What do young higher educated civil servants want when learning ICT skills EAPRIL Present & Discuss session 27/11/2015
Research context Tifa mission: helping civil servants to better achieve their goals with training and other learning solutions Research to Improve the offer of learning solutions Get to know our clients Match the offer with our clients
Word Excel Access Powerpoint Outlook
What do they expect?
Goal Old Tifa offer Expectations Marc
Observation from administrative data ICT trainings Other trainings
Questionnaire research (n=452) Method Interviews: 3 Trainers 12 Participants 1 Management Literature: Scientific TIFA documents Questionnaire research (n=452)
Suggestions from interviews (1)
Suggestions from interviews (2)
Results: what and how to learn (1)
Results: what and how to learn (2)
Results: what and how to learn
Preference for classic “in classroom” training Main Conclusion Preference for classic “in classroom” training Software complexity
Current initiatives Tips and tricks New offer for experts Video making Designing websites Programming Explore new opportunities in LMS (moodle) Forum with expert
Current initiatives: pretest
Recommendations For ICT skills, people prefer to learn in a group with similar competencies. Changing work environment requires changes in ICT offer. Formal training continues to be important, especially for complex software. A mix of learning possibilities should always be considered, apart of the age group and the content
Statement The resuls found can be generalized to other age groups, there is no such thing as “digital natives”.
Insight to take home
Even if we grant that digital natives think and learn somewhat differently than older generations, we may be doing them a disservice to de-emphasize 'legacy' content such as reading, writing, and logical thinking, or to say that the methodologies we have used in the past are no longer relevant... (T. Van Slycke)
Special thanks to Antwerp University, the student project group and professor S De Maeyer.