INTRODUCTION Establishing a safe and healthful working environment requires employer and worker to make safety and health a top priority. The entire work force - must recognize that worker safety and health is central to the mission and key to the profitability of the company.
SAFETY PROGRAM & COST OF ACCIDENT An effective safety and health program can save $4 to $6 for every $1 invested -lower costs, increased productivity, and higher employee morale. Accidents and injuries are more expensive than many realize. Substantial savings in workers' compensation and lost workdays are possible when injuries and illnesses decline.
SAFETY PROGRAM & COST OF ACCIDENT Compliance with OSHA rules is essential. Compliance along with an effective safety and health program can help reduce costs and injuries & illnesses. An organized, carefully plan that systematically focuses on workplace hazards and employee training is critical.
DEVELOPMENT OF SAFETY PROGRAM Each safety and health program should be tailored to fit the company, to blend with its unique operations and culture, and to help employers maintain a system that continually addresses workplace hazards.
DEVELOPMENT OF SAFETY PROGRAM There are four elements that every effective safety program should have: -management leadership and employee participation, -workplace analysis, -hazard prevention and control, -safety and health training and education
management leadership and employee participation Employers and employees work together to make safety and health a priority. Employer and employee involvement & communication on workplace and safety and health issues are essential. For example, this partnership can be achieved through:
management leadership and employee participation Distribute the company's written safety and health policy for all to see. Involve employees in policymaking on safety and health issues. Take an active part in safety activities. Hold meetings that focus on employee safety and health. Abide by all safety and health rules. Show commitment by investing time, effort, and money in safety and health program.
workplace analysis Employer and employees analyze all worksite conditions to identify and eliminate existing or potential hazards. This should be done on a regular and timely basis. There should be a current hazard analysis for all jobs and processes that all employees know and understand. To do this, it is helpful to:
workplace analysis Request a free OSHA Consultation visit Become aware of hazards in the industry Create safety teams Encourage employees to report workplace hazards Examine history of worksite conditions Have an adequate system for reporting hazards Have trained personnel conduct inspections of the worksite and correct hazards Seek assistance from safety and health experts
hazard prevention and control The next part of a good safety and health program is the continual review of work environment and work practices to control or prevent workplace hazards. This can be done through:
hazard prevention and control Regularly and thoroughly maintain equipment Ensure that hazard correction procedures are in place Ensure that employees know how to use and maintain personal protective equipment Ensure that all employees understand and follow safe work procedures Make sure that, where necessary, the organization have a medical program tailored to the facility to help prevent workplace hazards and exposures.
safety and health training and education It is important that everyone in the workplace be properly trained, from the floor worker to the supervisors, managers, contractors, and part-time and temporary employees. This can be done by:
safety and health training and education Allow only authorized and instructed employees to do any job. Make sure no employees do any job that appears unsafe. Pay particular attention to employees learning new operations to make sure they have the proper job skills and awareness of hazards. Train supervisors and managers to recognize hazards and understand their responsibilities. Encourage all employees to report any hazardous conditions to their supervisors.
PELAN TINDAKAN PROMOSI/BUDAYA AMALAN KERJA SELAMAT Merupakan sebahagian daripada Program Keselamatan di tempat kerja. Mempunyai empat elemen utama: Dasar Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Peraturan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Komitmen Pengurusan Atasan Latihan Keselamatan
Dasar Keselamatan & Kesihatan Pekerjaan Pernyataan berkenaan prinsip dan peraturan sbg panduan tindakan semua yg terlibat. Pihak pengurusan atasan komited dgn melaksanakan dasar tanpa pengecualian. Dasar ini mempunyai kepentingan yg sama berbanding dasar-dasar lain dlm organisasi.
Peraturan Keselamatan & Kesihatan Merupakan kod perlakuan utk mengelakkan kecederaan dan kerosakan di tempat kerja. Akta KKP 1994 mewajibkan melakukan tiga peranan penting: -Membentuk peraturan keselamatan dan kesihatan sbg garis panduan kpd pekerja utk bekerja dgn selamat. -Peraturan tsbt perlu dihebahkan kpd pekerja. -Peraturan perlu dikuatkuasakan secara objektif dan konsisten.
Komitmen Pengurusan Atasan Melakukan ‘management by walking around’-tdk hanya duduk di blk sahaja tanpa mengawasi dan melakukan pemeriksaan ke atas aktiviti pekerja. Melakukan lawatan bagi bertanya masalah kpd pekerja-menunjukkan prihatin mrk kpd pekerja. Polisi ‘buka pintu’ bg memastikan pekerja kerap berjumpa mrk bg sebarang masalah di tempat kerja.
Latihan Keselamatan Pekerja perlu diberi kesedaran, latihan dan pembangunan diri serta melibatkan diri dalam setiap program KK di tempat kerja. Latihan perlu bermula apabila seseorg pekerja baru memulakan pekerjaannya, berterusan selama ia berkhidmat. Dua jenis latihan – orientasi dan latihan mendalam.