Jeopardy Literary Terms 1 Literary Terms 2 Stories Grammar Q $100 Final Jeopardy
Describe what the difference is between a simple subject and $100 Question from H1 Describe what the difference is between a simple subject and a compound subject.
$100 Answer from H1 Simple subject: one Compound: more than one
$200 Question from H1 Describe the difference between a simple sentence and a compound sentence.
$200 Answer from H1 Simple sentence: has one complete thought Compound sentence: has two or more complete thoughts
Write down an example of a compound sentence with a semicolon. $300 Question from H1 Write down an example of a compound sentence with a semicolon.
$300 Answer from H1 Ex. I like pie; he does not.
$400 Question from H1 Write down an example of a compound sentence with a comma/conjunction.
$400 Answer from H1 I ran, and I fell.
$500 Question from H1 Write down a sentence for each: Simple subject Compound subject Simple predicate Compound predicate
$500 Answer from H1
$100 Question from H2 Describe what foreshadowing is.
$100 Answer from H2 Leaving hints for the reader for what is coming next.
Give an example of a symbol from a story we read, and explain what $200 Question from H2 Give an example of a symbol from a story we read, and explain what it represents.
$200 Answer from H2 “The Lottery” box – tradition “The Landlady” dog – death
$300 Question from H2 Describe the difference between tone and mood.
$300 Answer from H2 Tone – narrator’s attitude Mood – atmosphere and feelings established by the writing
$400 Question from H2 Name the four types of allusions, and give an example of one allusion.
$400 Answer from H2 Example answer: Mythical, biblical, literary, historical. Ex: I was as strong as Hercules.
$500 Question from H2 Describe a theme in one of the stories we have read. EXPLAIN WHY.
$500 Answer from H2 Raymond’s Run : People can have differences but still can work together. This is a theme of RR because Squeaky and Raymond, although having different personalities and talents, team up to run together.
$100 Question from H3 What are the two parts of a story’s setting?
$100 Answer from H3 Place and time
$200 Question from H3 1. Name four types of conflict
$200 Answer from H3 Man vs. man, nature, society, himself
$300 Question from H3 Give an example of imagery. Give an example of plot twist in a story we’ve read.
$300 Answer from H3 Ex 1. The stagnant smell wafted into my mouth, and it made me scream. Ex 2. The lottery winner not really winning something they want.
$400 Question from H3 Plot the five parts of the plot chart for “The Veldt”.
$400 Answer from H3 Exposition Rising action Climax Falling action Resolution
$500 Question from H3 Explain at least three types of literary devices an author can use to make the story more effective. EXPLAIN how each literary device can change a story.
$500 Answer from H3
$100 Question from H4 Describe the climax of “The Landlady”
$100 Answer from H4 When Billy realizes that something is wrong.
Explain how the author uses symbolism in “The Veldt” $200 Question from H4 Explain how the author uses symbolism in “The Veldt”
$200 Answer from H4
Name the authors: “The Veldt” “Raymond’s Run” “The Landlady” $300 Question from H4 Name the authors: “The Veldt” “Raymond’s Run” “The Landlady” “Broken Chain”
$300 Answer from H4 Ray Bradbury, Toni Bambara, Roald Dahl, Gary Soto
$400 Question from H4 Describe how the author uses tone in “Raymond’s Run.”
$400 Answer from H4
$500 Question from H4 Describe one theme in “The Lottery”. EXPLAIN.
$500 Answer from H4