Unit 2 Mesopotamia Visual Vocabulary
Fertile Crescent A large arc of fertile farmland surrounded by the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
SILT A mixture of rich soil and tiny rocks that’s good for growing crops
Irrigation A man-made way of supplying water to an area of land
Surplus Producing more than needed
Division of labor An arrangement in which each worker specializes in a particluar task or job.
City-State Consisting of a city and all the countryside around it
Empire Land with different territories and people under single rule
Polytheism The worship of many gods
Priest People who perform religion ceremonies
Social Hierarchy The division of society by rank and class
Cuneiform The world’s first system of writing using wedge-shaped marks
Pictographs Picture symbols
Scribe Ancient writers that kept records
Epics Long poems that told the stories of heroes
Ziggurat An ancient religious temple that resembles a pyramid
Monarch The ruler of a kingdom or empire
Hammurabi’s Code Was the set of 282 laws that dealt with almost every part of daily life