Mission Statement “ Delivering British Railways using Northern Skills, Innovation and Talent”
Simple background to NRIL Western Group founded in 2015 Met Quarterly and facilitated via GMCC Key Topics Skills, Innovation and Promotion of NW supply base Strong Website albeit has lacked update in recent months Good networking and linkage to governmental stakeholders Eastern Group founded in 2017 Similar Terms of Reference and agenda points
North West Rail Industry Leadership Team Working Groups Promotion Innovation Skills
Key Stakeholders are becoming pan Northern Therefore we need to Provide ‘One Voice’ for the Northern Supply Chain Create critical mass and energy to drive the NRIL agenda forward
Governance NW/ NE RIL NRIL NRIL Chair to alternate between Meetings – NW/ NE Membership to NW or NE Groups and not NRIL Special Interest Group(s) Website and Communications process to operate NRIL In full collaboration with RIA Governance NRIL NW/ NE RIL April 18 January 19 July 18 October 18
Next Steps Agree Governance Arrangements Agree Mission Statement Agree Governance Arrangements Agree Work streams (today’s workshops) Relaunch Website and Communications Process Update plan at next RILG meeting.
Significant enhancements by 2019 delivered through Northern and Transpennine Franchises Increased capacity Increased connectivity WiFi 501 new cars £1.2B investment
Infrastructure Great North Rail Project Renewals East Coast Main Line Transpennine Route Upgrade Tyne & Wear Metro Airport – Doncaster
Infrastructure – Great North Rail Project To be complete by 2022 GNRP will enable 2000 extra services a week across the north. The projects include: The recently opened £85m Ordsall Chord £340m worth of upgrades in the Liverpool area including the on-going upgrade at Lime Street Ongoing upgrade of 25 mile Manchester to Preston route via Bolton Electrification and resignalling of the 17 mile route between Preston and Blackpool North completing this year Source: https://www.networkrail.co.uk/our-railway-upgrade-plan/key-projects/great-north-rail-project/
Infrastructure - Renewals Network Rail renewal volumes are expected to increase significantly 2019 - 24
Infrastructure - ECML Timetable improvements aligned to wider programme of ECML connectivity improvements Peterborough Down Slow Huntingdon to Wood Walton four tracking Werrington Grade Separation Northern freight Loops Traction power supply upgrade north of Doncaster (PSU2) Leading to May 2019 – minor timetable change May 2021 – major timetable change, with up to 8 trains per hour (each direction) between London and Scotland ECML PSU project –to enhance the power supply/overhead line equipment (OLE) on the ECML supporting the Thameslink and Intercity Express Programmes and the introduction of new faster, quieter and cleaner trains.
Infrastructure – TRU (Transpennine Route Upgrade) The route covers: 76 miles of track (122 km) Eight tunnels 13 viaducts 25 stations As part of the route upgrade, they are upgrading bridges, tunnels, track, junctions and signalling. Need to assess 38 Level crossings along the route, remove trees and install fencing. Installing overhead line equipment so that electric trains can run along the route. Grip 3 complete Dec 18 Grip 4 complete Dec 19 (first tranche) Grip 5 – 8 complete CP7
Infrastructure – Tyne and Wear Metro A network of disused or under- used rail routes across the region has been identified which could be used to extend the service using new trains. The proposal includes spending an estimated £1bn on the existing Metro system trains, infrastructure and signalling over the next 20 years. Metro owners Nexus plan to introduce the new fleet in the early 2020s
Infrastructure – Doncaster Sheffield Airport Station Plans have recently been announced to build a railway station at Doncaster Robin Hood Airport Sheffield City Region said the station - connected to the East Coast Mainline - would help boost passenger numbers from 1.2 million to 4.7 million each year by 2037 and create 73,000 jobs. Dubbed Aerotropolis, the £170m project also includes building 3,000 homes and doubling the terminal size. A spokesperson said the proposals were still at the "conceptual stage". The plans which are at the concept stage also include a new shopping, hotel and leisure complex, 5.5 million sq ft of space for businesses, as well as extending the airport's capacity to handle up to 250,000 tonnes of cargo per year. The rail connection would mean a travel time to either Newcastle or London of about 90 minutes.
Get in touch @RailLeaders_NTH www.northernrailleaders.com
Facilitators Simon Iwnicki Lucy Prior Max Sugarman Ian Dolman Workshops Facilitators Simon Iwnicki Lucy Prior Max Sugarman Ian Dolman
Workshop 1 – Northern supply chain SWOT In the context of what you have just heard Think rail supply chain rather than rail transport Consider regionally:- Companies Capability Capacity Skills Innovation Exports Import substitution Economic Growth etc Outputs Prioritised list of SWOT’s List of companies not here today
Workshop 1 – Northern supply chain SWOT Up to 4 groups each with a facilitator First 30 mins - brainstorm 4-7 mins considering each quadrant Everybody fills in their own colour coded post its Facilitator starts to collate like items 2nd 30 mins - Sift and prioritise Group continues to collate like items Summarise like items with a single summary post it Rank in priority order Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Facilitators are Ian Dolman Lucy Prior Max Sugarman Simon Iwnicki
Workshop 2 – Offers and Asks Same 4 groups and facilitators First 30 mins – Offers and Asks Group discussion Prioritisation 2nd 30 mins - Feedback Return to main room Facilitator feeds back on Top two each S,W,O,T Top three offers and asks Format What the supply chain can OFFER What the supply chain would ASK for Eg Apprentice Training Eg Contract durations to mitigate recruitment risk Eg Investment in local economy Eg Selection criteria which values local content Etc