of the SERVICE UPG: water cooling The present demineralized water cooling capacity of SM18 of 48 m3/h is not sufficient to cover the needs of magnet test and therefore nr for magnet test + string. The demineralized water need was estimated based on the Test plan + 2 years operation of HL LHC STRING and an upgrade to a system capable to deliver up to of 160 m3/h was ordered. This upgrade does not imply an upgrade of the primary water system but this will be unavoidable if cryogenics upgrade is required. The demineralized water upgrade is scheduled from February to April 2016. ( 1.5 years between spec, design and installations) Primary water upgarde TO BE STUDIED at the same time as cryogenic upgrade B. Delille - TE retreat - February 2015
STATUS of the SERVICE UPG: electrical power The present distribution of the electrical power in SM18 seems to be sufficient and redundant. The detailed study on how eventually the new connections for the STRING test should be done to preserve the technical network for the most critical items should be. TO BE STUDIED in details not yet critical
STATUS of the SERVICE UPG: handling The present handling equippment does not correspond to the future needs of the test stands . At the firts stage a 16 t overhead crane will be replaced early 2016 ( 1 year betyween spec, design and installation) with a new 25 t overhead crane with capacity to handle magnets to be tested in vertical position. The ROCLA remains the handling equippment of horizontal magnets. The combination of the two 25 t overhead crane is estimated today to be useful EVENTUALLY to install the HL LHC STRING for items of a max. 10 m length and 26-27 t weight. The installation has not been studied and the items weight can vary still as the definitive design is not yet fixed ( or we do not know yet). TO BE STUDIED but not critical yet
STATUS of the SERVICE UPG: cryogenics 2020-2022 The present capacity of cooling and pumping is not sufficient for the magnet test and by consequence nor for the STRING. We did an estimate of needed capacity based on the HL LHC magnet test plan + a proposed STRING test from 2020-2022 starting from estimated consumptions associated to every single test. The outcome of this study is that: The present installations assuring the LHe supply should be increased via an additional equipment (25-35 g/s liquefying capacity) The present pumping to 1.8 K can be reorganised with existing WPUs but on the limit TO BE STUDIED critical TO BE STUDIED : already critical
Why is critical the CRYOGENICS system definition? To have the commissioning of the system in 2018-2019 the order must be placed in 2016 HL-LHC C&S Review #1 – March 2015
HL LHC STRING preliminary TEST PLAN Validation of a layout- integration Validation of installation sequence and procedures Validation of a system (of components) Validation of their collective behaviour Quench: provoked, natural, holding current, propagation, detection, protection, clic, dump, switch Cryogenics: cooling- warming speed ( Nb3Sn), heat load, recovery after quench, pressure, temperature, shielding Integration: layout, interconnections, systems around ( racks, cables trays, control cables et), total weight Powering: bus bar, connections, current leads, power distribution at warm and at cold, converters, water cooled cables Electrical integrity: splice resistance, electrical insulation Interlock: SPA , FPA, CRYO OK, POWER PERMIT ect Vacuum: leak detection, beam screen Instrumentation , DAQ systems, DB , QA, QC: specific or not to string Alignment GOALS in parallel: Develop methods, techniques Develop tooling Develop procedures 4 definition of Installations Test Operation 2 support HWC OP I propose to go trough your ideas and see what this would specifically imply for cryogenics or other services.