Using international benchmarks for improving national performance by Jouni Välijärvi, Professor Institute for Educational Research University of Jyväskylä, Finland 10th OECD/Japan Seminar on Raising the quality of educational performance at school
Equity and equality in the Basic Education? THE QUESTION: Equity and equality in the Basic Education? Specific features of the Education System >comprehensive school >dense network of schools >high quality of teacher education >students’ wellbeing >local responsibility >supportive curriculum, standards and evaluation
Equity: important dimensions Variation between students >weak performances >need of special support Gender differences >girls outperform boys in reading literacy >equal in mathematics and science >differences in attitudes and motivation Between-school variation >learning outcomes >socio-economic status Socio-economic background Regional differences >north-south >city school – rural schools >Finnish - Swedish
Boys (grey) and girls (brown) below or at the level 1 on reading literacy scale 2003
Effects of students’ and schools SES-background on student performance on the mathematics scale