Civilization of Sumer Location: Fertile Crescent in the Middle East Includes Mesopotamia “land between rivers” in present-day Iraq Rivers were the Tigris and Euphrates
Agriculture in Mesopotamia Soil is rich and fertile Farming, raising of sheep and cattle Rivers carried fertile soil called silt down from mountains Heavy spring floods, harsh summers Sumerians irrigated the land (supplied water) Built irrigation canals Used technology to grow crops in a harsh environment
City-states of Sumer 3400 BC cities started to emerge First city was Uruk. Other Cities: Ur, Lagash, Nippur City-states: independent state that includes a city and surrounding territory Each city-state had its own government City-states were center of trade Barter: exchange of goods without use of money Used rivers as transportation Developed social classes
Sumerian Religion Practiced Polytheism Belief in more than one god Believed these gods controlled every aspect of life Believed gods needed to be kept pleased Gave offerings to the gods Only priests could communicate with gods This gave great power to priests Ziggurats: temples that were pyramid-shaped brick towers Priests kept grain and other farming products close to the temple
Sumerian Writing At first, they used pictographs, simple pictures that represent objects Cuneiform (3400 BCE): new system of writing that uses triangular shaped symbols to stand for ideas or things Wedge –shaped marks in clay tablets Originally used to record trade Later used to record poems (ex. Epic of Gilgamesh) 2000 BC Stories were myths but they might have been based on real people
Sumerian Government First leaders were priests Conflicts between cities started over resources Priests would choose best suited warriors to lead cities Some military leaders kept control after wars were over Kings and Priests needed each other to stay in power Priests said that kings had been chosen by gods Kings created code of laws for their cities 2100 BCE: Ur-Nammu – oldest developed laws Rules on slavery, marriage, etc. Produced great achievements: wheel, sail, irrigation Started using bronze Better for tools and weapons
Sumerian Civilization Video - Sumerian Civilization