AERODROME CERTIFICATION COURSE AERODROME STANDARDS COSCAP - SA has provided a set of Aerodrome Standards for use by each State. It is a model and States may adopt and modify it as necessary to suit particular requirements. COSCAP-SA provided in May 2001 a draft Aerodrome Standards document. It is a very complete and extensive document which was complied from the aerodrome safety specifications enumerated in ICAO Annex 14 volume 1. Annex 14 was amended (amendment no 4) effective 16 July 2002, so there are three amendments we would like to provide now as handouts/have recently provided to update that original document. The amendments are 1 to the forward, indicating how the standards were developed from Annex 14 SARPs 2 addition of section 1.3 dealing with standards for certification of aerodromes and renumbering consequent parts, and 3 renumbering of the section dealing with standards for rescue and fire fighting. Because of the detail technical nature of the standards it is not possible to conduct specific training on them now, but if there are any concerns or queries please see myself or Capt Shah out of session and we will provide assistance to the extent of our abilities. It is important to remember that the document is provided for guidance and States may wish to develop standards in their own style. {next slide} ICAO COSCAP - SA May 2002
AERODROME CERTIFICATION COURSE AERODROME STANDARDS The Aerodrome Standards are derived from ICAO Annex 14 in total excluding de-icing/anti-icing facilities Annex 14 diagrams and charts not yet included Appendices form part of the standards Standards are of critical importance. The Aerodrome Standards - are derived from all the ICAO Annex 14 standards and recommended practices excluding de-icing/anti-icing facilities If all the standards are adopted care will need to be exercised in regard to ICAO notifications of differences, which are only necessary for differences from AN 14 standards, not the recommended practices in AN 14. Notifications would only apply if the State chose not to adopt an An 14 standard as a State standard. Some diagrams and charts from Annex 14 have not yet been included and will need to be read from the Annex itself. Any appendices referred to in the standards form part of the standard eg the detail specifications of required particulars for colours of aeronautical ground lights, markings, sign and panel are located in Appendix I. Standards are critically important and form the basis of knowledge for an aerodrome inspector and aerodrome operators. End of training section on Model Air Law - next is discussion on differences notification {next slide} ICAO COSCAP - SA May 2002