Curriculum Review Workshop, University of Nairobi. 25th January 2016 University of Nairobi, Educational Planning Programme: Strength, Weaknesses and areas of Improvement-Alumni Perspective REUBEN MUTEGI PhD Curriculum Review Workshop, University of Nairobi. 25th January 2016
Content Course overview Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Way forward
Course overview Master of Education ( in Educational Planning) Course work and Thesis Course work comprises of 13 units (5 in educational planning specialists) TAP 507: Policies in Educational Planning TAP 542: Methodologies in Educational Planning TAP 546: Theories and Concepts of Educational Planning TAP 548: Evaluation Strategies in Educational Planning TAP 550: Communication Strategies in Educational Planning Project/Thesis Doctor of Philosophy (Thesis)
Strengths Highly trained personnel who are readily available for consultation by students Rich curriculum that grounds students well in areas of planning through relevant content Use of homegrown materials (lecture series notes prepared by lecturers who teach the course) Introduction to statistics and research methods units at formative stage of the course plays a key role in grounding students for educational planning Availability of ICT (internet) facilities, this enhances access to Educational Planning materials from national and international scholars.
Weaknesses Poor access to reference materials by students Overreliance on lectures notes by students Over emphasis on lecture method of content delivery in some units Few students specializing in educational planning Failure of the alumni to offer mentorship to continuing students
Opportunities Existence of Ministry of Education Science and Technology (planning section) Existence of Research Institutions e.g. KIPPRA, IPAR to link theory and practice Existence of other universities offering the same programme (exchange programme and benchmarking) Increasing demand for masters and PhD programmes in education by Kenyan citizens Increasing large pool of educational planners with postgraduate qualification.
Way forward Involve guest speakers in teaching and learning(Link theory with practice) Expose students to data analysis programmes (SPSS STATA) enable students to deal with real data
Way forward...... Align educational planning courses with vision 2030 and the constitution of Kenya Invite Alumni to give their success story to the students (this would encourage some to take up the course Use statistics unit ( at university level) as qualification to specialize in educational planning instead of using form four performance in mathematics
Way forward........ Involve practitioners in educational planning when reviewing the curriculum ( link academia with industries) Put emphasis on internal and external mentorship programmes for students (This would create a réservoir of human Resource incase of shortages)
Thank you