To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 14
Characters mentioned Miss Rachel Haverford’s excuse for drinking whiskey every morning is for finding a rattle snake coiled in her bedroom closet.
Comments made by Country People There’s his chillun Yonder’s some Finches They c’n go loose and rape up the countryside for all of ’em who run this county care
Aunt Alexandra Stopped talking about the Finch family Said Scout could not visit Calpurnia Want’s Calpurnia to leave the house.
Jem Allergic to Scout’s presence in public Listens to argument between Atticus and Aunt Alexandra Ask Scout not to upset Aunt Alexandra. Says the Tom Robinson case is worrying Atticus. Says Scout can’t hold something for long in her mind because she is a child.
Jem Jem threatens to spank Scout Jem immediately tells Atticus about Dill.
scout Asks Atticus what rape is. Tells Atticus they went to church with Calpurnia and asks if it’s ok to visit Calpurnia. Tells Aunt Alexandra she didn’t ask her.
scout Scout misunderstands Jem’s request. Scout attacks Jem. Scout thinks there’s a snake under her bed but its Dill Wonders why Boo Radley never ran away?
atticus Rape is carnal knowledge of a female by force without consent (law term) Orders Scout to apologize to Aunt Alexandra Scout will do as Calpurnia, Aunt Alexandra and Atticus say.
atticus Says Calpurnia will not leave the house. Atticus sends the children to bed. Atticus says Scout must mind Jem if he can make her. Atticus tells Miss Rachel who phones Dill’s parents.
calpurnia She is harder on the children than a mother. She never lets them get away with anything. She doesn’t indulge the children. The children love Calpurnia
dill Is found under Scout’s bed. He is hungry and dirty. Left Meridian without telling his mother and father. Dill can stay for the rest of the summer.
dill Dill first tells a lie of why he ran away. Truth: he ran away because his parents weren’t interested in him. They were there but never talked to him. Dill wanted him and Scout to get a baby.